Wash Post believes that Judge Hanen will rule this week on Texas v US, not clear when will he rule on Taitz v Johnson, Obama, Burwell
Posted on | February 12, 2015 | No Comments
Judy guywire99@yahoo.com |
Submitted on 2015/02/12 at 6:18 am
Decision very soon from Judge |
Wash Post follows the case before Judge Hanen on Obama’s lawless amnesty. It is interesting that the Post quoted an immigration law expert, who stated that there was a flurry of activity by the judge yesterday, which, he believed, signified that the judge is ready to rule. In reality, the whole flurry of activity was issuance of just 2 orders. One of the orders stated that Judge Hanen will review the brief submitted by Dr. Orly Taitz as an Amicus Curiae, which means the “friend of the court”. The second ruling related to Jane Does1-3. That was the whole flurry of activity
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