

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
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In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

13 Attorneys General join Orly Taitz in suing over legality of health care reform

Posted on | March 23, 2010 | 15 Comments

This came from Newsbroke True/Slant,

Michael Roston, a Marxist, Obama regime devoted fan reporter, no friend of mine, has written “Faster than the speeding trial lawyer, ie 7 minutes after President Obama signed it into law, Republican Florida attorney Bill McCollum announced that he was leading 11 additional” …Attorney Generals…””to sue the federal government over the legality of the federal health care reform over the legality of the health care bill’s mandate.”

  as quoted AP “Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum is taking the lead and is joined by attorneys general from South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Michigan, Utah, Pennsylvania, Alabama, South Dakota, Idaho, Washington, Colorado and Louisiana.”

He writes that then he discovered a post from Monday written by one Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ, also known as the “birther queen.”.

“My first amended complaint including the cause of action adjudicating Healthcare bill null and void was entered on the docket by the clerk of the court today”

He continues writing “That’s right! These politics-via-the-courtroom prosecutors were beat to the punch by Orly Taitz, Esq., DDS” 

He then claims that suing federal government over a law that’s literally just been signed is the kind of impeachable malfeasance of duty. Oh Really?! Was Michael Roston taught  a story of a certain pharaoh, who ordered to kill all first born   children of a certain tribe? This event will be commemorated on March 29th, in the evening, it is called Passover. Would it be an impeachable malfeasance of duty not to follow this law? Imagine  hypothetically, a law signed today that would demand an abortion of every firstborn or better yet a castration of every brain dead reporter, who has no respect for the law or Constitution. Would it be an impeachable malfeasance for me to try to stay such law and adjudicate  it null and void? If it is an impeachable malfeasance of duty, I say we should put reporter Michael Roston at the head of the line to implement the law. Who will second my proposal?


15 Responses to “13 Attorneys General join Orly Taitz in suing over legality of health care reform”

  1. tina frost
    March 23rd, 2010 @ 6:46 pm

    It’s about time Orly,that someone that could speak out got some backbone besides you. If this fraud isn’t stopped soon,we all know what’s coming.

  2. Florence Stone
    March 23rd, 2010 @ 6:58 pm

    Way to go, Orly. Keep on fighting. Millions of Americans like myself are behind you with as much financial support as we can eke out in these terrible times.

  3. Megan
    March 23rd, 2010 @ 8:23 pm

    Honestly, Orly you are my hero! Your are incredible. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  4. Jim Suiter
    March 23rd, 2010 @ 10:41 pm

    I`m hoping and praying that you can find
    a honest judge who not on the take.

  5. Jim Suiter
    March 23rd, 2010 @ 10:51 pm

    I just hope and pray that you can find a honest judge. There seems so many of them are on the take. I`ll second your proposal…..

  6. kenneth
    March 24th, 2010 @ 11:08 am

    Is there an honest judge anywhere in America?
    As time goes on I seriously doubt it.

  7. Thomas
    March 24th, 2010 @ 11:25 am

    I seen on the news ( #9 , I think ) Last night , that the Obama team is going to use a part of the U.S. Constitution that gives the President Executive Power over any State , So they say they will win with The ” U.S. Constitution ” Then I say bring on the Whole U.S. Constitution !! Let us examine the Eligibility part to see if the Bill is even Legal !!!
    Legal definition of Natural born Citizen, this is the
    U.S. Supreme court ruling late 1700’s early 1800’s and
    Still is to this day “A child born on U.S. Soil to
    Parents [meaning two (2)] not owing foreign
    Allegiance to any other country “OBAMA does not
    Qualify [his dad is from Kenya, Non U.S. Citizen], therefore he is not
    Constitutionally the Legal President!!!
    (1) Obama is not a natural born Citizen, because of the fact of his Dad being a non U.S. Citizen therefore the most that ” OBAMA ” could be is a ” Native ” Citizen ” that would be The 14th amendment,[ the 14th amendment states any child born on U.S. soil is a Native Citizen of the United States regardless of the status of the parents , but not a Natural born Citizen ](Even if “OBAMA was born in Hawaii) OBAMA’S Legal status is seriously in question, then why would that not have standing in Federal court, because is the bill Legal?

  8. Thomas
    March 24th, 2010 @ 11:54 am

    I seen on the news ( #9 , I think ) Last night , that the Obama team is going to use a part of the U.S. Constitution that gives the President Executive Power over any State , So they say they will win with The ” U.S. Constitution ” Then I say bring on the Whole U.S. Constitution !! Let us examine the Eligibility part to see if the Bill is even Legal !!!
    Legal definition of Natural born Citizen, this is the
    U.S. Supreme court ruling late 1700’s early 1800’s and
    Still is to this day “A child born on U.S. Soil to
    Parents [meaning two (2)] not owing foreign
    Allegiance to any other country “OBAMA does not
    Qualify [his dad is from Kenya, Non U.S. Citizen], therefore he is not
    Constitutionally the Legal President!!!
    (1) Obama is not a natural born Citizen, because of the fact of his Dad being a non U.S. Citizen therefore the most that ” OBAMA ” could be is a ” Native ” Citizen ” that would be The 14th amendment,[ the 14th amendment states any child born on U.S. soil is a Native Citizen of the United States regardless of the status of the parents , but not a Natural born Citizen ](Even if “OBAMA was born in Hawaii) OBAMA’S Legal status is seriously in question, then why would that not have standing in Federal court, because is the bill Legal?
    Dr Orly Taitz , this looks like a good cause to get in front of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices , if the OBAMA ADMIN intends to use this defense , then , first they must prove they are eligible to be able to utilize the U.S. Constitution via ” Natural born Citizen “

  9. Ro
    March 24th, 2010 @ 3:15 pm

    Orly, I think you will be getting lotsa help: Read below! I am going to work extra hard to expose him.
    Let’s bring on the Constitution is right. Does he know where the part is that says he is a usurper!!!

    Beware the Emboldened Left
    By Marc Rotterman (American Spectator)
    As I write, Congress has just passed Barack Obama’s signature issue — healthcare reform. After a year of stops and starts, imposed deadlines and rancorous debate, President Obama and his allies have prevailed.

    He does, in fact, have a victory. And where I come from, a victory is a victory.

    Many of my Republican and conservative brethren view this partisan piece of legislation as a stake through the heart of the Left and some are already measuring for new drapes in the Speaker’s office.

    In fact, in some quarters of the Republican Party “irrational exuberance” has taken hold. Barack Obama’s presidency is being compared that of Jimmy Carter.

    That, in my view, is a mistake.

    Conservatives and Republicans who underestimate President Obama do so at their own electoral peril. Unlike Jimmy Carter, Obama is a true believer, someone who understands that transforming policy translates into votes and a citizenry that is more reliant on the federal government. And unlike Carter, Obama is a streetwise, tough politician who will not give an inch when it to comes to his vision of a “New America” — one that is modeled after European socialism.

    Starting now, the Obama administration will try to position him as a modern day LBJ — getting things done for the middle class and the poor. The administration, and its allies in the mainstream media will echo Obama’s belief that he is transformative figure and that healthcare legislation is akin to the historic Civil Rights Act of the 1960s.

    And make no mistake about it — Barack Obama’s next agenda item is “immigration reform” which, unless it is defeated, will further broaden the Left’s constituency, strengthen the unions, and undermine the rule of law.

    By the way, Obama and his team will not stop there. Those who openly oppose Obama’s policies will continue to be targets. First the liberal establishment went after Rush Limbaugh and for months now — former Vice President Dick Cheney. ………………………………

    My point is that Obama and his allies view governing and campaigning in the same context — “winning” means all out war and by any means necessary. In contrast, Republicans have, in the past, viewed campaigns from a “management perspective.”

    To compete and to win in 2010 Republicans and conservatives must outline and define what Obama has in store for this nation. And that is the remaking of the nation as we have known it from its inception. We cannot count on a bad economy to propel us to a majority, or outrage over the healthcare bill.

    Yes, they are still a very important part of the debate.

    But, we have an obligation in our messaging and advertising to illustrate in stark terms what “Obama’s transformation” means to America, its families, traditions and culture. In short, we must campaign against the Left as if we were at war.

    One thing we know for certain is that Obama and his cohorts are committed to their ideology and they will do what it takes to stay in power. To win, we must understand our opponents and maneuver according to circumstance.


    Our circumstance –

    Obama is a usurper that must be removed. Everything he did/signed/appointed is illegitimate/illegal: from the acts of soldiers on the battlefield at his command, to the deathcare……. all will be illegal and the longer we wait the messier it will be to reverse or correct them! We must remove him SOON when we still have the constitution and a country to save!

    Turning a blind eye to his usurpation of the presidency is exactly what he and his cohorts want! Why would we do what our enemies want???????? The longer we leave him there leading his gang on this destruction rampage, the more emboldened they are and the more determined they are to ‘transform’ our Republic into their warped vision of an ‘utopia’.

    If you are truly patriotic, you simply must understand our circumstance: remove the usurper at all costs or say goodbye to your Republic. Fighting them one bill at a time at best delay the inevitable, while in reality we are giving them precious time to pile on the destruction! Destruction inlude stealing elections!!! We let him steal the 2008 election and now we are leaving the usurper there to steal all subsequent elections (or eliminate election)!

    It is so obvious that Obama fails the article 2 presidential requirement, yet most of us refuse or are unwilling to fight him where he is most vulnerable! Does that make sense? We are acting like the left – no common sense! (Or, we subconsciously want to have a tyrant domestic enemy to destroy our Republic?)

    Why should we be afraid to fight his usurpation of the presidency?

    Why do you insist that it is impossible to remove him? Have you tried? Are we ever united on this issue? Did we ever fight this as hard as we have against Obamacare?

    Fighting via the judicial system is very costly and time-consuming. Try Congress. There must still be a few good men. Find them and make them do their job to earn their pay!

    All united now to pressure them with OBOGO (until you can come up with something better.)


  10. Ro
    March 24th, 2010 @ 3:20 pm

    Where the heck is the military! We need this regime removed now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. PorkRoll
    March 24th, 2010 @ 3:54 pm

    Orly, now that usurper Obama is abusing the powers of the federal government to basically put a gun to our heads to force us to either buy insurance or pay a fine, don’t all US citizens now have “standing” by their own BS definition (i.e. personal injury)?

    Last time I read the Constitution, I remember a little thing called the 13th Amendment: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” Now that the federal government will make you buy insurance or face a fine simply because you are a citizen, you have have been entered into involuntary servitude and become a slave.

  12. Eddie MacIsaac
    March 24th, 2010 @ 4:15 pm

    It is beyond me why you are called the “birther queen”.

    This a trite title invented by the “horses asses” to be an insult.

    Duh morons of duh media are not hap[py unless they can create royalty at their own whim.

  13. Dawn
    March 24th, 2010 @ 6:33 pm

    The Hilter that is in office must be REMOVED immediataly I thank God for people and lawyers like you that are bold and take a stand for what is right in the eyes of Evil and things that are so upside down and that WE AS AMERICAN PEOPLE WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS KIND OF ABUSE TO THE AMERICANS OUT WE ASK THAT HE BE REMOVED. JUSTIICE WILL BE DONE HE WILL BE DONE.

  14. ZRAinSWVA
    March 25th, 2010 @ 12:30 pm

    Nice that the moderator removes dissenting opinions. How’s it feel to live in an echo chamber? Can you only stand what you want to hear? Part of being an American is to dialogue about our issues and concerns, especially when we disagree. The kind of dialogue that is promoted by this site is dangerous and unhelpful.

  15. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    March 25th, 2010 @ 1:30 pm

    what is your opinion? there is no opinion. What do you want me to post? Cursing from Obama groopies/

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