

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Breaking news! More criminal compicity in one of the highest courts in the nation!

Posted on | July 27, 2012 | 27 Comments


Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

29839 Santa Margarita ste 100

RanchoSanta Margarita,CA92688

Ph.949-683-5411 Fax 949-766-7603









Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ,



Michael Astrue,

Commissioner of Social Security,


Demand to withdraw/revoke unlawfully issued mandate.

Demand to investigate nefarious activity/corruption in the US Court of Appeals for the District of   Columbia

Appellant herein Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ filed an appeal of the decision by the US District Court judge Royce C. Lamberth to refuse her Freedom of Information 5USC 552 request for release of the SS-5 (application) to a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425. Taitz provided affidavits of a licensed investigator Neil Sankey, licensed investigator Susan Daniels and former Senior Deportation officer with the department of Homeland Security John Sampson  showing that this Connecticut Social Security number was issued in the state ofConnecticutto a resident ofConnecticutand later illegally assumed by Barack Hussein Obama. Obama also released his tax returns in 2010 and forgot to flatten the PDF file, whereby the full Social Security number assumed by Obama became visible to millions of people. It was indeed the Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was previously reported by the three investigators, listed above. Taitz also provided the court with evidence, showing Obama using other forged identification papers, such as a forged birth certificate, which is a circumstantial evidence confirming Social Security fraud and illegal use of a Social Security number of another, as people with forged birth certificates have to resort to using stolen Social Security numbers. Taitz argued that the application for the number in question needs to be released, as it is being fraudulently used and it is a matter of national security. Judge Lamberth became de facto complicit with Obama and denied the complaint by Taitz. Later three judge panel of this court rubber stamped the decision by Lamberth.

Taitz received the notification of the court that the final mandate will not issue until the petition  for reconsideration or en banc hearing is submitted and heard. Taitz submitted a timely petition for an en banc hearing. She also submitted a supplemental brief. In flagrant violation of its own notification of July 25 2012 some unidentified employee of this court issued a mandate before the full court had an opportunity to hear the case en banc and issue its’ opinion.

  1. I.                  Mandate is unlawful, as issued while petition for hearing en banc was under consideration and before the decision  was issued.


This court issued its’ ruling on May 31st, when it specifically issued  an order stating that the mandate is being withheld pending submission of the petition for rehearing or petition for hearing en banc. “The Clerk is directed to withhold issuance of the mandate herein until seven days after resolution of any timely petition for rehearing or petition for rehearing en banc.  See Fed. R. App. P. 41(b); D.C. Cir. Rule 41.” Exhibit 1 Order by panel Rogers, Griffith Kavanaugh.

On May 31st Taitz filed a timely petition for an en banc hearing. (Exhibit 2, Docket of Taitz v Astrue 10-5304) Before the full court had an opportunity to issue its’ decision on a Petition for En Banc Rehearing, some employee of this court went ahead and issued a mandate and violated the prior order of this court, the Appellants right for an en banc hearing and usurped the right of this court to actually issue a ruling en banc, which this court is currently considering. This appear to be an unprecedented level of corruption by some employees of this court, the second most important court in the nation after the Supreme Court of the United States. Just based on the violation of this courts own rules and standing order, an unlawful mandate needs to be nullified/ reversed. Moreover, there has to be an investigation in identifying an individual who took it upon himself to illegally issue a mandate, while the case is still before the full court and no decision was made. An individual, who engaged in such act needs to be relived of his duties of an employee of this court and needs to be criminally investigated, as this is a matter of national security. Taitz provided an undeniable evidence showing  Barack Hussein Obama usurping the U.S. Presidency while using a stolen Social Security number from a state where he never resided. A court employee, who issued such mandate is complicit in Social Security fraud, elections fraud and committed an act of treason, as he/she aided and abetted   in the usurpation of the US Presidency by virtue of use of forged and fraudulently obtained identification papers.  After an unlawful mandate issued by a clerk is nullified, this court needs to expedite the en banc hearing on the matter of Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number.

II Full court needs to expedite en banc reversal of order by Rogers, Griffith and Kavanough.

The order issued in the case by the panel of Rogers, Griffith and Kavanaugh represents a clear error of fact, abuse of judicial discretion and a judicial misconduct exposing this very court to charges of complicity with the Social Security fraud, identity fraud, elections fraud and use of forged and stolen identification papers, committed by Barack Obama, it also represents an act of treason, of a high court aiding and abetting usurpation of the US Presidency by virtue of use of stolen and forged identification papers.

Judges Rogers, Griffith and Kavanaugh confirmed the ruling by the lower court  that the Social security application 042-68-4425 should not be released as expectation of privacy exceeds the right of public to know.

“The district court correctly concluded that disclosure of the requested information “would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.” 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6).  Appellant has not demonstrated any valid public interest in disclosure to balance against the substantial privacy interest at stake. See Horowitz v. Peace Corps, 428 F.3d 271, 278 (D.C. Cir. 2005) (“If there is no public interest in the disclosure of certain information, ‘something, even a modest privacy interest, outweighs nothing every time.’” (quoting Nat’l Ass’n of Retired Fed. Employees v. Horner, 879 F.2d 873, 879 (D.C. Cir. 1989)). Order by JudgesRogers, Griffith, Kavanough.


a. This court erred in asserting that there will be an unwarranted invasion of privacy. This court wrongfully completely ignored the evidence provided by Taitz that Obama himself released this full Social Security number to the whole world, when he posted his tax returns on line, on WhiteHouse.gov and did not flatten the PDF file. The whole world could open above mentioned file with an Adobe Illustrator program and see the full Social Security number Obama is using.   At this point Obama lost any expectation of privacy. Moreover, Taitz provided the printouts from E-Verify and SSNVS, two official Social Security verification systems, which showed that this number that is being used by Obama in his tax returns, was never issued to Obama. So whose privacy are these judges protecting? A thief, who stole a Social Security number of another person does not have an expectation of privacy in a stolen number.  This argument is an assault on common sense, an insult to intelligence of 311 million American citizens.

b. Further notion by the court “Appellant has not demonstrated any valid public interest in disclosure to balance against the substantial privacy interest at stake” goes beyond an insult to intelligence of every American, it constitutes an act of criminal complicity and treason against every American citizen and theUnited States of America. As stated before, Obama released this number himself and there is no invasion of privacy and the number is not his according to E-Verify and SSNVS, but most importantly Obama is not a private individual, he is not a cleaning lady, who is cleaning toilets in the White House, he is sitting in the White House in the position of the President of the United States, he holds in his hands the lives  of millions of Americans. How can any judge in his right mind state that use of a stolen Social Security number by a person in a position of the President of theUnited States does not represent “substantial public interest”. If usurpation of the U.S. Presidency does not represent a matter of substantial public interest, what does represent it?

The answer is simple, there is no matter that represents a higher level of substantial public interest than the usurpation of theU.S.residency. The ruling is so outrageous and unthinkable that one is left to wonder, how can any judge put his name and signature on such ruling? Taitz is at a loss to begin to identify a reason for such a ruling. It seems a person has to be either completely brain dead or utterly corrupt and on the take to even suggest that there is no substantial public interest in knowing whether a thief with a stolen Social security number is usurping the US Presidency. As it typically takes some measure of brain activity to become a lawyer and a judge, the only logical conclusion, is that there was some type of a sizable consideration for these three judges to rule that there is no considerable public interest in knowing that the US Presidency was stolen by a thief with a stolen Social Security number. This is particularly shocking as Taitz submitted a supplemental brief, where she provided a sworn affidavit by Sheriff Joseph Arpaio, who announced the results of his 6 months investigation, where he confirmed findings by Taitz and found that indeed Obama is using a forged birth certificate, forged Selective service Certificate and forged Social Security number.

During Watergate over 30 high ranking officials of the U.S. Government were found to be criminally complicit and went to prison, among them Attorney General of the U.S. ObamaFraudGate and ObamaForgeryGate is at least 10 times bigger than Watergate, more individuals are being complicit in the elections fraud, Social security fraud, forgery and treason, which allowed a foreign national with forged and stolen IDs, Barack Hussein Obama, to usurp the U.S. Presidency. Taitz hopes that the rest of the judges of this court will not be complicit in these crimes and will reverse an unlawful decision.


This court should reverse/nullify a mandate issued in case Taitz v Astrue by the clerk, as it was issued erroneously and unlawfully while the full court was deliberating over the petition   for an en banc hearing and did not reach its decision yet.

The court should reach an en banc decision in reversing the ruling of the lower court and order release of the SS-5 application to the Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425, which is being illegally used by Barack Hussein Obama, even though is was not assigned to Obama according to E-Verify and SSNVS


Respectfully submitted,


/s/ Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

Appellant pro se



Certificate of Service,

I, Yulia Yun, am over 18 years old and attest that I served the above pleadings on the Defendant, Commissioner of Social Security Administration Michael Astrue through his attorney Deputy US Attorney Helen Gilbert



Yulia Yun



Chairman of House Committee on the Judiciary Congressman Lamar Smith

Chairman of the House Oversight Commission Congressman Darryl Issa

Public Integrity Unit Department of Justice

International Criminal Court Bar panel

InterAmerican court for Human Rights

UN Nations commission for civil rights defenders

Z hopest


USCA Case #11-5304     Document #1375820           Filed: 05/25/2012     Page 1 of 1

United States Court of Appeals



No. 11-5304                                                   September  Term 2011


1:11-cv-00402-RCL Filed On: May 25, 2012


ODr., Appellant



Michael James Astrue, Commissioner of the

Social Security Administration, Appellee

BEFORE:     Rogers, Griffith, and Kavanaugh, Circuit Judges




Upon consideration of the motion for summary affirmance and the opposition thereto; the motion for summary reversal, styled as a “motion for summary judgment in favor of the appellant,” which includes a request to appoint a special prosecutor; and the motion for default judgment, it is


ORDERED that the motion for default judgment be denied.  It is


FURTHER ORDERED that the motion for summary reversal be denied and the motion for summary affirmance be granted.  The merits of the parties’ positions are so clear as to warrant summary action.  See Taxpayers Watchdog, Inc. v. Stanley, 819

F.2d 294, 297 (D.C. Cir. 1987) (per curiam).  The district court correctly concluded that disclosure of the requested information “would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.” 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6).  Appellant has not demonstrated any valid public interest in disclosure to balance against the substantial privacy interest at stake. See Horowitz v. Peace Corps, 428 F.3d 271, 278 (D.C. Cir. 2005) (“If there is no public interest in the disclosure of certain information, ‘something, even a modest privacy interest, outweighs nothing every time.’” (quoting Nat’l Ass’n of Retired Fed. Employees v. Horner, 879 F.2d 873, 879 (D.C. Cir. 1989)).


Pursuant to D.C. Circuit Rule 36, this disposition will not be published.  The Clerk is directed to withhold issuance of the mandate herein until seven days after resolution of any timely petition for rehearing or petition for rehearing en banc.  See Fed. R. App. P. 41(b); D.C. Cir. Rule 41.

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General Docket
United States Court of Appeals for District     of Columbia Circuit


Court of Appeals Docket #: 11-5304

Docketed: 10/31/2011
Termed: 05/25/2012

Nature of Suit: 2895 Freedom of Information Act of 1974
Orly Taitz v. Michael Astrue
Appeal From:United States     District Court for theDistrict       of Columbia
Fee Status: Fee Paid


Case Type Information:
1) Civil US
2)United       States


Originating Court Information:
District: 0090-1 : 1:11-cv-00402-RCL

Lead: 1:11-cv-00402-RCL

Trial Judge: Royce C. Lamberth,U.S.     District Judge
Date Filed: 02/16/2011
Date Order/Judgment: Date NOA Filed:
08/30/2011 10/25/2011



01/19/2012          MOTION filed [1353593] by Michael James Astrue for summary     affirmance. (Response to Motion served by mail due on 02/03/2012) [Service     Date: 01/19/2012 by US Mail] Pages: 1-10. [11-5304] (Gilbert, Helen)
02/13/2012          MOTION filed [1358927] by Orly Taitz to permit pro se     electronic filing (Response to Motion served by mail due on 02/24/2012)     [Service Date: 02/11/2012 by US Mail] Pages: 1-10. [11-5304]
02/13/2012          MOTION filed [1358929] by Orly Taitz to extend time to file     response to motion for summary affirmance (Response to Motion served by     mail due on 02/24/2012) [Service Date: 02/11/2012 by US Mail] Pages: 1-10.     [11-5304]
03/01/2012          CLERK’S ORDER filed [1361423] denying without prejudice motion     to permit pro se electronic filing [1358927-2]; granting motion to extend time [1358929-2]; response to motion for summary affirmance [1353593-2] now due on 03/16/2012 [11-5304]
03/16/2012 INCORRECT DOCKET ENTRY-DISREGARD–RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION FILED     [1364401] by Orly Taitz to motion for summary affirmance [1353593-2] [Service Date: 03/15/2012 by US Mail] Pages:     1-10. [11-5304]–[Edited 03/20/2012 by KRM]
03/16/2012          RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION FILED [1364625] to motion for summary     affirmance [1353593-2](Reply to Response by Mail and Response to Cross     Motion due on 03/29/2012) combined with a MOTION FILED [STYLED AS     “MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT IN FAVOR OF THE APPELLANT”] by Orly     Taitz for summary reversal [Service Date: 03/15/2012 by US Mail] Pages:     1-10. [11-5304]
04/27/2012          MOTION filed [1371429] by Orly Taitz for default judgment.     (Response to Motion served by mail due on 05/07/2012) [Service Date:     04/24/2012 by US Mail] Pages: 1-10. [11-5304]
05/25/2012          PER CURIAM ORDER filed [1375820] denying motion for default     judgment [1371429-2]; denying motion for summary reversal [1364625-2]; granting motion for summary affirmance [1353593-2], withholding issuance of the mandate. Before     Judges: Rogers, Griffith and Kavanaugh. [11-5304]
06/04/2012          PETITION filed [1377943] by Appellant Orly Taitz for rehearing     en banc. [Service Date: 05/31/2012 by US Mail] Pages: 16-20. [11-5304]
06/20/2012          SUPPLEMENT [1380221] to petition for rehearing en banc [1377943-2] filed by Orly Taitz [Service Date: 06/18/2012]     [11-5304]


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27 Responses to “Breaking news! More criminal compicity in one of the highest courts in the nation!”

  1. Frank Bolivar
    July 27th, 2012 @ 11:32 am

    So where’s the Mandate? It’s not on the docket you published.

  2. arto
    July 27th, 2012 @ 12:27 pm


  3. Harry
    July 27th, 2012 @ 12:29 pm

    You mean our court system is CORRUPT-??? Is thios a surprise to anyone???

  4. jobethian
    July 27th, 2012 @ 1:40 pm

    Yes! Thank you. The criminal cover-up must STOP. Our National security is more important than protecting this one lawless imposter.

  5. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    July 27th, 2012 @ 1:46 pm

    they sent it to me by e-mail, it was sent to the district court and the district court e-mailed it to me via ecf.

  6. Frank Bolivar
    July 27th, 2012 @ 2:26 pm

    Thanks. I suppose it’ll show up on the docket at some point… perhaps even with a corrected entry.

    Then (I suppose?) it’ll be re-entered after the decision is made on your motion for a hearing en banc?

  7. birdy
    July 27th, 2012 @ 2:42 pm

    Orly. Go fuck yourself…

  8. Mark
    July 27th, 2012 @ 3:25 pm

    That’s why I burned my voter ballot. I’m the only American who will stand up and not participate in this continued fraud against the American People by voting on more criminals who just rig the system against us and pull the wool over the eyes of the ones who keep going back for more.

  9. hb
    July 27th, 2012 @ 3:37 pm

    birdy, what a wonderful little piece trash, youare!

  10. DumbBirdy Hitter
    July 27th, 2012 @ 4:05 pm

    This ILLEGAL ALIEN issue just may turn out to be another “burn baby burn” exercise as has occcured in the past here in American. This time around it will NOT be other than real Americans who will be up against the other NOT Americans who like to stay home and do pot, and collect checks and food stamps.

    This “birdy” critter hasn’t got a CLUE on how economic systems work. He or “IT” surely isn’t aware that the colonist had SOCIALISM and had to reject it because NO ONE in the colonies would produce any goods or provide any services to the colonial community members. Governor Bradford finally invented or instituted “CAPATILISM” into the social order and having done that act… the colonist produced such an enormous amount of food that they couldn’t store for lack of barns.
    This “birdy” critter believes that “IT” will get all the goodies from the White House SKUNK…but all that the “birdy” thing will get is another CUBA,N. Korea,Former Soviet Union, Venezuela, Spain, Argentina.
    HEY! “birdy” if you want to live at a level that the countries mentioned are living at, then PACK YOUR BAGS and go to anyone of them…
    AND! Dr. King would ROLL OVER in HIS grave and would SHIT on the MINORITIES who VOTED “COLOR” not LAW… in violation of Dr. King’s WORDS.

  11. Donna
    July 27th, 2012 @ 4:30 pm

    Orly, I believe these judges are covering up for someone or somthing that happened in our Gov’t in 1961.

  12. DumbBirdy Hitter
    July 27th, 2012 @ 6:49 pm

    It’s more like a SCREW UP than a cover up in the beginning.
    Hilary couldn’t bring the force to her campaign. The ILLEGAL ALIEN, true to form, followed the Trinity Church morality … like “GodDamn” America.

    The SKUNK did the same thing that Castro, Mao, Stalin did to gain power. He promised the “useful idiots” Arpege and gave them toilet water.

    The ILLEGAL ALIEN wanted to beat the system since the campaign between him and Keyes for the senate seat in Illinois.
    When the voting public began swallowing his GARBAGE, as garbage was thrown to the Cubans, his momentum brought the cover up scenario.

    Now that “he” got into office … they can’t let the cat out of the bag, else it’s JAIL TIME for members of both the GOP and DNC.

    The GOP “will NOT” do anything about the SKUNK, (black and white BTW), for fear of losing the 2012 MINORITY VOTE thereby given the SKUNK another term. The GOP didn’t do anything during the SKUNKS first run either, because they want Jindal, Rubio, Swatch??? and more to be able to become POTUS.

    The MAJOR problem is that the RATS in Congress along with the RATS at state level are AMENDING the Constitution without concurrence of 2/3 of Congress to amend and approval of the amendment by 75% of the states. The amendment would have to REMOVE “NBC” from the Constitution and we all know that the amendment would FAIL, so why try…just ignore the SUPREME law… by having ALL of governing bodies to DENY or EVADE or DISTORT or commit FRAUD to make an amendment stick onto the American public.

    The fight in the courts has to continue, more so, the American need to get into the streets in order to STOP the SKUNK from gaining a second term… that’s the story… get into the streets or suffer the misery of COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM.

  13. rob
    July 27th, 2012 @ 7:00 pm

    Hey, birdy, nice talk! You’re leader is a cheat, a thief, an impostor and of course, your hero!
    Good luck, Orly. We need more honest HONOR BOUND AMERICANS fighting the good fight. I pass this stuff on daily to the nearly a hundred and a few are the other side.

  14. The Phoenix
    July 27th, 2012 @ 10:24 pm

    Birdy: can’t grunt in full sentences?? You’re a missing link!! LOL! 🙂

  15. The Phoenix
    July 27th, 2012 @ 10:32 pm

    Donna: yeah…it was the anti-christ that happened in 1961…guess who? He was born in Burgumin, Turkey!!! Although, Jeane Dixon said he was born in Feb. 5th, 1962! Which puts our “thief in chief” in the same time frame!!! Too much info to explain here!

    Maybe that’s why he doesn’t want to (reveal) his personal records, huh?????????? That is what makes Door #3 very STRANGE!!!!

  16. The Phoenix
    July 27th, 2012 @ 10:37 pm

    Donna: yeah…it was the anti-christ that happened in 1961…guess who? He was born in Burgumin, Turkey!!! Although, Jeane Dixon said he was born in Feb. 5th, 1962! Which puts our “thief in chief” in the same time frame!!! Too much info to explain here!

    Maybe that’s why he doesn’t want to (reveal) his personal records, huh?????????? That is what makes Door #3 very STRANGE!!!!

  17. Friend
    July 28th, 2012 @ 7:10 am


  18. Lapane
    July 28th, 2012 @ 10:20 am

    Birdy, I told Orly to do the same but she just won’t listen. Thanks for that post.

  19. Henry Tisdale
    July 28th, 2012 @ 11:14 am

    Birdy, you’re pure poetry.

  20. Henry Tisdale
    July 28th, 2012 @ 11:36 am

    Hey what is this pause all about. We cannot pause for prayer or change of strategy or even a white flag from Obama. That scheiss Kopf needs to be sent directly to the Grey Rock Hotel. Damn it, we are an army with all the cards stacked against us. Keep on trucking My Captain, My Captain, I know a few card tricks myself. You have made huge progress, even if we cannot see it in writing.

    I am sending you the letter I sent to Congressman Smith, who chairs the House Judiciary committee. For once I believe I upstaged you on sending “scorching letters” to the no good bastards who still beg me for money.

    Man, how lucky can we be!!! As far as I know, we have not lost a single soldier, man or woman, in battle, and to be perfectly honest, I would not want to be in Obama’s shoes right now – especially if he includes his socks in the deal. yuk.

  21. Authenticator
    July 28th, 2012 @ 6:48 pm

    Investigation under condition of reasonable suspicion, no? Wonder the temporal future for judges et al after the end of this matter as none stand on their own two feet as it is.

  22. Leslie Johnson
    July 28th, 2012 @ 9:47 pm

    Why are most, if not all of the Courts refusing to give our great leader Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. and open and just Hearings/Trials on the merits of her cases? Why won’t they let her present all of her solid bonafied unrefuted evidence and all her expert witnesses in open and fair Hearings/Trials?

    Why are most, if not all of the Main Steam Media refusing to report on their newscasts what our great Leader Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. is doing, and how our once fair and just court system so far has failed to allow her to present her cases properly and for the most part not at all.

    How can this happen in America?

    Please America, start speaking up for Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. and what she is attempting to do.

    DEMAND, then keep DAMANDING till she is given open, just, and fair Hearings/Trials so she can present all of her solid, bonafied, and unrefuted evidence and her expert witnesses

    WAKE UP AMERICA, and start demanding before it’s too LATE!

    Once we lose our FREEDOM of SPEECH it will be too LATE to do anything!

    So start DEMANDING while you still have the FREEDOM to DEMAND!

  23. The Phoenix
    July 29th, 2012 @ 12:24 pm

    Prayer should be done every single day, without fail…without ceasing! Along with our rigteous acts of Patriotism.

  24. PhoenixRising
    July 30th, 2012 @ 4:30 pm

    That’s right, Phoenix! Stay home and pray all day the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November – God will save you!

  25. shadotrak
    September 5th, 2012 @ 9:35 am

    a message to BIRDY,

    You have chosen to lower yourself to a slang
    level. Anything you say will lower you even lower.

    so, you might want to consider learning a language for conversation instead of advocating breaking windows.

  26. Tricia
    June 27th, 2013 @ 7:04 pm

    Maybe I may not be up to legal terminology, but when they say the public’s interest? What do they want to the public to do. Go and burst down their doors? It is in my interest. They need to do the job that is assigned to them. This man sits in the White House. He is making changes against our consitutional rights and they are agreeing. Not in my best interest. Each time I think finally our judicial system WILL work. Tearfully today, it proves it does not. Even in the highest of high courts on the face of this earth. To deny the people a right to know who is determining their fate is WRONG!

  27. Tricia
    June 27th, 2013 @ 7:04 pm

    Maybe I may not be up to legal terminology, but when they say the public’s interest? What do they want to the public to do. Go and burst down their doors? It is in my interest. They need to do the job that is assigned to them. This man sits in the White House. He is making changes against our consitutional rights and they are agreeing. Not in my best interest. Each time I think finally our judicial system WILL work. Tearfully today, it proves it does not. Even in the highest of high courts on the face of this earth. To deny the people a right to know who is determining their fate is WRONG!

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