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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

In-depth brief on Bill Clinton’s communist ties, send far and wide before Clinton’s keynote address at the DNC Obama-nominating convention

Posted on | August 4, 2012 | 4 Comments

Just Me 0 approved


The following is an excerpt from Des Griffin, a gifted writer and prolific researcher of facts [March, 1998]: “In the final analysis, the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal is a sideshow – a relatively minor distraction. Its salacious nature serves to draw away from more important issues, namely those that effect the future of the U.S. For well over three decades, the life of William Jefferson (Blythe) Clinton has followed an unrelenting pattern of personal deception, immorality, political corruption and national betrayal….Leaving the U.S. to avoid serving his country in Vietnam, went to England on a Rhodes Scholarship. As a student at Oxford, Clinton organized and led anti-American demonstrations and engaged in other leftist activities. In 1970, Bill Clinton was rewarded for his anti-American activities: he was the guest of the KGB on an all-expenses paid trip from Paris to Moscow. The October 25, 1992 issue of Rudge Pravda, the official paper of the Czechoslovakian Communist Party, carried an article titled, “Mr. Clinton Stayed with Agent of STB, Select Company.” It revealed that on his return journey from Moscow, Clinton stopped off for ten days in Prague. There he stayed in the home of Marie Svermore and her husband Bedrich Kubold.” For the sake of brevity, this family is well plugged into the Communist Party and their son, Jan, attended Oxford with Clinton. “Another interesting trip made by Bill Clinton was exposed by the Italian paper, Il Sabato, August 1992 in an article titled ‘Comrade Bill,’ where reporter Antonio Socci told of an interview he had with Clinton at the Democratic convention in NY a few weeks earlier. Clinton revealed that he had gone to Italy five years earlier to study how to solve economic problems. “I came five years ago to find out how the cooperatives, the artisan cooperatives, and the micro enterprises function. Then I went back to Arkansas and helped to put together 70 youth cooperatives.” Socci was fascinated. “Don’t tell me this communist cooperative is your economic prescription for America?” “Absolutely,” Clinton replied. Upon his return to Italy, Socci interviewed members of the Italian Communist Party and they confirmed that Clinton had in fact visited their cooperatives in 1987. One remembered the visit well, saying that he told Clinton the cooperatives were run by communists and socialists. Clinton’s response was, “No problem.” No? This can’t be real? This must be more anti-Clinton, vast right-wing conspiracy smear material! Wake Up. There is a book you must read, it’s short but to the point and one of the most documented and factual presentations I have ever seen. In this work titled SECRET, you will see the FBI documents that link Bill and Hillary Clinton to a Marxist Terrorist network [the FBI’s description, not mine]. They gave money to the IPS [Institute for Policy Studies] and have been very active in promoting their agenda: Marxism. No? Do your homework. SECRET is listed in the reference section. You’ll be amazed at how many of their current chums and White House staff came from this Marxist organization.



They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams:

10 / 25 years later: Wednesday, January 20, 1993, Washington DC

At 12 Noon, William Jefferson Clinton, becomes the 42nd President of the United States. Anyone heard the term “Manchurian Candidate”? See the Chapter 4, below, for more. But wait, the story is not over yet.

Chapter 3

Three years later: Tuesday, October 1, 1996

On October 1, 1996 I arrived to Prague for a short visit to the old country. In a magazine coincidentally available on the newsstands that day, I found a large (two large pages) article by several Czech journalists (possibly Mlady Svet?) on Hillary Clinton’s stay that summer[11]. It was an outstanding piece of journalistic investigation, completely ignored in the West. (One might ask “Why?”). The authors documented that 1. She was not there in any official capacity or on invitation by the Czech government, and 2. She was not staying in any hotels but was staying in numerous private residences. They then listed, first and last names, the hosting families. All these hosts were identified as former, hard core communists from the sixties, now out of power. Anyone heard about this in the US?

One thing we have to give her, – she clearly did stay loyal to her old college friends. It has been extensively documented (and discussed BEFORE Bill Clinton became President) how both, Bill and Hillary as boyfriend and girlfriend frequently traveled between London where Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and Moscow and Prague. Yet nobody in the Western Media seems to have connected the dots. Anyone wants to suggest an explanation?

Excerpt: ….Quote from Footnote [11]:

Clinton first used it in an address at the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty headquarters in Prague on July 4, 1996. The kicker then wasn’t a call to restore American greatness abroad, but to safeguard hard-won freedoms from the Soviet incursion. “Freedom has come, and now it is up to each of us to determine what freedom will mean,” she told the crowd in Prague. Unquote.

Thirteen years later: Thursday, January 21, 2009 to present

Hillary Rodham Clinton becomes the 67th United States Secretary of State – person in charge of the United States foreign affaires, and thus privy to all United States secrets. It is she who now negotiates with Vladimir Putin in the name of the United States. Is it reasonable to think someone in the Congress got “asleep at the wheel” during her confirmation hearings?

Chapter 4

Bill Clinton’s Russian connection[12]:


As a Georgetown junior, Clinton inherited his antiwar orientation from his part-time employer, Senator J. William Fulbright. Fulbright’s views on Vietnam had in turn been influenced by scholar Bernard Fall. Fall had an academic background at institutions linked to Chinese Communist apologist Owen Lattimore. He had recently co-authored a book on Vietnam with Marcus Raskin, cofounder of the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), which disseminated Marxist propaganda aimed to sway Fulbright and other decision-makers. Fulbright’s office was also in regular contact with Igor Bubnov, a KGB operative on Capitol Hill. President Johnson had ordered the FBI to monitor Fulbright and his staff for suspected Communist contact at the time Clinton went to work for Fulbright.

Clinton remained relatively quiet about his war views during his first year as a grad student at Oxford from fall 1968 to spring 1969. He took an activist turn in summer 1969 while seeking to avoid being drafted. During summer vacation, he worked with the Vietnam Moratorium Committee (VMC), a US antiwar group which was helping a Communist-dominated coalition called the New Mobe to organize fall protests.

Upon Clinton’s return to Oxford that fall, he and his friend Richard Stearns helped a British VMC counterpart called Group 68 organize Americans in England for Moratorium protest events. (A supplementary background profile of Group 68 follows the body of the article, exploring the group’s links to a British antiwar network centered around Bertrand Russell and Russell’s associate Tariq Ali. Russell’s network helped the North Vietnamese and Soviets disseminate anti-US propaganda through channels such as the International War Crimes Tribunal, sponsored by the Soviet front the Stockholm Conference on Vietnam.)

Over winter vacation of 1969-1970, Clinton toured Moscow, where he had been preceded by his roommate Strobe Talbott. Talbott was then translating the memoirs of former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, which had been leaked to him by Victor Louis, a KGB disinformation agent and talent spotter. Clinton and Talbott’s other roommate Frank Aller was doing similar work on the unpublished notes of Edgar Snow, an academic associate of Lattimore.

The conclusion suggests possible directions for further research, considering where additional information on Clinton’s early activity might be found in government files and other sources.


And again in the same document:


Meanwhile the KGB tried to influence Fulbright’s staff directly. In 1967, Soviet ambassador Igor Bubnov, an active KGB operative on Capitol Hill, initiated regular discussions with Fulbright’s chief of staff Carl Marcy. (After retiring from government service in 1973, Marcy would work for several organizations associated with Communist or IPS activity, including the Council for a Liveable World, the Center for International Policy, and the American Committee on United States-Soviet Relations aka American Committee on East-West Accord.)

US intelligence came to suspect Communist influence on Fulbright. In February 1966, President Johnson ordered FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to investigate whether Fulbright and other Senate critics of US policy in Vietnam were receiving information from Communists. Hoover produced a report which demonstrated a correlation between the Soviet party line and the public statements of Fulbright and Senator Wayne Morse, but without authorization for wiretaps he was unable to confirm any direct contact with Communists or foreign agents. Ordered to seek confirmation, Hoover spent the next weeks producing a 67-page review of FBI wiretap records of contacts between Soviet bloc embassies and US Senators, Representatives, and Congressional staff, covering the period from July 1965 to March 1966. Hoover continued submitting biweekly follow-up reports to Johnson through January 1968. Johnson tasked other intelligence agencies to conduct similar inquiries. In 1968 Johnson boasted that he knew within minutes what Fulbright was saying over lunch at the Soviet embassy. Secretary of State Dean Rusk conveyed this fact to Marcy, telling him, “We know every time that you or people on your staff meet with people in the Soviet bloc.”

While US intelligence was investigating Fulbright and his staff, Georgetown junior Bill Clinton joined Fulbright’s staff in summer 1966. Clinton had looked to Fulbright as a role model since high school, when he first learned that Fulbright had attended England’s Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, a career path Clinton would follow as a graduate student. He got the job with Fulbright through Jack Holt, a local politician who was supported by Clinton’s uncle Raymond. After Uncle Raymond got him on Holt’s campaign, Clinton approached Holt and expressed his interest in working for Fulbright. Holt recommended him to Fulbright’s administrative assistant Lee Williams. Williams offered Clinton a job as an assistant clerk on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

Clinton continued working for Fulbright into his senior year. According to his autobiography My Life, he worked in the document room of the committee’s offices on the fourth floor of what was then called the New Senate Office Building (later renamed the Dirksen Senate Office Building), while Carl Marcy and a few committee senior staff worked in a larger room at the Capitol Building. Clinton’s primary duty was “taking memos and other materials back and forth between the Capitol and Senator Fulbright’s office, including confidential material for which I would have to receive proper government clearance. Beyond that, I would do whatever was required, from reading newspapers and clipping important articles for the staff and interested senators to answering requests for speeches and other materials, to adding names to the committee’s mailing list.” He often read “material stamped ‘confidential’ and ‘secret’ that I had to deliver from time to time”.

According to Clinton, he adopted an antiwar position while working under Fulbright. A few months after he began working for Fulbright, he had the Senator autograph a copy of his book The Arrogance of Power, which criticized US foreign policy on Vietnam and other topics. Clinton says his antiwar orientation was also influenced by members of Fulbright’s staff who encouraged him to study the issue of draft deferment.


And Bill Clinton in Prague, from the same publication.


The delegation Clinton met sounds like it may have been related to the activities of the Committee of Liaison with Families of Servicemen Detained in North Vietnam (COLIFAM), an antiwar group formed in summer 1969 which negotiated POW exchanges in return for pro-Communist propaganda statements. However this is only informed speculation that has not been verified.

Clinton stayed in Moscow about five days. Several accounts say he left via the Soviet airline Aeroflot, but Clinton says “Nikki and her Haitian friend Helene put me on the train”.

In either case, Clinton’s next stop was Prague, Czechoslovakia, where he arrived on January 6, 1970. There he looked up the family of his Oxford friend Jan Kopold. Kopold’s family was well-connected in Czech Communist circles. Clinton received a guided tour of Prague from Marie Svermova, the widow of Czech Communist Party hero Jan Sverma, who was Jan Kopold’s grandfather. In 1969 the Kopolds ostensibly held dissident political views against the ruling regime, which had grown unpopular among reformers and student activists after the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia the previous year.

Clinton stayed in Czechoslovakia through January 12. According to his account, he then went on to Munich, West Germany to visit his friend Rudy Lowe and celebrate Faschingsfest, a Carnival Season festival with costumes similar to Mardis Gras or Halloween.


Then there is the Bill Clinton Czech Communist Connection from article by Joel A. Ruth from April 30, 1999[13].


Activities such as Clinton’s were not at all out of character for Oxford students during that period and it has been estimated that even today, upwards of 60 percent of all British professors hold moderate to extreme Socialist views. For such, the Universities had long been the home recruiting ground of the international communist movement. Its successes were exemplified by their recruitment of the traitors Kim Philby and Donald MacLean.

While Bill Clinton has never explained who paid for his trip to Moscow, he was accompanied by a friend and fellow Oxford student, Czech Jan Kopold. They were to attend a meeting of the War Moratorium Committee to be held January 2, 1970. Upon arrival, Clinton did not check into a youth hostel, but rather stayed at the Hotel National, the most exclusive and expensive one in Moscow of that time — a ritzy place usually reserved for foreign ambassadors and high-level Communist Party apparatchiks.

In today’s terms, that trip would probably cost several thousand dollars. Clinton only had his tiny $275 Rhodes stipend to live on and never held a job. Thus, it is easy to believe that this tab and the arrangements could only have handled by the KGB, which during that epoch limited no expenses in its attempts to recruit promising American students in Europe.

Clinton has also never accounted for the 11 days spent in Moscow before the actual meeting of the War Moratorium and has never revealed who paid his expenses or what he did or whom he met with during that time. However, for a tourist visiting Red Square in Moscow, a trip to Lenin’s Tomb is usually on the itinerary. For a visiting leftist, such a visit is as requisite as a Moslem’s visit to the Kabah while in Mecca. Standing before the mummy of the High Priest of Communism and Atheism on Christmas Day, for a communist, had long represented a symbolic, ritual act of contempt and abnegation of all the religious, spiritual, and ethical values which most Americans cherish.

Even more telling was Clinton’s January 4 return trip from Moscow on another Aeroflot jet. The flight terminated in Prague, then the capital of the Czechoslovakian Soviet Socialist Republic (CSSR)[14]. There, Clinton was a guest of Jan Kopold’s father, Bedrich Kopold and Jan’s maternal grandmother Maria Svermova, who was the original founder of the Czech Communist Party in the 1930s. During his visit, she took a liking to young Bill; they walked and talked. Svermova’s deceased husband was the original editor of Rude Pravo, the Czech Communist Party paper before the War.

After the Soviet-backed Communist coup of Czechoslovakia in February 1948 had disposed of Democratic President Jan Masaryk by tossing him out a window of the Foreign Ministry, Rudolf Saltzman, a.k.a. Slansky, became the new president. Karel Svab, Maria’s brother, was appointed Commissar of Secret Police and was responsible for the subsequent murders, tortures, and deportations to Russian gulags of several hundred thousand Christians, democracy advocates, anti-Communists, and even religious Jews who had survived the Holocaust. Under the Saltzman/Slansky regime (1949-1952), Maria Svermova was Secretary of the Communist Party and the Central Committee, the supreme ruling body. While the majority of Jews in pre-war Czechoslovakia were anti-Communist, the Party itself was dominated by a clique of apostate Jews who had long since abandoned the principles of their religion to embrace the False God of Marxism.

The entire Kopold clan was a significant part of the ruling Communist party elite and was responsible for those murders and deportations either by the act or as formulators of policy. In fact, 11 out of 12 Politburo leaders of the Czech Communist Party were apostate Jews who had taken refuge in Moscow just prior to the German occupation of the Czech rump state in 1939. It was easy for the Communists to seize control in 1948 without popular resistance because the Germans had confiscated all private weapons during the War.

In 1948, Saltzman/Slansky smuggled guns and explosives to Palestine to arm the Zionist organizations, the Haganah, the Stern Gang, and the Irgun to enable them to keep killing British officials until Britain became fed up and pulled out. In 1949 these gangs organized the ethnic cleansing of over one million Palestinian Arabs from their lands which were then confiscated and made an integral part of the nascent State of Israel. President Saltzman/Slansky in turn paid with his life for assisting the Zionists. Accused of harboring Jewish nationalist sentiments, which were in opposition to Marxist internationalism, Stalin sent him to the gallows in 1952.

Years later, when Clinton was President, he again flew to Moscow, this time on Air Force One, to meet Boris Yeltsin. Then, on his return flight he had the plane stop in Prague, where, besides playing the saxophone — important stuff — he went to visit the parents of his Oxford friend Jan Kopold. By then, Maria Svermova had died of old age. As for Jan Kopold, he had been killed earlier in an “accidental fall” in Turkey in 1970, becoming perhaps the first of a long string of former Clinton friends and associates to meet an untimely end. Interestingly, Clinton told the news media people accompanying him on the Prague pit stop that the Kopolds were “old friends he had long admired.” Nothing appeared in the press, however, about Clinton’s admiration for and association with this family once such an intimate part of the ruling echelon of the murderous criminal Soviet puppet government that had enslaved Czechoslovakia.


In conclusion, some open questions:

READ MORE: https://www.speak-up-now.com/soviet-active-measures/


4 Responses to “In-depth brief on Bill Clinton’s communist ties, send far and wide before Clinton’s keynote address at the DNC Obama-nominating convention”

  1. Leslie Johnson
    August 4th, 2012 @ 8:11 am



  2. queenofshina
    August 4th, 2012 @ 9:00 am

    And don’t forget that Hillary’s thesis was on Saul Alinsky!

  3. The Phoenix
    August 5th, 2012 @ 12:37 am

    Orly: I can send this out…that is if the establishment (here) doesn’t continue to “break the law” and interfer with my ability to function with trying to help SAVE America?! I got your last email, and sent you one! Did it arrive?

    I’m forever having my emails being stopped. As well as the other forms of communications being tampered with! Big Brother here is ILLEGAL!

  4. Paul Anderson Ed.D.
    October 15th, 2016 @ 1:07 pm

    One must remember: the Democrat is a student of all things Marx,as in Karl.Karl Marx was the author of the Communist Manifesto.

    The Social and Economic policies, that the Democrat Party adheres to, is of Marx and Engels.As such, the Clinton’s will continue the gradual destruction of our Capitalist system founded on God. Capitalism and God are a hindrance to the growth of both Socialism and Communism.

    The prosperity America has enjoyed is a blessing from God.Hillary’s recent attack on God and our religious freedom, will lead to the downfall of this nation, unless she looses the Presidential race.

    No ancient civilization in History, has ever survived when it’s Empire ceased to worship and honor God.The Idols that are scattered across the landscape of time,is a remembrance of it’s people that have forgotten God.

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