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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Clarification regarding Beverly Hills event and July 2 hearing

Posted on | July 3, 2010 | 2 Comments

I need to provide a response to this article: First of all Kevin L. Boyce -is a corrupt politician, who needs to be replaced. Everyone in Ohio should vote for Josh Mandel for State treasurer to replace corrupt politician Kevin L. Boyce.
In regards to the Beverly Hills event, I really didn’t spend any time anywhere near Josh Mandel. I posed for pictures with Actor Jon Voight and with Karl Rove, I talked to Senator Norm Coleman and to Dennis Prager about going on his show, (I don’t know when the show is going to be)  and I did several interviews for Sacramento Bee and for several other reporters (I don’t remember publications at the moment, but they posted the video clips of the interviews on the net, some are on you-tube). Josh Mandel was nowhere near me.   There were over 500 people there, there was a lot of work to be done,  and I didn’t even think that Josh Mandel was that important, considering the number of guests and dignitaries and limited amount of time. 
In regards to the Secretary of state race: Author of this article Alan Johnson, called me a former candidate. I am a candidate, not a former candidate. I already have half a million votes, counting of ballots will continue until July 6, 1.7 million ballots were not counted yet and the legal action for fraud committed by Damon Dunn is going to trial. At the hearing on July 2 Dunn’s  attorney Brian  Hidredth stipulated to judge Jeffrey Glass, that even if Sectretary Bowen certifies his client as winner now, but he will be found ineligible at trial, current certification will be nullified and a new certification without his name will be issued. On this basis and with this stipulation judge Jeffrey Glass agreed not to issue a stay of certification now and wait until the jury verdict at trial.
Ohio treasurer’s race

Religious, racial bias alleged

Saturday, July 3, 2010  02:51 AM

By Alan Johnson


Challenger Josh Mandel, right, used the word                    mosque in reference to Treasurer Kevin L. Boyce’s office and its hiring of a firm whose lobbyist is a friend of Boyce’s deputy and is Muslim.
Challenger Josh Mandel, right, used the word mosque in reference to Treasurer Kevin L. Boyce’s office and its hiring of a firm whose lobbyist is a friend of Boyce’s deputy and is Muslim.

Race and religion are creeping into an increasingly contentious treasurer’s race between Democrat state Treasurer Kevin L. Boyce and his Republican challenger, state Rep. Josh Mandel.

The latest charges came from Democratic Chairman Chris Redfern, who called Mandel “a chameleon” who has developed questionable relationships with ultra-conservative politicians, talk-show hosts, bloggers and “birthers,” some of whom have made comments with racist and anti-Islamic overtones.

“Josh is using religion to weaken his political opponent instead of talking about his beliefs,” Redfern told The Dispatch. “At his very core he wants to divide us.”

Mandel spokesman Joe Aquilino called the charges “a smokescreen.”

“This is the third or fourth time in a row our opponent has gone after us simply by association,” he said. “They can’t go after our qualifications, integrity or policy.”

Mandel, 32, a second-term legislator from Lyndhurst, is white and Jewish. Boyce, 38, a former Columbus city councilman, is African-American and Christian. Amer Ahmad, his right-hand man in the treasurer’s office, is Muslim. (Boyce’s campaign deferred to Redfern to comment.)

The issue came to a head recently when Mandel’s campaign accused Boyce of “cronyism and corruption” because he awarded a $32 million, low-bid state investment contract to a Boston firm whose new lobbyist, Noure Alo, is friends with Ahmad, Boyce’s deputy treasurer and chief financial officer. Boyce also hired Alo’s wife, Walaa Waeda, as a receptionist.

Mandel then upped the ante, using the resulting news stories as a fundraising tool on his campaign website. In a short note to supporters on his blog, Mandel used the word mosque three times in talking about Boyce’s office.

“We deserve public officials who use tax dollars to hire people because they are qualified — not because they belong to their comrade’s Mosque¸” Mandel wrote.

The story, and Mandel’s comments, touched off considerable reaction, including on a blog called the Jawa Report, operated by Rusty Humphries, a conservative radio talk-show host who has featured Mandel as a guest several times.

The blog accused Ahmad of awarding contracts to “Islamic extremist friends,” adding, “Ohio state jobs openings only announced at a terror-tied mosque? Not quite sure how that is legal.”

After reading Mandel’s blog posting to supporters, Ibrahim Hooper, communications director of the Washington, D.C.-based Council on Islamic-American Relations, said that at the very least it included “some type of religious bias.”

“I view this as an offhand reference … a cheap way to exploit the growing anti-Muslim sentiment in our society.”

Democrats also point out that Mandel recently went to a conservative gathering in Beverly Hills, Calif., which was also attended by and touted on the website of Orly Taitz, a former Republican candidate for secretary of state in California. Taitz is also a “birther” — having waged a two-year legal battle challenging whether Barack Obama qualifies as a natural-born U.S. citizen and is therefore eligible to be president.

“Josh is in no way affiliated or involved with the birther movement,” Aquilino said. “That has never been a part of this campaign. He doesn’t know Orly Taitz and has never met her. She wasn’t a speaker at the event; she was just there.”

Aquilino denied that race and religion are part of Mandel’s campaign strategy.

“Never mind Ahmad’s religion. It doesn’t matter,” he said. “The shady deals with taxpayer dollars are what matters.”

Aquilino said Mandel would have criticized the relationship between a top-ranking official in Boyce’s office and a lobbyist “whether they attended the same church, synagogue or whatever.”

“The issue is the corruption in the office. They are using this as a smokescreen to cover their possible absolute failure and refusal to answer questions about operations of the office.”



2 Responses to “Clarification regarding Beverly Hills event and July 2 hearing”

  1. Jim
    July 3rd, 2010 @ 6:38 pm

    “At the hearing on July 2 Dunn’s attorney Brian Hidredth stipulated to judge Jeffrey Glass, that even if Sectretary Bowen certifies his client as winner now, but he will be found ineligible at trial, current certification will be nullified and a new certification without his name will be issued. On this basis and with this stipulation judge Jeffrey Glass agreed not to issue a stay of certification now and wait until the jury verdict at trial.”

    This judge had better hold the trial before teh beginning of August because that is when he absentee ballots for the Nov election are printed. They are then mailed out around Sept 2. So if Dunn is nullified , but the absentee ballots have already been sent out ( with Dunn’s name on them ), that is denying you all the votes from absentee voters – in effect only allowing Bowen (and the other minor candidates ) absentee votes.

  2. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    July 3rd, 2010 @ 6:50 pm

    Judge Glass didn’t schedule trial date yet, his reasoning is, that even if Dunn is elected, it is not an irreparable harm, as there will be trial, new certification and new election.
    The point is, that with the court crowding it might take a long time, Obama can do tremendous damage to the country during this time.

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