

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Rick Santorum reveals on Hannity today, same things are done by Google to him as are done to me

Posted on | January 21, 2012 | 3 Comments

Today Rick Santorum appeared on Hannity today. He was saying how Google is used as a tool for the regime. For example, a number of blogs were removed, when they posted defamatory statements about Obamas, however there are multiple highly defamatory statements artificially posted at the top of the searches on Google about Rick Santorum and Google is being used a s a tool for defamation. He stated that defematory statements about him and his family were kept at the top of the searches for 10 years, and Google did nothing to stop this.

Similarly, Obama regime is using Google to defeme me. They artificially manipulate top suggested searches. When people enter my name in Google, one of the 4 top options suggested by Google is “Orly Taitz disbarred” which is highly defamatory. I am a licensed attorney. I was never disbarred. As a matter of fact the bar never took any action against me. I was never suspended or reprimanded either publicly or privately by the bar. This suggested search leads to an article by an obscure obot site “Democratic Underground”. If Google suggested  searches would have been in any way related to hits, this obscure 2009 article would have disappeared long time ago. Suggested searches on Google would have shown, what people are really searching today, what you see in other search engines, such as “Orly taitz Hawaii”. “Orly Taitz Social Security”, “Orly Taitz birth certificate”, basically what people want to know about Obama. One of George Soros’s sons is on the board of Google. For quite some time now it was shown by a number of dissidents against the establishment, that Google and other companies, which artificially were made giants, are being used by the establishment, by the regime to defame dissidents, to shape the public opinion in favor of the establishment puppets and   against the known dissidents, who exercise their right to free speech against the regime. Similarly, there is data to show that stats are bing manipulated. a number of individuals have done research, that shows that youtube stats and Alexa stats are manipulated and ranking is reduced artificially for the websites of the dissidents, to prevent them from being able to get advertisers. There is a saying:pick your battles. I can’t fight all the battles at this time, however you can. You can call Google, write to them and help me remove those highly defamatory suggested searches. You can help Rick Santorum  and others. You can expose the regime, you can visit your congressmen and demand action. advise your representatives and senators, that we have a long memory and we will remember their action or inaction during the election.

 When dissidents stood up against SOPA and PIPA Congress listened. (though it might be a temporary victory). What is most important, is to clean up our highly rigged elections. Just as the stats are manipulated, the elections are manipulated using electronic ballot counting scanners and electronic voting machines. There are a couple of website dedicated to this issue. I believe they are called Bradblog and BlackBoxVoting. Unless electronic voting equipment is decertified in the US, as it was decertified in Germany, as highly prone to hacking and rigging, we will continue having the same scoundrels in power, who are in unholy alliance with industry giants, who will further infringe upon your liberties and your economic and constitutional rights.


3 Responses to “Rick Santorum reveals on Hannity today, same things are done by Google to him as are done to me”

  1. STD
    January 21st, 2012 @ 7:18 am

    When I said “Google is the PUBLISHER and hosting provider of that content”, by “content” I meant, the “defamation entries” in the suggestion drop down box, not the search results. For example “Orly was disbarred”.

    Everybody is afraid of Google. I know you don’t eat fear Orly. Sue those bast..s!!

    Read this too:


  2. PEV
    January 21st, 2012 @ 8:51 am

    The elections are rigged now to the point that Obama will win the Presidency. Didn’t the election in Iowa suddenly lose votes that cannot be recovered? The only way to restore this Nation is Orly’s way. I can only wish that the Republican machine would get behind Orly and support her with donations and the truth. If the Republicans don’t speak up they lose anyway. Even yet today there is no coverage in the news media about the trial on Jan. 26 in Georgia. If Obama stays in power, they will take away our guns and totally destroy any group that trys to take a stand against them such as all blogs and Foxnews. I sent Orly’s “I Won” announcement out to all my contacts and some ask “why is the media not mentioning this?” I direct my contacts to orlytaitzesq.com If Obama stays in power, they will take away our freedom to the point that we won’t be able to email anything against them to anyone. I pray that Orly will prevail in Court and that arrests will begin to be made. I feel that you Orly are our only hope and thank you for your strength, courage and honor.

  3. DanFromMO
    January 21st, 2012 @ 10:52 am

    You hear of this kind of thing in Communist China.. But I have seen it for myself when searching for Santorum. I didn’t know, but now I do!

    You are amazing Orly!

    Thanks for pointing this out and what we can all do about it!

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