Western media is reporting today on what Russians reported yesterday: EU is paying African countries 1.8 billion for taking back their illegals. This is a total idiocy, as it creates an incentive for African countries to push their people to flood Europe and US and the make money on taking them back. Trump would not give them money, he would take away their aid until they take back their people
Posted on | November 9, 2015 | 3 Comments

3 Responses to “Western media is reporting today on what Russians reported yesterday: EU is paying African countries 1.8 billion for taking back their illegals. This is a total idiocy, as it creates an incentive for African countries to push their people to flood Europe and US and the make money on taking them back. Trump would not give them money, he would take away their aid until they take back their people”
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November 9th, 2015 @ 6:59 am
If you read the Constitution, I think you’ll find that Congress, not the President, has that power.
November 9th, 2015 @ 9:13 am
Since when has this administration been ruled by the Constitution? In the last 6 years, Congress has let themselves become irrelevant – ignoring every end run around the Constitution – or actually working against it. I think it might be time to use Obama’s tactics to defeat Obama’s overreach. Trump can use those Executive Orders and Memos to good effects. Turnabout is fair play.
November 9th, 2015 @ 2:13 pm
Yeah, Bonnie:…
Congress is stalled, as long as the treasonous elements are still in Congress!
And Trump will “take care of ‘business,'” once he takes the Oath!
Trump gives us a clear picture as to what he’ll do, as opposed to the left-wing types, so the decision to elect will be very easy to figure out!