

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
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29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

I don’t know whether these reports are true. Did Caprio really say “take this presidential endorsement and shove it???” If that is the level of respect coming from the Democrats, what can you expect from the Independents and Republicans? Are Michelle, Iranian Valerie Jarett and granny Robinson really running the show? We might be in more trouble, than we thought

Posted on | November 11, 2010 | 5 Comments

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 Reply |Charles Jones III
show details 5:00 PM (7 minutes ago)

Interesting. Where there is smoke there MAY be fire.

—– Forwarded Message —-
From: “Sent Thu, November 11, 2010 2:10:55 PM
I don’t know where this originated or it’s truthfulness but it is
interesting reading anyway.  Stan
         President Obama was urged by the few White House insiders from whom
he still takes advice to leave the country on his ten-day Asian trip, his
longest trip abroad since becoming president, in order to not inflict any
more damage to the Democratic Party in the wake of one of the worst
electoral defeats for the party of an incumbent president in recent history.
According to sources close to the White House, who put themselves in great
danger by even talking to members of the media, the plans to have Obama
leave for a visit to India, Pakistan, Indonesia, South Korea, and Japan are
an attempt to get Obama out of the country while top Democrats can sort
through the political disaster created for the party by Obama’s increasingly
detached-from-reality presidency.

        Virtual political guerrilla warfare has broken out between Obama’s
inner circle on one hand and senior Democratic officials, including outgoing
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Party strategist James Carville,
former Demcratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, and,
behind-the-scenes, Vice President Joe Biden and former President Bill
Clinton, on the other.
        Top Democrats are still reeling from Obama’s bizarre behavior at a
$7500-a-plate fundraiser at a stately mansion at Brown University in Rhode
Island on October 25. The fundraiser, organized by the Democratic
Congressional Campaign Committee, was supposed to highlight Democratic Party
unity. However, while Obama endorsed Democratic House candidate David
Cicilline for outgoing Representative Patrick Kennedy’s seat, the president
failed to endorse Democratic gubernatorial candidate Frank Caprio over
Republican-turned-independent former Senator Lincoln Chafee. Obama’s lack of
an endorsement for a Democrat over a former Republican prompted Caprio to
tell a radio show host that Obama “could take his endorsement and really
shove it as far as I’m concerned.”
        Later that day, Obama briefly appeared at the fundraiser at Brown
University, where Democratic loyalists paid $7500 to hear Obama speak, but
departed after only twenty minutes, telling the assembled guests that he had
to go back to the White House to “tuck in my daughters, walk the dog, and
‘scoop the poop.'”  The Democratic faithful were appalled and shocked at
Obama’s quick departure and one of the three reasons he gave for it: to
scoop up dog turds as if the President of the United States actually
performs such tasks with a phalanx of White House staff and Secret Service
agents at his disposal.
        Vice President Biden knows too well about Obama’s lack of attention
to his daily tasks of being president. The details of the fiasco at Brown
soon were conveyed to Biden by his two old Democratic Senate colleagues from
Rhode Island: Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse. Biden was not amused about
Obama’s dissing of the Democrats in Rhode Island. A week later, Chafee
defeated Caprio for the Rhode Island governorship, thanks largely to Obama’s
less-than-neutral stance in cutting a secret deal to support Chafee against
        White House leaks about the ineffectiveness of Obama’s presidency
are expanidng beyond the revelations attributed to a former high-level Obama
administration insider and which have been reported by a blogger named
“Ulsterman.” Some White House staffers have described a “reign of terror” in
the White House over continued leaks and a troika of leadership that is
making decisions without any input from the president. The troika reportedly
consists of First Lady Michelle Obama, presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett,
and the president’s mother-in-law, Marian Robinson, who resides in the White
        Not to be deterred, some White House staffers have sought out
journalists and have arranged to meet them at nearby Starbuck’s cafes to
discretely convey to them inside information about the current disarray
within the Obama administration. Some staffers have personally born the
brunt of Obama’s temper and witnessed his extreme narcissistic behavior. WMR
has also learned from White House sources that Obama is taking presciption
anxiety medication.
        Vice President Biden, under intense pressure from some Democratic
Party officials and Cabinet members to invoke Article 25, Section 4 of the
Constitution and have Obama temporarily or permanently removed as president
because of his mental incapacity to fulfill his constitutional oath as
president is reluctant to take such drastic action. Biden feels that the
country would “become unglued” after such action and he doesn’t want to be
the one who would be responsible for “picking up the pieces,” according to a
source who works within Biden’s office.
        Some staffers have said on deep background that the revelations by
the ex-White House official to “Ulsterman” are not even half of the story
about what is actually occurring in the White House.

        However, Biden and other Democratic and adminstration do believe
that if Obama were to  display some of the same reckless behavior publicly
as many White House personnel have witnessed privately, there may be wide
support for enactment of the provisions of the 25th Amendment.

        Such a public display by Obama that could trigger succession action
might involve a public outburst, including the use of foul language or a
statement that Obama believes there is a conspiracy against him.

        On October 5, Obama was addressing Fortune magazine’s “Most Powerful
Women” summit in Washington, DC. During the middle of Obama’s speech, the
presidential seal fell off the podium. Publicly, Obama took the incident as
a joke, but WMR has learned from White House insiders that Obama went on a
tirade after the incident, accusing White House staffers of purposely not
anchoring the seal to the podium. The White House supplies all the podiums
and seals at all presidential addresses and the seal is usually
well-anchored with four screws affixed to the podium. Obama reportedly
“freaked out” and accused White House staffers of engaging in a conspiracy
against him. The presidential tirade over such a trivial matter was not lost
on senior administration officials who have witnessed Obama’s lackadaisical
behavior during the consideration of much weightier issues, for example, the
war in Afghanistan.
        Although some observers believe African-Americans would react
negatively to the invocation of the 25th Amendment, WMR has learned that
members of the Congressional Black Caucus would reluctantly go along with
such a move. Many in their ranks, including outgoing House Judiciary
Committee chairman John Conyers (D-MI) were outraged over Obama’s lack of
interest in Haiti after that nation’s devastating earthquake. For many black
caucus members, it was their first indication that there was something very
wrong with Obama and his grasp of reality.
        With Obama intent on running for re-election and seriously
considering sending White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs to the
Democratic National Committee (DNC) to replace former Virginia Governor Tim
Kaine, the potential Democratic challengers to Obama in 2012 are beginning
to stir. WMR has learned that former DNC chairman Howard Dean is seriously
considering a challenge to Obama as is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
who will reportedly depart Foggy Bottom after Defense Secretary Robert Gates
leaves his position, possibly in January.
        Several top Democrats consider Obama’s chances to keep the White
House in 2012 as slim and they find it fanciful that White House policy
adviser David Axelrod is moving back to Chicago to work on Obama’s 2012
re-election campaign, an effort many Democratic officials find a “fool’s
        Obama also is disengaged from the plight of his former Senate
Democratic colleagues in the wake of their near loss of the Senate with a
much-reduced majority. There is pressure on Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid to step down as Majority Leader. However, Charles Schumer (D-NY), who
has been mentioned as a replacement, reportedly has let it be known that he
will not carry Obama’s water as Majority Leader and may not want the job
after all. The Majority Whip is D. Durbin (D-IL) but he is seen as part of
the Obama Chicago Mafia and almost every Democratic senator agrees on one
thing: they do not want Durbin as their Majority Leader. Obama, the titular
head of the Democratic Party, has refused to weigh in with any effective
leadership as congressional Democrats pick up the pieces and lick their
        Meanwhile, a team of ex-CIA officers are traveling the globe
assembling a dossier of documents on Obama’s past, including his education,
passport, travel, and residency records. The team has scoured Kenya,
Indonesia, Pakistan, and other countries collecting documents that are not
already mantained in the CIA’s own files on Obama’s past. There is a
possibility, according to WMR’s sources, that any “smoking gun” documents
may be released while Obama is in Asia in order to elicit a public and,
perhaps, irrational enough response from the president to prompt the public
to begin raising questions about Obama’s suitability for office. Such an
incident would make it easier for Biden to begin  the succession process
that was previously considered when President Richard Nixon was drinking
heavily and taking prescription medication during the final days of his
administration, twice during the Ronald Reagan administration — after his
attempted assassination and in 1987 when he demonstrated early stages of
Alzheimer’s Disease, and during the Bill Clinton administration, when
Clinton’s self-destructive sexual antics had Vice President Al Gore
considering taking similar steps.


5 Responses to “I don’t know whether these reports are true. Did Caprio really say “take this presidential endorsement and shove it???” If that is the level of respect coming from the Democrats, what can you expect from the Independents and Republicans? Are Michelle, Iranian Valerie Jarett and granny Robinson really running the show? We might be in more trouble, than we thought”

  1. Kathy M
    November 12th, 2010 @ 6:53 am

    With everything I have read and found on the net these last several weeks makes me believe that there is a HIGH probably that yes, this is true. Obama has repeatly been reported as not thinking/acting like a leader. So, I would think that someone else is currently puting out statements under the White House authority to make things look like “business as usual”.

    Consider this; Granny Robinson is the lady who was acting like a “witch doctor” in the White House. Fox News website has reports out this morning about all of the Muslim Criminals that have been to daily “prayers” at the White House. These people are known as terrorists everywhere in the world. Obama has canceled the Christian day of prayer, but practices the Muslim religon in the White House. Gibbs is reported by the “WH insider” as the next person leaving. Obama has been all over the globe telling the world that America is not a Christian Nation and the US is not his “home country”. My point is that God will NOT BE MOCKED!! Obama has done nothing but mock God even before taking the White House. God is standing up for this country to stop the evil. We Christians are very serious about taking this country back. And yes, America is still a Christian Nation and was founded on Christian principles.

    In order to do “damage control” the Democrats sent Obama on a long, highly expensive trip out of the country. They did not think/care about the logistics and the cost involved to the US taxpayers. If that is the best “damage control” they can do, they are in dire straits!! They must still be inhaling.

    In all of this, for them of think of removing Obama in this manner may possibly be a way of them to save themselves from being implicated in the crime of covering up the fact that Obama did not qualify to ever hold the office of President. It also may be a way for Obama to avoid Criminal and/or Treason charges.

    I was brought up to believe to stay on the side of truth, rightenous law (Constitution) and not to waiver in the face of adversity. We all know Obama is not fit/qualified to hold the office. But for the country to see him AVOID prosecution for his crimes and Treason would be even more difficult. Where would that also leave LTC Lakin and others?? The Constitution would still be trampled on, a new precedent would have set for the office of President, and Biden, Pelosi & Hillary would have avoided prosecution also. The Obama’s and/or anyone else would still be able to keep the money they have stolen/laundered from the US taxpayers while positioning themselves for a 2012 Presidential Run.

    We all need God’s wisdom more then ever now for the choices.

    God Bless

  2. Michelle
    November 12th, 2010 @ 7:19 am

    Dear Dr. Orly this came over our news the other day, 6th largest school system locked down for 4 hours, had to be scary for all the parents, children and teachers. Anyway I am forwarding this to you, I think you may find it interesting in more ways than one. Will the search find some of the people that have been threatening you for over 2 years now, seems to me you have been begging to have FBI investigate but got nowhere??? I hope you find this informative.
    School Lockdown, Radio Talk Show Host, Elected Officials
    At the same time that Lt. Col. Allen West and radio talk show host Joyce Kaufman were in the crosshairs of the liberal left media on Wednesday, the entire Broward County School system (the 6th largest in the nation) was put on lockdown due to an email and telephone threat made to the radio station Joyce Kaufman works for, WFTL850:
    “Pembroke Pines police investigators had help from the U.S. Marshals, FDLE and the FBI, and the Secret Service,” the police captain said.
    Investigators traced both the electronic message placed on radio station WFTL’s website and the call from the phone, work that was “very, very complicated and complex,” Rakofsky said. “There were many phone numbers associated with the phone. There are switching stations and servers and it’s a complicated thing to investigate.”
    Federal agencies have taken the lead in the investigation, Rakofsky said.
    “There is no connection to Pembroke Pines at this point,” he said. “The person of interest is located outside the tri-county area.”
    He complimented the prompt collaborative effort of local, state and federal agencies involved.
    “The federal agents have been instrumental and pivotal,” he said. “Not to mention the fact that there are probably many more charges that could be brought federally than at the state level.”

  3. Leonard McCauley
    November 12th, 2010 @ 11:39 am

    All of the people mentioned plus many others r Guilty of the highest level of Treason & Sedition…This is a Conspiracy & should be dealt with by Hanging or Firing Squad.

  4. Phil
    November 12th, 2010 @ 12:40 pm

    Orly:…Kathy wrote a good post. But if Obo doesn’t come back, then, go after him in that world court and crucify him! But are we going to be so lucky as to have him (stay away!)?

    And with the phone call by Hippy Biker, that sort of ticks me off! We must all begin to think in terms of “self-defense” here! If they don’t start to do their jobs, then, what choice are they giving us?

    And I’ve got the info from NewsMax.com that discusses (in part) that Obama says that “he ‘doesn’t plan’ to be re-elected!!!!” So…let’s keep an “Eagle-Eye” on what happens with the (R) House and then, begin to make some plans on what has to be accomplished.

    And I hope that the “supremes” will be more favorable now to investigate the entire matter? With a very strong (R) House, things will become different from now on!

    Davey Crockett…

  5. John
    November 12th, 2010 @ 10:18 pm

    He wanted Obama to campaign for him and Obama refused so he said publicly Obama can take his endorsement and shove it. Although Obama never officially endorsed Caprio.

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