

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Posted on | August 16, 2009 | 5 Comments

  morgan ward


My heart aches for you and what misery you must endure. Be assured that this one person defends your efforts at every turn when I see anyone post negative comments toward you. I can only do so much as I am only one.

I don’t know how you have maintained your stregnth with all the adversity you have suffered by fools like Donofrio, et al. They are like you said, Johnny come lately. They have got nowhere with their minimal efforts. They have accomplished ZILCH! You are the ONLY Attorney and major player in this action to out Obama for his fraud.

I encourage and actually BEG each Patriot to denounce these fools who criticize Orly at every opportunity. When you see a comment on a blog, please stand up for all of the hard work and sacrifice that Orly has made in our behalf.

Orly, again know that your efforts are not going in vain. The ones who attack you are doing so out of their own failures. Look at the ones who attack you. Donofrio who can’t make up his mind if he wantsd to be a hippy of the 60’s or a poker player. By him being a professional wannabe poker player should prove to annyone that he lacks what it takes to be in the struggle to remove Obama. He needs to grow up and find himself in another arena.

Then there is Berg. He is a complete JOKE as a person. He has only been in for his Altered or inflated EGO and the money. Anytime he writes 2 sentences on his blog, he is finishing the sentence by begging more and more money from his useful idiots who still follow him. He has accomplished nothing in the courts.

Then you have the other minor league players like Kreep. They have nothing to offer and have not exerted one ounce of effort for this cause.

So Orly, you are the SOLE authority and leader in this struggle. it is you who have awoken so many of Obamas inelligibility. Without your hard work and dedication to our Constitution, most people would still have their head in the sand.

Thank you from the depth of my heart Orly for the sacrifices you have made. I pray God will bless your familiy abundantly for all of the suffering you have endured in our behalf.

You are the smartest, most articulate lady I have ever met. You have an enormous heart and love for each of us in whom you represent. Just remember, those that attack you are non factors. They are only trying to capture a moment worth of fame off of the grand works that you perform.

I promise to be a loyal friend to the end. I place all of my faith in you for resolving this Obama crisis. At the end of the day, it makes no difference to me the outcome. I will always know you were the ONLY Patriot and HERO in this struggle against darkness in Obama.

Thanks again Orly and May God Bless You and efforts.


5 Responses to “”

  1. Anne
    August 16th, 2009 @ 10:06 am

    Yes, very true !!!!! AMEN.. We need to keep Orly in our prayers for her and her family’s safety.

    August 16th, 2009 @ 9:09 pm


    I want you to know that I can NEVER repay you, your husband, or your dear family for all of the incredible work that you are doing to try to bring TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, WISDOM, VIRTUES, MORALITY, AND JUSTICE back into the ALL of the branches of the USA government that are unfortunately so very wickedly corrupt.

    I sent this comment to Leo’s blog under his post, “Major Cook’s Pleadings Waived Obama’s British Birth…” I doubt Leo will print my comment I sent to him on his blog. So I am sending my comment I just sent to Leo to you Orly here:

    “Starla Says:

    August 16, 2009 at 6:11 pm

    I want to send to you a comment that I read on Orly’s blog that I think you should read Leo and share with everyone:

    “NewEnglandPatriot says:

    August 15, 2009 at 2:48 pm

    I do think it’s a shame when everyone seeking the truth cannot unite and get it done. Anyone detracting from anyone else’s work or credibility is counterproductive. People who aren’t attorneys shouldn’t pretend to be.

    Glory and fame shouldn’t even be a thought. Our nation is on the verge of financial, moral and political collapse, and apparently people are worried about who will get the credit in the history books. Everything is about to go up in flames, so why should that matter?

    A large bank just collapsed today. I think there will be more. We are entering another Great Depression brought on by years of corruption in Washington but hastened by an ineligible usurper to the presidency that not one congressman had the guts to challenge. If everything goes up in flames, it will be largely their fault for their bad decisions, non-decisions, and obfuscation of the truth to the American people for many years.

    And we as citizens haven’t been too good, either. While Rome has been burning, we have been sitting in front of our widescreen TVs, watching shows laced with profanity and nudity, neglecting our constitutional duties. I do not watch TV at all, but I admit that at age 51 and looking back, I could have gotten involved much earlier in my life. I’ve been paying attention for about a dozen years now, but I should have done so from the time I entered adulthood.

    We’re not taught to do that in government schools. We’re not taught the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We never thought Congress, the Judiciary and the Executive Branch would take away our freedom. But they have, and it is in the form of an illegally elected president, Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama. What’s happened is beyond credulity, and we are living a nightmare every day that no judge seems to have the nerve to end. Perhaps Judge Carter will be instrumental in saving our nation from total ruin.

    Of course, I put my faith in God, first and foremost. No human being can do what He can do. We all need to turn back to God by falling on our knees literally and asking him for help and redemption. He knows we need it.”
    My comment:

    Hi Leo,

    GOD has given to you time on earth to use your talents GOD gave to you for GOD. Leo, WHY don’t you use your talents that GOD has given to you to be like one of our founding fathers, and create an arc of Legal Safety To Protect GOD’S PEOPLE From The Dangerous Results Of The Illegal 2008 Election that occured in America?

    If you did this, Americans can defeat Satan the Devil who is using Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama and others to attack ALL 305 + Millions of Americans in a coup d’etat that will expand and destroy billions of people in other nations!!

    Leo, in the MOST HOLY NAME OF GOD, why did you NOT send this post you wrote here in private to Orly in your wisdom to firmly and humbly advise her in your Legal Expert way Leo how she can and must attack the evil from the Illegal Usurper Barry Soetoro/Obama, and the Unconstitutional and Illegal Crimes and Actions that Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Illegal President and Illegal Commander In Chief are ALL attacking and murdering America with in front of our eyes?!

    WE THE PEOPLE can see Constantly Unconstitutional and Constant Illegal Activities coming in like a monster flood into America through Barry Soetoro/Obama, Congress, and the UnSupreme Court Evil Tyrants in Black Robes, and all through the USA Judiciary through many corrupt Judges and lawyers.

    Leo, tell me, are you the SUPREME APPOINTED LEGAL JUDGE on Orly who can say what is wrong with what she is doing publicly? Think again. Leo, this is not your job to publicly become the SUPREME APPOINTED LEGAL JUDGE on Orly. Leo, just what part of your job on earth, do you hold Leo, to judge Orly publicly?

    Leo, you should have given to Orly parts of your message posted here sincerely in private where it belongs. If you Leo, my friend, had the human courage to take on this issue as she does, you would be offering your undivided strength and help to defeat the enemies of America that are surrounding all 305 + Million Americans today at every turn. Some of the information you wrote here is important, and some of it should have been delivered in private to Orly.

    Some of your posts you hit on the nail. This post you delivered as a SUPREME APPOINTED LEGAL JUDGE on Orly in an UNWISE, UNRIGHTEOUS manner Leo.

    The Natural Born Citizen angle that you have been expounding on for over one year, because Soetoro/Obama can not and does NOT possibly Legally meet the USA Constitution’s – Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 – Natural Born Citizen – Constitutional and Legal Qualification to be the POTUS and the CIC is always faithful and always true.

    Leo, the STRONGEST way to LEGALLY ATTACK Soetoro/Obama is to strike and hit Soetoro/Obama by using his NON-STOP CRIMINAL FELONIES he is committing in Class Action CRIMINAL CHARGES against Soetoro/Obama so the Serial Criminal and Serial Usurper Soetoro/Obama has to be held publicly accountable for the Multitude Of Felonies he has committed in the past, and that Soetoro/Obama is committing every single day in the United States Of America against ALL 305 + Million Americans.

    Barack Huseein Obama II/Barry Soetoro has broken so many laws in America that it is impossible for him not to be arrested on A MULTITUDE OF FELONY CHARGES he is guilty of committing in America. By the way, Leo, LORD JESUS CHRIST stands against Soetoro/Obama.

    Leo, I do not understand why you say that you do not want to assist Orly in helping her to draft the Legal Documents to submit in court. You surely have this legal expertise and legal knowledge that could help her. So why don’t you use it to save billions of people’s lives from Obama?

    Well, Leo, you say, you’re “not a believer.” You are off target here by miles Leo. The USA military personnel that Orly is representing have guaranteed Constitutional Rights that are protected in the USA Constitution to have a Legal President and a Legal Commander in Chief sit in Our White House and govern, and sign Legal Executive Orders, and Legal Bills, and to give to them Legal Orders. There is nothing Orly is doing with Mr. Cook or in the Miliary case that is wrong.

    Leo, for the record, any lawyer could use some advice in legal document preparation and in legal procedures. Why don’t you humbly say to Orly, “Orly, I have some insight and a legal understanding about this. Can I give to you my legal insight into this? Can I advise you how to draft and write the Legal Documents that you submit? You can take what I say and use it or not, but at least you can have another legal opinion to think about in the most dangerous times of our America that we have ever been in.” Leo, if you would only do this, you would be one of our founding fathers.

    Leo, I have been hoping that you would do this for our country America. OR LEO, DO YOU WANT TO BE A SUPREME APPOINTED LEGAL JUDGE ON THE SIDELINES IN PUBLIC, INSTEAD…

    I 100% support Orly and Mario 100% and other people in their work they are doing against the corruption in our country in their work to get Soetoro/Obama arrested as the Serial Corrupt Criminal and the Criminal Usurper that Obama is who is INSANE and hell-bent to destroy America, 95% of Americans in population reduction, as well as destroy billions of other people in other countries in his INSANE coup d’etat attack.”

    Orly, some of the legal things Leo suggests should be considered. Why doesn’t Leo jump in and help Mr. Cook’s great cause, and in all of your cases with his legal help is beyond me. Orly I read your pleadings and they look great and brilliant to me. However, the law today is so corrupt in the USA that the Court Legal Documents have to be written “so specifically and just so” so they will not be thrown out of court on “standing issues” and other man-made insane frivilous non-existent B.S. issues.

    The court system today is SO CORRUPT and is more preoccupied with legal procedure than with TRUTH, RIGHTOUSNESS, WISDOM, AND VIRTUES, ORLY. I humbly we all try to round up a “dream team of Constitutional lawyers” to stand with you who will give you their legal insight and their different opinions how to Legally WRITE and Draft the most effective legal pleadings that CANNOT BE THROWN OUT OF COURT BY ANY CORRUPT & FINICKY HELL-BENT JUDGE.

    The only judge in this scenario that so far is worthy to bear the name of judge is Judge Carter. Orly the former Judge – Roy Moore – is a great constitutionalist at this time. Have you approached him to see if he will give to you his legal insight and thoughts? Let’s hope and pray Judge Carter follows through with GOD Given Godly and Holy wisdom, virtues, morals, and righteousness in your case. and does not bow his heart, spirit, and mind to human corruption, that will allow and bring the destruction of billions of people in humanity that Soetoro/Obama has planned.

    Orly, I pray that you and we, your many supporters, can find other lawyers who are Constitutionalists who would like to offer their legal opinions and legal advice to you as a “Save America and the USA Constitution Team” who will work pro bono for the love of America, ALL 305 + Million American’s, and the USA Constitution.

    Also this “Save America and the USA Constitutiona Dream Team” need to read Leo’s blog and Mario Apuzzo’s blog and court documents. Everyone can learn things from each other.

    Orly, again, thank you with all of my spirit, heart, soul, and mind for everything you are doing to try to save America from her enemies who want to murder and desecrate the United States Of America and all 305 + Millions of Americans!!

    Orly, I 100% stand together with you in all of your work you are doing for all 305 + Million Americans!! I will send to you a private email with more information I need to tell you, and my support.

  3. Diane Morris
    August 16th, 2009 @ 9:15 pm

    Is the writer of this letter Morgan Ward and, I also support what she has written about Orly. I have nothing but the utmost admiration for Orly and all the time and effort that she has put in to oust that usurper and fraudster from the White House and from destroying America.
    I’m not even an American but an Aussie living in Australia but, I am closely watching all of this that is going on regarding Obama and, in my opinion Obama and all his cronies are committing the biggest fraud that has ever been committed in America. I’ve read all about the Ford foundation and all the connections with the Dunham’s and the Geithner’s and it appears that it is through such foundations that they can hide and launder money and fraudulent activity. I am a very law abiding person and have high moral values so it is really sickening for me to know of all this corruption that is happening against the American people. But the amount of people who are behind hiding the details that would expose Obama is almost too hard to comprehend. And as Orly has written about Obama’s grandmother doing her so called voluntary work in Hawaii where she had access to records, I think it was in regard to the social security numbers. The amount of social security numbers tied to the Obama’s is unbelievable.
    Regards Di.Morris

    August 16th, 2009 @ 9:50 pm

    Correction: “The court system today is SO CORRUPT and is more preoccupied with legal procedure than with TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, WISDOM, AND VIRTUES, ORLY. I humbly think we all should try to round up a “dream team of Constitutional lawyers” to stand legally with you Orly, who will give you their legal insight and their different opinions how to Legally WRITE and Draft the most effective legal pleadings that CANNOT BE THROWN OUT OF COURT BY ANY CORRUPT & FINICKY HELL-BENT JUDGE.


    We need to get a pro bono Constitutional team of lawyers together to offer their legal opinions to Orly so Legal Documents can be drafted that no unrighteous judge can toss out of court on their evil and corrupt whim. WE THE PEOPLE need solid court documents submitted in all courts that will 100% protect the USA citizens from Obama and the collapse of the USA that is coming to the USA – if Obama is allowed to remain in illegal power!

    WE THE PEOPLE need a Constitutional team of lawyers who will brainstorm and will come up with, and DRAFT Legal documents that will not be thrown out of court for any reasons that will stop Soetoro/Obama’s dangerous coup d’etat and criminal activities immediately, and that will stop Congress’ illegal activities also! This is an enormous job, that is why it is going to take many lawyers to help. Let’s all get to work…..to save America and the USA Constitution and the American people from all of the corrupt people in the USA government!!”

  5. Anita Carter
    August 17th, 2009 @ 8:42 am

    How can you say “it makes no difference to me the outcome?” It makes EVERY difference the outcome.