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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Corruption in TN-Sex Crime related. Why there is no international action against Somali pirates and sex trafficers?

Posted on | November 9, 2010 | 4 Comments

Corruption in Tennessee – Sex Crimes related?
 Reply |Ms Miki Booth
show details 6:05 AM (29 minutes ago)

This Saturday is REMOVE OBAMA DAY. Rallies will be held in cities and towns across the nation including Tennessee’s corrupt Monroe County.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Corruption in Tennessee – Sex Crimes related?
Maybe we need to ask US Attorney Jerry Martin about his concerns with deplorable human rights violations by Sheriff Blevins?
“Trafficking children for sex is intolerable and the Department of Justice will aggressively enforce trafficking and other laws to eliminate these types of deplorable acts,” said US Attorney Jerry Martin.
Somali-American gangs targeted in child sex crimes bust
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 AFP/File – A transport container painted to illustrate the brutal and harrowing experiences of women sold into the …
– Mon Nov 8, 6:42 pm ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) – Twenty-nine people were facing charges related to trafficking Somali and American girls for sex, US officials announced Monday.
Authorities were in the process of arresting the defendants in Minnesota and Tennessee for allegedly sending girls, some younger than 13, from the Minneapolis area to Nashville, Tennessee for sex between 2000 and 2010. Authorities also said one 18-year-old was sexually assaulted.
“Trafficking children for sex is intolerable and the Department of Justice will aggressively enforce trafficking and other laws to eliminate these types of deplorable acts,” said US Attorney Jerry Martin.
“As shown here today, law enforcement agencies at every level will come together to bring the full force of justice to bear on individuals who choose to profit by victimizing innocent children.”
The defendants are all alleged to be associated with interconnected Somali-American gangs: the Somali Outlaws, the Somali Mafia and the Lady Outlaws.
The sex trafficking offenses carry a penalty of not less than 15 years to life in prison.
The defendants are also charged with obstructing the investigation, lying to a federal grand jury, stealing a car and making 231,000 dollars in false credit card charges over one year.
“Human traffickers abuse innocent people, undermine our public safety, and often use their illicit proceeds to fund sophisticated criminal organizations,” said Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director John Morton.
“ICE is committed to bringing these criminals to justice and rescuing their victims from a life in the shadows. We will continue to fight the battle to end human trafficking both here in the United States and around the globe.”


4 Responses to “Corruption in TN-Sex Crime related. Why there is no international action against Somali pirates and sex trafficers?”

  1. Yephora
    November 9th, 2010 @ 10:30 am

    This is just one more tragic consequence of America’s out of control immigration policy. What are all these Somalis even doing here?? How did they get in? Will they now be deported?

    The story is sickening enough; worse it was committed by third world trash PROBABLY HERE ILLEGALLY.

  2. Chum Lee
    November 9th, 2010 @ 1:39 pm


    what is your basis for assuming they are probably here illegally? Most Somali’s come here on asylee or refugee visas. There has never been a major issue with illegal Somali immigrants.

  3. Yephora
    November 9th, 2010 @ 7:46 pm
  4. Phil
    November 9th, 2010 @ 11:46 pm

    Wow, Orly! I can’t believe Chum can’t see the tree for the forst!! So let’s see:…these 3rd world types are members of Somali-gangs? OMG! How is it, Chum, that you could possibly consider the “remote possibility” that any of these “psychotics” could be “legal immigrants?” Brrrrrr…!!!!!

    Do you honestly think that “any” human that could pull this (such as a foreign person) could’ve come here and had gone through the full process of becoming a “legal” immigrant, then, to decide to go out and resort to this extreme “low-life” activity? What exactly are you “sniffing?” Who thinks like this, other than a “lefty”…? Geez-us!

    If they’re Somalis…and they’re here…I’m betting that they came through the “portal” called our “Southern Border”! Anyone who’s involved with this type of “abnormal behavior” is (NOT) going to be “legal”!

    It’s been reported over time, that not only Mexicans have come into America, via the southern border, but people of other nations. Who have only one (1) thought in mind:…let’s destroy America! Everyone who is involved (especially a foreign national) should be prosecuted to full extent of the law, then, deported PERMANENTLY!!!

    Thank God for Jan Brewer and others. Now, I understand that Missouri has even “tougher” laws relating to “illegals” than Az!

    And that there are no “illegals” in Missouri!!! So…only “illegal trash” would think with demented minds, to be so evil and insane to think they could actually get away with this for “how long” in America?

    Now we will see how serious the FBI really is to do some actual work to help this nation? These people are “possessed!” May the FBI be very successful to help these kids!

    Davey Crockett…

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