Here are my reasons for believing that the Supreme Court will uphold the firing of thousands of federal employees
Posted on | March 13, 2025 | No Comments
Supreme Court’s decision in Elgin vs. Department of Treasury in 2012. In a 6-3 decision, the justices said a fired employee did not have a right to sue in federal court over his dismissal for failing to register for the Selective Service. The states or any other groups have no standing to sue the Federal government and demand rehire of federal employees because of loss of tax revenues, just as they cannot sue private businesses and demand rehire of employees due to loss of tax revenues. I believe that the courts of appeals or ultimately the Supreme Court will rule that the US government can fire large numbers of federal employees, particularly when this nation has a 36 trillion debt, the largest debt in human history.
The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 created an administrative agency inside the government to hear complaints from federal workers who say they have been wrongly demoted or discharged. And the Supreme Court said this agency provides the “exclusive forum” to decide those claims, not an independent federal court.
As of January 2025, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 7.7 million job openings.
Fired federal employees have 7.7 million other jobs waiting for them
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