

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Strippers, surveillance and assassination plots: The wildest JFK Files

Posted on | October 27, 2017 | 6 Comments

Strippers, surveillance and assassination plots: The wildest JFK Files


6 Responses to “Strippers, surveillance and assassination plots: The wildest JFK Files”

  1. X-Files
    October 27th, 2017 @ 1:24 am

    Boy, I tell ya…

    I tried to view the info on the JFK assassination and even after I rebooted, the info on this was like it was stuck in glue!

    I couldn’t scroll and it was a chore!

    But got the url if someone wants to see if you have a better time of this then I did?


  2. X-Files
    October 27th, 2017 @ 1:53 am

    Wow! It appears, that someone is messing with my machine, cause I can’t scroll
    down on this item either.

    Can someone post, to let me know if you have the same problem?


    And I’ve never seen my machine have this much trouble just reading and scrolling!

  3. X-Files
    October 27th, 2017 @ 2:55 am

    Well, it does work now…mostly.

    Here’s the one that worked:


    Now:…boy do I disagree with the Guardian on some of their points.
    1. I was alive when this happened. The reason why Oswald did not shoot Kennedy is cause he had a $15 dollar rifle through the mail. And the sites were not that great.

    2. Trees were in his way!

    3. He couldn’t have had the accuracy he needed for that distance, with the car moving. And there was a lot of discuss/speculation that the car actually slowed down as it approached underpass/zaprudor Film, right in front of him, he filmed the 3rd hit with JFK going backward and to the side!

    4. And the shot that killed him came from the grassy knoll!

    5. The knoll was well hidden and there was a storm drain cap inside that area, where the killer could just go down the drain ladder and disappear!

    6. Besides, the photograph right after the last shot showed one or more people pointing to the knoll…and one of the people there was a copy on a cycle. He threw his cycle down and rushed up the hill towards the hill and there was supposed to have been a light smoke coming off that inside area.

    7. And boy does this get even wilder…there was some writing about this area, which is all I remember, but when someone aimed a camera right at the knoll area…someone made an outline of a figure behind the bushes. And when they drew a line around the figure, it appeared to be a man…with a rifle and a what looked like a cop…!

    8. And between the first and 2nd shot, there seemed to be “another” shot that rang out almost sounding like just one shot. And this shot came, they think, from directly behind the car, from a building farther back than where Oswald was shooting from.

    9. And later, there was speculation that the shooter got away by hoping on a railroad car aways behind the knoll.

  4. X-Files
    October 27th, 2017 @ 3:05 am


  5. X-Files
    October 27th, 2017 @ 3:29 am

    And the reason why Ruby shot Oswald was to keep him quiet!

    Oswald said several times that he was a “Patsy!”

    Which means that he was set up! Everywhere he went to pass out leaflets for “Fair Play for Cuba,” he was on a corner that had the following buidlings:

    Naval Intelligence, and do not remember the other 2 or 3 groups of the USA govt!

    And it was recorded that Oswald had been taking Russian classes, before he got into the act of passing out leaflets and moving to Russia.

    This was a lot of intrigue.

    There was one thing after another that kept coming out about this entire matter.

    And there was the photograph of him holding up the leaflet and his rifle.

    And he did go back to where he was living, after the shooting and got his handgun and was walking around.

    By this time, he was very spooked.

    Then, for some reason why, that I have forgotten, Oswald shot this Officer, Tippet, before he found his way into a movie theater.

    That’s where they were able to take him to the station and held him rather incognito.

    They didn’t even get him an attorney!

    And he kept saying that he was a Patsy.

    And Ruby had strong ties to the police and he was in the underpass and I and millions of Americans saw him shoot Oswald.

    Later, as time went by, Ruby said in jail that he would talk, if someone would get him protection!

    This told me that he had something to really talk about.

    Could that have been how Oswald was recruited for a mission and helped certain party(ies) to do this terrible thing?

    In my mind, somebody used Oswald to help take out Kennedy!

    This was really a horrible time!

  6. X-Files
    October 27th, 2017 @ 3:45 am

    And…I just thought of something else.

    Why would Oswald leave that rifle somewhere on the floor, without trying to hide it or ????

    If he was guilty, would he leave this rifle on the floor for someone to find?

    Which means, IMO, that he was supposed to leave a trail away from the other 2 shooters, so they would not be detected.

    And he probably knew that he wasn’t going to kill anyone…so he didn’t act nervous.

    As fast as he was supposed to shoot, there’s no way that he could have been accurate!

    Later, someone found one of the bullets that hit pavement and one of them hit one of the trees then bounced to the ground across the street.

    The one that did it was the closest one, from the knoll, IMO.

    He couldn’t miss being that close. And it was said at that point, the car was slowing down, which means that the driver was part of the conspiracy!

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