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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

An article about me in “Tea Party Nation’. They have 3 pages of comments within hours

Posted on | July 8, 2011 | 1 Comment

Coin Force 9/11


The American Bar Association frequently gives awards to lawyers who show a commitment to justice.  Unfortunately, the ABA is about as far left as the Communist Party, so those who usually get those awards are lawyers committed to socialism, not freedom.

Orly Taitz has waged an almost one-woman war on the eligibility issue.  She is absolutely convinced that Barack Obama is not legally qualified to be President.  She had endured insults, threats, some from Judges, fines and every roadblock the Obama regime could throw her way.   Had she been as tenacious on a similar issue with George W. Bush, she would be the toast of the legal community.

Orly probably does not want an ABA award, but she may be getting closer to something of great importance to her.  It is the “holy grail” of the eligibility movement. 

Orly Taitz may be about to get the original, type written birth certificate of Barack Obama. 

Taitz filed a Freedom of Information Act request to the Social Security Administration for information on Barack Obama’s social security number.  Obama, for anyone not familiar with it, has a Connecticut issued social security number.  You can tell the point of issuance of a social security number by the first three digits of the number.   For baby boomers, social security numbers were generally issued when they started working.  Now, it is more common to get a social security number at the birth of a child.

Obama was raised in Hawaii.  He started working as a teenager in Hawaii.  According to all available information, he never worked in Connecticut.  So how did he end up with a Connecticut social security number?

Inquiring minds want to know.  Orly Taitz wants to know.

She has now issued a subpoena for the original birth certificate.  Not the forged birth certificate Obama released to the public.  She wants the original.

Things are now going to get interesting. 

If Obama was really born in Hawaii and everything is as advertised, his lawyers can simply let the birth certificate be provided to Orly Taitz and that will end the matter.  Given the history of the Obama regime and his defense of his birth certificate, even though he has released a forged birth certificate, that is unlikely.

If the Obama regime fights this, they will file a motion to quash the subpoena.   Taitz has already received at least one favorable ruling in this case.  The news articles on the subject do not specify what the ruling was, but presumably it was a motion to dismiss the lawsuit summarily. 

Some conservatives derisively dismiss anyone who supports the eligibility issue as a “birther.”   There certainly is enough evidence out there to raise questions.  The significance of the eligibility issue is what happens if we are right.  If Obama was never eligible to serve as President, everything he did is void.  Two Supreme Court Justices, gone.  A host of Federal Judges, gone.  Every bill he signed, gone. Obamacare, gone. 

What are the chances of this happening?  Who knows?  The bigger question is, given the potential reward of undoing everything Obama has done, why any conservative dismisses the eligibility issues, as “birtherism” is simply beyond belief.

If Orly Taitz wins, she will deserve a place among the great lawyers of this country, who fought incredible odds to win justice.  The left wing American Bar Association will never give her an award for this.  But I’m willing to bet she’s not saving any space on her wall for an ABA award either.

Tags: birther, eligibility, issue, obama, orly, taitz

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Joseph H GreenbergPermalink Reply by Joseph H Greenberg 2 hours ago
Orly Taitz deserves more than name recognition for the magnificent work that she is doing. She needs financial support. Contributions can be made at her website Orly Taitz,Esquire.
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    Dr. Ronald W. CutburthPermalink Reply by Dr. Ronald W. Cutburth 2 hours ago
    Folks need to continue to donate to Orly’s expense fund at https://www.orlytaitzesq.com She is extreemly creative and should become our real US attorney General.
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      74jeepmanPermalink Reply by 74jeepman 2 hours ago
      Great, I am excited that someone is finally getting to the bottom of the deception.  I can’t understand why we have not seen her on FOX or heard other conservatives supporting her?
      tom doddPermalink Reply by tom dodd 2 hours ago

      …you haven’t seen her on FOX, because FOX is part of the cover-up…


      Donald A. TevaultPermalink Reply by Donald A. Tevault 1 hour ago
      Here’s an excerpt of Orly’s latest post at her website:


      “ObamaFraudGate and ObamaforgeryGate is 100 times bigger, than Watergate. It will not go away, it will only grow bigger and it will swallow more and more officials.  Democrat party will end up completely annihilated, if it lasts much longer. also, there is a backlash against sitting republican congressmen and senators. My feeling is,  that during the next election sitting congressmen from both parties will end up being sent home: Republicans will be sent home during the primary, Democrats -during the general election.”


      I say, you go, girl!

      Jules GuidryPermalink Reply by Jules Guidry 1 hour ago
      She’s not interested in awards, just bringing this country to sanity. I can only imagine the gyrations the left must be going through to get her subpeona squashed. Then there is the idiots in congress who allowed this president to skip the vetting process. If it comes out that he was never qualified, their careers are over, maybe in a dramatic fashion. Carted out of the capitol in a paddy wagon, headed to prison. Like that will happen.

      I have no faith in the “justice” system resolving this issue. Too many judges, etc. in the pockets of the commies.

      Carol Van SicklePermalink Reply by Carol Van Sickle 1 hour ago
      They can call me a birther if they want, but I feel that the birth certificate, if it is fraudulant, which I believe it is and it is a forgery, that is a big crime and it willl prove Obama is not eligible to be president.,  If a person is president and ineligible, just as a average citizen, I would believe that impeachment would not fit this case, that only a real president could be impeached.  During the Revilutionary War, Massachusetts governorT, Thomas Hutchinson was dragged out of the Governors mansion, tarred and feathered.  I do not recall ever reading of an impeachment proceedings, he was a British subject and last Governor of British rule.  I would rather see Obama proven ineligible now, so that in 2012, he would still be ineligible and not able to run again for office.  The birth certificate is only the tip of the iceberg, there is so much other things that we do not have to prove who he is and I would like to see the ineligible part be proven so that ALL things he has done, signed and pushed through with Executive orders be eliminated.   I applaud Orly Taitz for her tenacity and efforts to prove Obama ineligible, and though she could never run for President, she would be one great leader in our judicial system.  Perhaps she could be a replacement for at least one of Obama’s appointments to the Supreme Court…Just a thought but we need conservative and honest, hard working judges,,,,.,. and if she succeeds in accomplishing her goals, she has shown she deserves a high post and can do a thorough job.  Even if she doesn’t succeed, she has shown she has determination and is constitutionally strong, considering the regime she has been fighting against.  God Bless her,.
      Jimmy HightPermalink Reply by Jimmy Hight 1 hour ago

      Even though I don’t think he was born in the US, it really doesn’t matter when it comes to his eligibility for his father was not a citizen of the US and therefore he is not a Natural born citizen and the poster child for why we have to have a Natural born citizen as President. Minor V. Happersett (1875) Supreme court ruling set precedent for a Natural Born Citizen as a citizen born in the US of two citizens and they have always known this yet they ignore Americans and court martial heros like Lt. Col Lakin for standing up for our Constitution. Folks we are either a Nation of Laws or we are headed for the end of time and I fear it is closer than we think. God Bless Orly, I have followed her from day one and she has stood up for America where so called Americans scoffed at her. To this day they are constantly harassing her and suing her but she manages to hold her head high and continue the fight. Again God Bless Orly and all she does, keep her family safe.

      Lynda FoxPermalink Reply by Lynda Fox 1 hour ago

      Orly also holds a place or respect, and support of the REAL TEA PARTY!!!!!  She  is a true PATRIOT!!!!

      Betty Lou ButcherPermalink Reply by Betty Lou Butcher 1 hour ago
      He wasn’t born Barak Obama, and when he took the oath as Senator he said he had no other name. His passport is needed and HIS MOTHER’S. She’s the key to this whole thing giving up her citizenship than comming back to the U.S. His school trascripts, foreign student loan.  Let’s see his law degree also. People keep on about his birth ceritificate, we all know the three are fake. How can people vote for someone to the highest office and not know anything about that person. Were there really that many lobotomies done that year?

      I wish her lots of luck, He has alot of powerful communist, and Muslim Brotherhood friends who want to change America to their corrupted ways wanting him in there, they have made lots of money since he has gotten in.

      Ken BPermalink Reply by Ken B 1 hour ago
      The ironic part is Ms. Taitz is a Soviet Union born attorney intent on saving the US from a Marxist of the old Soviet Union style.  The native born Americans, not so much. 
      Jim GriffinPermalink Reply by Jim Griffin 1 hour ago
      Orly Taity One Lady TeaParty !!! One Person Can Make a Difference…—Flat Out ! Don’t Give Up!  Make flyers on Elgibility Issues; Hand out to friends,at Events, to all members of Law enforcement anyplace you may go . One Person Can Change the Destiny of Our Counrty !  Maybe Orly Taitz…Maybe You…Make up Flyers on colored paper (copy above article) do something…NOW before it is too late !!!    Go To Lowes,HomeDepot, Walmart on a Saturday Morning and put flyers on windshield wipers.  May The Lord God Jesus Christ, Lady Liberty, and Uncle Sam give Strength to each and everyone who fights for Liberty, and Freedom in This Great Nation !

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One Response to “An article about me in “Tea Party Nation’. They have 3 pages of comments within hours”

  1. Ken B.
    July 8th, 2011 @ 7:40 am

    That’s why it’s so important to continue to FIGHT, Orly. PERSIST UNTIL YOU SUCCEED!

    You’re the BEST.

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