

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Why Democrat party hates Republican women, and what should Republican women do about it?

Posted on | October 7, 2010 | 2 Comments

If you were to analyze prior elections, you would see that men were Republican stronghold, women -Democrat stronghold.

In typical families men were the ones, who worked and earned the living for the family. Women had more time for charity work, were more likely to identify with typical Democrat causes and push for aid for Africa and aid for animal rights and environmental causes and so on.

However, the times have changed. As a handful of billionaires, controlling the Democrat party and it’s lackeys in the liberal main stream media  pushed to move manufacturing to China and other third world countries, suddenly American men lost their jobs and American women suddenly found themselves in a need to fend for themselves. Recent statistics show that less men are willing to get married and if and they get married, it is later in life. When they do get married, they expect their wives to  work and help pay the bills. Suddenly American women are less concerned about equality with people in Africa and about the effect of  the oil pipe in Alaska on a polar bear, they are more concerned about getting a job and paying their mortgage and possibly losing their family home. Now they are livid about Obama squandering trillions of dollars and bankrupting the country with 2.5 trillion dollars of debts incurred in less then 2 years. Now they want the bums out.

As a result  it seems these days more women are running for office as Republicans and voting for Republicans.  They are telling Obama, Pelosi and Reid- you are insain, you can’t spend yourself out of debt. Suddenly democrats are losing their base and they are angry. They lash out and you see attacks on Sharron Angle, Christine O’Donnell and on me. those attacks don’t work.

Lately Sharron Angle surged in the polls. She gained 4% in 2-3 days.

There is more to be done. A couple of days I got a letter, asking me to become a gold member of Bush center and library. My answer is- now it is not the time to donate to Bush Library. Laura Bush should step up for the team and help Sharon Angle, Linda McMahon and Christine O’Donnell.

Bush twins should be on the trail, particularly in NV, WA, DE, CT, NY telling young voters-it is cool to be a Republican.

Mary Cheney should be campaigning, telling voters that the Republican party is a party of inclusion, not exclusion.

Elizabeth Dole should come out of retirement and help these women candidates.

I remember last spring my youngest son had to take AP exams. He is a champion rower and I told him to skip a couple of practices, while he is taking exams. He told me that he cannot do this and let his team down. He and his team got up at 5am and practiced early in the morning in order to for him to take the exams after the practice. If a 17 y.o kid can understand the team work, so should the leadership of the party. I can see Eric Cantor and Mike Pence doing an amazing job organizing House Republicans, but I don’t see the same push from the  Senate Republicans and from retired luminaries.

Dennis Hastert, Bill Frist, Newt Gingrich can and should come out of retirement and help new candidates on the bubble.

Now it’s the time for the Jewish -Republican coalition and Jewish Policy Center to step up. Arie Fleischer needs to go to the synagogues in NV, NY, DE, CT, WA and keep reminding each and every Jewish voter, how shortly after inauguration Obama issued an executive order  to give $900 to Gaza, which is ruled by the radical terrorist organization Hamas, which announced war both on U.S. and Israel. At the same time he cut the benefits for U.S. veterans by $500 million. Remind them, how he redirected millions of NASA dollars to Muslim outreach. Ask them if they want one like  Major Hassan (Fort Hood shooter) in charge of NASA satellite codes.  We are in the midst of a coup d’etat, a takeover, and it has to be a team effort to stop it. Please, call your representatives and Senators and demand that they step up for the ones, who are on the bubble  particularly Sharron Angle NV and Dino Rossi WA.


2 Responses to “Why Democrat party hates Republican women, and what should Republican women do about it?”

  1. Kathy M
    October 7th, 2010 @ 1:20 pm

    Remember “Women’s Lib Movement”? What is a mystery to me is that the women who backed this movement were all Democrats. Well, fast forward to today when we have Shari Law and the Muslim movement with their dreadful treatment of women, yet NO, NONE, NOT ONE woman is speaking up about this problem.

    I suggest that the Republican women remind the Democrats of the progress women have made in this country (in the last 75 years) and point out that women are in danger if Shari law is allowed to exist in this country. Further state that the Constitution is the only law we should uphold.

  2. MRR
    October 8th, 2010 @ 2:13 pm

    The Luminaries in the Republican party will not support Conservative Republicans because for them to do so, would be voting themselves out of power. The Republican Luminaries and the Democrats have had the same agenda for many years. They want to continue with the game they have been playing with the American people. Heads they win, tails we lose. They have controled the primary elections and given us a choice of two evils. The American people are waking up. There are still too many Republicans that are not seeing clearly what the agenda has been.

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