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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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 -- George Orwell

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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Body of the special assistant to the secretary of the air force found in the landfill. Does anyone know idf this homicide related to the death of airforce Brig-General Tinsley and/ or ObamaFraudGate and Lakin case?

Posted on | January 3, 2011 | 4 Comments

Body of U.S. Military Expert Is Found

Published: January 3, 2011

  • WASHINGTON — John P. Wheeler III, a lawyer and former Army officer who helped build the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, was found dead in a Delaware landfill on Friday, in what the authorities ruled a homicide.

Staff Sgt. Monique Randolph/US Air Force, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

John P. Wheeler

His death remained a mystery on Monday, with the police in Newark, Del., trying to determine where exactly the crime scene might have been. On Friday, a worker at the Cherry Island landfill in the Wilmington area saw Mr. Wheeler’s body being dumped from a garbage truck.

Mr. Wheeler seemed an unlikely person to meet such a gruesome end. He was a graduate of West Point, Harvard Business School and Yale Law School, and most recently worked as a special assistant to the secretary of the Air Force in the administration of President George W. Bush. Some accounts had Mr. Wheeler, 66, a resident of New Castle, Del., scheduled to be on an Amtrak train from Washington to Wilmington shortly before his death.

“Certainly it’s unusual,” said Lt. Mark Farrall, a spokesman for the Newark Police Department. “We have no information that he has any ties to the city, so it’s unusual he would have been discovered here, especially if he was on a train to Wilmington.”

The garbage truck that was carrying Mr. Wheeler’s body made multiple stops Friday, all within Newark, Lieutenant Farrall said, and the police have determined that the body came from a trash bin early in the route. The body had not been in the bin for very long, the police said. The truck’s first stop was 4:20 a.m.

Mr. Wheeler had been involved in a dispute over the construction of a home in his neighborhood, said his lawyer, Bayard Marin, but it was not clear whether that was part of the homicide investigation. Since 2008, Mr. Wheeler and his wife, Katherine Klyce, had been involved in civil litigation to stop the construction of a home near the parking lot of Battery Park in Old New Castle, which the Wheelers claimed was too big. The case remains unresolved in Delaware courts.

“This case has all the intrigue of a murder mystery,” Mr. Marin said. “There’s ongoing litigation, but I would put that pretty far down the list.”

The death stunned Mr. Wheeler’s friends. James Fallows, a writer for The Atlantic and a longtime friend of Mr. Wheeler, said they had exchanged e-mails over Christmas. Mr. Wheeler, a Vietnam veteran who left active military service in 1971, had dedicated his life to “making sure war fighters received their proper due from the rest of the country,” Mr. Fallows said.

“It was simply incomprehensible,” Mr. Fallows said of the killing. “Having been in touch with Jack so recently, and associating him with worthy policy debates, it was almost impossible to register a news story that began ‘Body was found in a landfill.’ ”

Mr. Fallows described Mr. Wheeler as “a very passionate person, someone who threw himself fully into things he cared about,” and said his most significant accomplishment was pushing through the memorial wall.

As chairman of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund from 1979 to 1989, Mr. Wheeler relentlessly sought financing and political support for the project, which is now acclaimed but was controversial when it was proposed.

“Jack played a crucial role in keeping the whole thing going,” Mr. Fallows said. “It was a long, fraught process with many people criticizing him, but he kept at it.”


4 Responses to “Body of the special assistant to the secretary of the air force found in the landfill. Does anyone know idf this homicide related to the death of airforce Brig-General Tinsley and/ or ObamaFraudGate and Lakin case?”

  1. jcm52
    January 4th, 2011 @ 5:47 am

    Yes, people know, and no, it isn’t.

  2. Kathy M
    January 4th, 2011 @ 5:53 am

    This is more than interesting. I have read this story on at least 4 other news sources in the last 12 hours, and your source is the first to call him a military expert. All of the other news sources simply called him a former Bush adviser. Why the “dumbing down” of the news articles?

    My heart goes out to his family. I would have to say that he knew information that someone did not made public. Special assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force is a whole other ballpark, especially during the 9-11 crisis. I can’t help but wonder if he knew something on the recent missile launch off the coast of California.

  3. John
    January 4th, 2011 @ 5:11 pm

    I haven’t seen any coverage that didn’t mention his military background, and the fact that he was a consultant for a defense contractor. He was also one of the founders of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and a driving force behind the Vietnam War Memorial. His wife owns a company that imports silk from Southeast Asia. Without engaging in idle and baseless speculation (like Orly), it’s impossible to guess what might have happened here.

  4. Phil
    January 4th, 2011 @ 11:26 pm

    John:…just had to “take a shot” at Orly, didn’t you? How “petty”! Orly just asked a question…! Why is that “baseless” speculation? She owns the site! So why not understand that and just “grow up!”

    Your post was half-way decent, until that last part! And that just shows a lack of “respect” for her!

    Where’s your site? Want us to come to that site, if you get one started, and take some “digs” from Patriots? No, I’m sure you wouldn’t! Can you see the “big picture?” And that is:…how do we end this treason?

    Just be a little more judicious in your assessment of your comments. She doesn’t need to read “negative” posts! Use the “Golden Rule” towards her, when you post!

    Davey Crockett…

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