

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Mandela expose: Telegraph reveals that Mandela was a member of the communist party, which had an interrogation center in Angola, where Communists, taught by East German Staci police, tortured and killed blacks suspected of being spies. While Mandela was a hero fighting against apartheid, he was no saint and South Africa today is on a downward spiral of economic decline and race war of blacks on whites

Posted on | December 7, 2013 | 20 Comments

Telegraph reveals that Mandela was a member of the communist party, which had an interrogation center in Angola, where communists, taught by East German Staci police  tortures and killed blacks suspected of being spies


Further Mandela praised Khomeini, who kept employees of American embassy hostage, he praised terrorist leader Arafat, calling him a freedom fighter, he encouraged violent uprising in Judea and Samaria in Israel, which lead to death of 2,000 Israeli-es and multiple Palestinians as well. While Mandela role in ending apartheid cannot be overstated or diminished, he was a controversial figure in his membership in the Communist party, persecution of supposed spies of the communist party, his praise of Khomeini and Arafat and his verbal attack aimed at Israel and Israeli citizens.

In the past years part of the South Africa, particularly Johannesburg, became an economic and cultural waste land, the houses and buildings are in disrepair, the crime is rampant. South Africa today is a nation of discrimination, harassment, bullying and often murder of whites by blacks. Many whites who lived in Africa for hundreds of years are leaving. Johannesburg is worse than Detroit .


Mandela: A Friend of Arafat, An Enemy of the Jewish State

Incidentally, when 3 time British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher died, Obama did not order flags at half staff, even though Thatcher was a staunch ally of the US, now Obama ordered flags half staff for 10 days to memorialize Mandela.


Things Fall Apart: Mandela’s Sad Legacy of Successors

Family and President Jacob Zuma have been tainted by scandals and impropriety

By  @PerryAlexJDec. 07, 20132 Comments

An article by Alex Perry in Time paints an unflattering picture of  enormous crime, corruption, theft of government resources in South Africa by current president, governmental officials and members of Mandela family. this corruption and theft of resources can be only compared to the Banana Republic of America during Obama regime.  Mandela’s wife Winnie was convicted in 43 counts of fraud, 25 counts of theft and open investigation of her complicity in murder of 2 young black men, who were found murdered after being tortured at Wninni’e house:

Read more: Nelson Mandela’s Sad Legacy of Successors | TIME.com https://world.time.com/2013/12/07/things-fall-apart-mandelas-sad-legacy-of-successors/#ixzz2mpHmeTmW

Infowars provides a more in depth analysis of  packaging of Mandela image by the ruling oligarchy organized crime:


Nelson Mandela Love Fest Ignores Dark Side of Legacy...
Nelson Mandela Love Fest Ignores Dark Side of Legacy…
6 minutes ago
79 approved

Submitted on 2013/12/08 at 3:51 am


323 approved

Submitted on 2013/12/07 at 8:03 pm

Sorry to rain on Nelson Mandela’s parade.

Count me out.

It’s tough to forget.

One of the first things Mandela did once released, back in 1990, was visit Cuba.

At the time, at a well publicized public appearance, Mandela professed his gratitude as well as his admiration to the regime and to Fidel Castro by uttering -”Who trained our people, who gave us resources, who helped so many of our soldiers, our doctors?

Those were but a few amongst of the many accolades given to the tyrannical dictatorship enslaving my homeland.

That mutual admiration society prevailed through the years. Never ceased.

In the meantime, while that lovefest was going on, Mario Chanes de Armas, the longest held political prisoner on record (July 1961, July 1991); and Eusebio Peñalver (28 1/2 years) were still behind bars in Cuba, enduring far harsher and far more inhuman conditions that the ones ever suffered by Mandela.

Let’s not forget as well that both of those martyrs were in prison several years more than Mandela.

Just in case, for the ignorants out there who make race a factoring issue, Mr. Peñalver was as black as Mr. Mandela.

These Cuban prisoners had the same dreams and desires than those held by Mandela.

They wanted freedom for their respective countries. They wanted to gain for them and for their countrymen the dignity and the human rights every creature deserves.

Yet Mandela hypocritically ignored it all and chose instead to join and continued befriending Castro, a beast as despicable as some of the Afrikaners he so much opposed.

Just count me out!

Written by José Carlos Diaz-Rousselot

Mandela expose: Telegraph reveals that Mandela was a member of the communist party, which had an interrogation center in Angola, where Communists, taught by East German Staci police, tortured and killed blacks suspected of being spies. While Mandela was a hero fighting against apartheid, he was no saint and South Africa today is on a downward spiral of economic decline and race war of blacks on whites

PS. so far there is no clear record and clear understanding of the meeting of Bush, Clinton and Obama in Africa this summer. There were zero reports on this meeting. Why in Africa, far from Washington DC press corps? What are they concocting now?



20 Responses to “Mandela expose: Telegraph reveals that Mandela was a member of the communist party, which had an interrogation center in Angola, where Communists, taught by East German Staci police, tortured and killed blacks suspected of being spies. While Mandela was a hero fighting against apartheid, he was no saint and South Africa today is on a downward spiral of economic decline and race war of blacks on whites”

  1. Davey Crockett
    December 7th, 2013 @ 11:56 am

    Okay…I knew this before this procouncement of Mandela being a communist. But didn’t want to proclain this, before the category was created!

    And I haven’t liked the tv programs smothering us with all his great vision(s)! What visions? He was a useless commie scum! No wonder they had him in prison for 27 years!

    Isn’t it remarkable how all the modern day lefties who supposedly care about others are nothing more than wolves in sheeps clothing!

    Make me sick!

  2. Davey Crockett
    December 7th, 2013 @ 12:05 pm

    Orly: the website can’t be found, that discusses how Mandela being a commie!

    It comes up with an error page.

  3. AL
    December 7th, 2013 @ 12:44 pm

    I didn’t give a damn while he was alive and I still don’t care now that he’s dead. What difference does it make.

  4. Francisco
    December 7th, 2013 @ 1:03 pm
  5. Bud
    December 7th, 2013 @ 1:13 pm
  6. Bud
    December 7th, 2013 @ 1:40 pm
  7. Bud
    December 7th, 2013 @ 1:53 pm
  8. tina
    December 7th, 2013 @ 4:01 pm

    he was. why do you think ghw bush was the first to broadcast such a positive illusion over fox news. Takes one to know one. Trevor Loudon also wrote the “truth” on mandela.

  9. will
    December 7th, 2013 @ 4:12 pm

    two things this guy was no hero but to the poor whom he destroyed

    and guess what. the country is being destroyed

    and guess what again we have another african who is destroying OUR COUNTRY..

  10. js/js
    December 7th, 2013 @ 4:26 pm

    It is also sad but true that Mandela did seem
    to support Mugabe’s fascist terrorism in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia). Furthermore, reports on
    FRC state that Mandela wanted leniency for
    the Libyan Muslim terrorist who helped bomb
    the plane over Lockerbie (Scotland) with the
    plastic explosives. Not a man of peace at all,
    IMO. Just a scumbag terrorist. The Media, MSM,
    will not tell the truth and refuses to admit all.
    IMHO. Cannot have it both ways. Sorry. IMO

  11. steve
    December 7th, 2013 @ 4:50 pm

    Recent protests were held worldwide to bring to the attention of the Genocide of Whites in not only South Africa but Zimbabwe as well. Mandela was a strong supporter of the corrupt Robert Mugabe. Dan Roodt helped to organize these protests called RED OCTOBER. Held in late October and in Australia in November. Dan Roodt wrote and article a few years back called Afrikaner Survival Under Black Rule Part 1 and Part 2
    Also, A Warning to America From South Africa by: Gemma Meyer
    deathofjohannesburg.blogspot.com As always, thank you for telling the truth Dr.Taitz

  12. Jayhawker
    December 7th, 2013 @ 7:12 pm

    Mandela pleaded guilty to 156 counts of murder and terrorism. Even Amnesty International refused to take up his case. Him and his evil ex wife Winnie were know for necklacing people. That means they took a car tire filled with Gasoline and put it around peoples neck and lit it up. This is an absolutely barbaric practice and an incredibly painful way to die. Nelson Mandela burns in the lowest pit in hell along with all the filthy Communist murderers who came before him. I hope he is being necklaced right now and screaming like all his victims!

  13. Francisco
    December 7th, 2013 @ 8:03 pm

    Sorry to rain on Nelson Mandela’s parade.

    Count me out.

    It’s tough to forget.

    One of the first things Mandela did once released, back in 1990, was visit Cuba.

    At the time, at a well publicized public appearance, Mandela professed his gratitude as well as his admiration to the regime and to Fidel Castro by uttering -“Who trained our people, who gave us resources, who helped so many of our soldiers, our doctors?

    Those were but a few amongst of the many accolades given to the tyrannical dictatorship enslaving my homeland.

    That mutual admiration society prevailed through the years. Never ceased.

    In the meantime, while that lovefest was going on, Mario Chanes de Armas, the longest held political prisoner on record (July 1961, July 1991); and Eusebio Peñalver (28 1/2 years) were still behind bars in Cuba, enduring far harsher and far more inhuman conditions that the ones ever suffered by Mandela.

    Let’s not forget as well that both of those martyrs were in prison several years more than Mandela.

    Just in case, for the ignorants out there who make race a factoring issue, Mr. Peñalver was as black as Mr. Mandela.

    These Cuban prisoners had the same dreams and desires than those held by Mandela.

    They wanted freedom for their respective countries. They wanted to gain for them and for their countrymen the dignity and the human rights every creature deserves.

    Yet Mandela hypocritically ignored it all and chose instead to join and continued befriending Castro, a beast as despicable as some of the Afrikaners he so much opposed.

    Just count me out!

    Written by José Carlos Diaz-Rousselot

  14. Barbara
    December 8th, 2013 @ 3:51 am
  15. Kevin J Lankford
    December 8th, 2013 @ 5:55 am

    Apparently the story you referenced on the telegraph site has been removed. There is only multiple stories of praise and approval for the communist fraud.

    One should be concerned as to why such grandiose fanfare is heaped on a foreign figure, with no ties to this country, whose true allegiance is to such a destructive philosophy of deception.

  16. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    December 8th, 2013 @ 6:02 am

    do you have an article, a source regarding necklacing?

  17. Judy Collins
    December 8th, 2013 @ 6:20 am

    What do you care?

  18. Francisco
    December 8th, 2013 @ 4:49 pm


    Number one, has been in Moderation for more than a day. If you open the attachment, you’ll see the reference to necklacing !
    It is a well researched article, about Mandela’s communist and terrorits ties.

  19. steve
    December 8th, 2013 @ 5:11 pm

    It’s because Dr. Taitz has a keen intrest in finding out the truth. And when she finds out what the truth is, she has the courage to tell it. That’s why she has such a strong following here in America.

  20. Rod Riddle
    December 8th, 2013 @ 8:38 pm

    It is part of the Communist playbook to call anyone who speaks the truth about black destruction a racist. They have been doing it for so long nobody takes it serious. The truth of it all is that every country, state, city or section of a town that gets turned over to the blacks turns into Haiti. That is a fact that can’t be disputed. The reason Soebarkah loved Mandela so much is because he too hates whites.

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