

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
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In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

FBI whistle-blower alleges that only judges that were compromised in some way, were appointed for Federal judgeship. If this is true, this frightening and untolerable for every US citizen

Posted on | April 12, 2014 | 31 Comments


31 Responses to “FBI whistle-blower alleges that only judges that were compromised in some way, were appointed for Federal judgeship. If this is true, this frightening and untolerable for every US citizen”

  1. Mike green
    April 13th, 2014 @ 9:53 am

    –start at about the 39 minute mark to hear about the judges. This explains to me, why the federal judges are no threat to government criminality.

  2. Rod Riddle
    April 13th, 2014 @ 12:20 pm

    We knew following the Indiana case when the Commie judge put out an idiotic ruling, took the payoff and headed for an undisclosed island to soon be sharing Coco Loco’s with Robert Mueller that it wasn’t a coincidence. Something was very foul within our court system. And now we have confirmation that they were all in on the Rico Conspiracy. Every last one of them. If this FBI whistleblower has knowledge of these facts then you know Robert Mueller certainly did. We are coming for you Robert!!

  3. cq
    April 13th, 2014 @ 1:44 pm

    Agenda 21: wow, wow and wow.
    worth watching
    THIS VIDEO lays out A21 in the most basic!, eloquent!, plain-speaking!, eye-opening!, ALL-encompassing!


  4. Harry7
    April 13th, 2014 @ 2:18 pm

    if an honest politician ever enters the whitehouse then all the appointees of Obama must be removed-an there are alot

  5. kw
    April 13th, 2014 @ 4:58 pm

    I’ve just watched the entire interview with Sibel Edmonds and the story she reveals about the U.S. government does not end ‘happily ever after. Most of the idiots that I know regard the USA as la la land and the remainder as ‘just peachy’. I, constantly, argue the point of fascist, crooked bastards, or lawbreakers, who are, now, the lawmakers (and law enforcers). If we have Constitutional governance, the “usurper” would not have been, a ton of politicians, bureaucrats and their civilian promoters would have rotted away in the clink, recent BLM incidences, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Korea, Viet Nam, 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, 16th and 17th amendments, Federal Reserve Act of 1913, Federal Reserve, etc. etc., would never have occurred. As well, entire congresses and administrations could never have existed, and let us not omit the Supremes.

    The cleanup that is ahead because of this most recent set of illegal governance is a daunting task and, quite likely, very messy. However, undoing the usurper’s reign of ‘change you can believe in’, may just be the ticket to the reinstatement of the Republic as it was meant to be, but without those who regale freedom as ‘outdated’. Such persons are known. The public record has established their identities for all to see. Perhaps, for evils past and present, much rot is yet to behold?

    The above video needs to go viral. I’ve sent it to my email list and text list.

  6. Rod Riddle
    April 13th, 2014 @ 11:12 pm

    KW, great post! You know if this whistleblower has knowledge of this info, Robert Mueller sure as heck knew it too. I know you took your nice little payoff and tried to exit stage left on us there Robert but its not going to work. We are coming for you and the rest of your Communist cohorts!

  7. Veritas
    April 14th, 2014 @ 4:30 am

    Birther Report’s lead story today features you, Dr. Orly:

    Attorney Orly Taitz: Obama’s Homosexual
    Associates Dead; Law Enforcement Does Nothing

    Dr. Orly Taitz: No documents can be found online on Obama’s daughters… Source says they were adopted…

  8. Larry
    April 14th, 2014 @ 6:55 am

    Harry7..WHY do you think that Ron Paul was denied the Republican nomination…for that very fact…I believe the people voted for him, but the Republican’s cheated him out of it by the way the votes were handled….my opinion is that both parties are compromised…that is why you keep getting the same old agenda of trying to abolish our rights.

  9. Jason
    April 14th, 2014 @ 7:20 am

    How to Blackmail a Judge 101.

  10. DSP2
    April 14th, 2014 @ 7:46 am

    It’s worth repeating: Psalm 73, it is so accurate.

    An open letter to OUR judges to render the just and right decisions.

    How good God is to the upright, the Lord, to those who are clean of heart. But, as for me, I lost my balance, my feet all but slipped, Because I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. For they suffer no pain, their bodies are healthy and sleek. They are free of the burdens of life, they are not afflicted like others. Thus pride adorns them as a robe. Out of their stupidity comes sin, evil thoughts flood their hearts. They scoff and spout their malice, from on high they utter threats. They set their mouths against the heavens, their tongues roam the earth. So my people turn to them and drink deeply of their words. They say, ” Does God really know?” Does the Most High have any knowledge?” Such, then, are the wicked, always carefree, increasing their wealth. Is it vain that I have kept my heart clean, washed my hands of innocence? For I am afflicted day after day, chastised every morning. Had I thought, “I will speak as they do,” I would have betrayed your people. Though I tried to understand all this, it was too difficult for me. TIll I entered the sanctuary of God and came to understand their end.

  11. Sic Semper Tyrannis
    April 14th, 2014 @ 11:24 am

    Now that you guys have had a chance to see just how corrupt the federal judicial branch is from stem to stern, let’s take a look at the corruption in the executive branch, particularly the current leader of the US Mafia Cabal of criminal Presidents that includes his son, “W” (Worthless???), the Clintons, the Obamas, and his son JEB who is being heavily promoted at the moment certainly not by coincidence in the US State Propaganda Ministry. Was former CIA Director, CIA Dallas Chief, JFK assassin, and President George H. W. Bush a Nazi spy, infiltrator, and usurper himself??? Remember, his father and maternal grandfather were both found guilty of supporting the Nazis. A detailed investigation of his genealogy will reveal that there are many inconsistencies, expunged records, and false information and that he is very likely not related to his alleged paternal grandfather, Samuel Prescott Bush. His father Prescott Sheldon Bush’s real name is George H. Scherf, Sr. and George Herbert Walker Bush’s real name is George H. Scherf, Jr. They were both Nazi spies. The President’s father, George H. Scherf, Sr., was the assistant for Nikola Tesla, who stole his secrets for the Nazis and even stole him blind which is one reason why Tesla died penniless and broke. Check out this photo of George H. Scherf, Jr. with his infamous Nazi buddies when they were younger. Apparently, Martin Bormann (Hitler’s 2nd in command), Dr. Josef Mengele (infamous SS Angel of Death, Reinhardt Gehlen (Chief SS officer and assassin), and Otto Skorzeny (Hitler’s bodyguard and SS assassin)were all friends of this President. They were all from a similar area of Germany near Leipzig. This was all revealed by Otto Skorzeny from his deathbed in Florida because he had been betrayed by this former President out of millions of dollars…

    “What you are about to read is another step beyond research pioneered in the early 90s by author/historian Webster Tarpley based largely on deathbed “clues” provided by former Hitler bodyguard Otto Skorzeny and his box of photographs. Since Skorzeny’s death in 1999, the various leads he provided have been followed up and tend to support what, at first blush, would appear to be the unbelievable rantings of an embittered old man. What remains constant as we pore through publicly available official records, private correspondence, memoirs, newspaper articles, photos and other “clues” is that Bush family records (the ones that exist) are a puzzle palace of inconsistencies and curiosities. Since it is a congressionally established fact that Prescott Bush was in business with the Nazis during WWII, we can safely say that the Bush/Nazi connection existed. Who are the Bushes? How did they get connected with the Nazis? Is the connection still alive through U.S. presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush? The answers are not as literal as we would like them to be. But we have the testimony of Otto Skorzeny and his photos. So, here we go—the first installment of an investigation that points to a curious conclusion: The “Bush” family was created to destroy America.”


    This is a long read but well worth your time if you want to know just how deep the rabbit hole of corruption in the apostate US Mafia Government really goes. You will even see the deceptive German influence in the creation of the Federal Reserve.

  12. tina
    April 14th, 2014 @ 12:22 pm

    Sic Semper Tyrannis- this is what needs released across the world, along with all the rest. Well done!!!!!

  13. Davey Crockett
    April 14th, 2014 @ 12:54 pm

    Yeah…what we need in the WH is someone who is NOT an establishment stooge!

    More like a Patriot and one who cares about doing the job!!

  14. tina
    April 14th, 2014 @ 5:35 pm

    Sic Semper Tyrannis- gut feelings,this is who Sean Hannity,Rush Limbaugh,Mark Levin,Glenn Beck are all protecting. Either they have been bought or threatened.

  15. leo
    April 14th, 2014 @ 10:08 pm

    good post sst about our mafia govt, the bushes are crooked as hell too. it is interesting that a russian american like orly and iranian american like sybil have the balls to stand up to these sobs and yet your average fat, stupid indifferent american does nothing

  16. Karl
    April 15th, 2014 @ 5:47 am

    If true, this resembles Barry’s megalo-maniacal desire that our military officers swear alliegiance to him rather than to the United States constitution.

  17. Karl
    April 15th, 2014 @ 5:59 am

    We see Barry’s exalted view of himself in his end runs around the congress and the constitution by his abuse of executive power. Eric Holder suffers the same delusion. “Constitution be damned!”

  18. cq
    April 15th, 2014 @ 6:54 am

    Bundy Ranch – What You’re Not Being Told (Reid’s got some issues to deal with)


  19. Dee Dee
    April 15th, 2014 @ 9:44 am

    Just checking, but have there been no new posts in 3 days since this one?

  20. Dee Dee
    April 15th, 2014 @ 9:46 am

    Just checking, but have there been no new posts since this one you did here?

  21. Ken
    April 15th, 2014 @ 10:51 am

    Clivan Bundy for president. He’s the only one for years who has shown himself to be incoruptable

  22. Harry8
    April 15th, 2014 @ 12:18 pm

    I predict that Judge Hollander will resign due to the pressure that Holder & the people that work for him are putting on her-maybe even death threats against her and her family- I feel that she is probably the first honest judge that considered Orly’s case (which is strong) and Holder is upset because she even took the case an didn’t declare it frivolous- maybe my imagination is working overtime but why is it taking so long unless a lot is going on behind the scenes-

  23. nbm
    April 15th, 2014 @ 12:49 pm

    20 And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do.

    21 Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:

    22 And let them judge the people at all seasons: and it shall be, that every great matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small matter they shall judge: so shall it be easier for thyself, and they shall bear the burden with thee.

    –Jethro’s advice to Moses (Gen. 18:20-22)

  24. Larry
    April 15th, 2014 @ 1:41 pm

    Davey Crocket….never happen, I am sorry to say….they will send their media to camp out at their residents to try to find ANY dirt the can and publish it as soon as they can to try to discredit the person/family…Like Sarah Palin…but when it comes to the ones that fits their agenda, they will tell the world that their families are OFF LIMITS and we should not go there.

  25. Davey Crockett
    April 15th, 2014 @ 2:45 pm

    Orly…just checking in with you…want to make sure that you’re okay?

    Today is the 15th…if you’re resting or involved with extra things today…that’s good!

    Before I saw the date of the 14th on my post of Monday, I was a little concerned! But now, I’m feeling a lot better!

  26. RSA9999
    April 15th, 2014 @ 2:54 pm


    This is the last article I am able to view from your site (FBI Whistleblowers dated April 12. I have tried refreshing to no avail.

    Any way to remedy this?

  27. Dodger Fan
    April 15th, 2014 @ 3:52 pm

    Someone said that their post(s) didn’t show up/weren’t coming up?? So…let’s see?

    I remember reading that the nwo was trying very hard not to allow Ron Paul to get elected! They fear him, since he’s not “for sale”!

  28. Davey Crockett
    April 15th, 2014 @ 4:02 pm

    Testing! Testing! More posts being hidden!

    Guess I’m pissing them off! Good! They deserve it!!! It’s either:

    Google, govt, or undercover goof-balls???

    Hey, boys, who gave you the right to stop anyone’s post?

  29. Rod Riddle
    April 15th, 2014 @ 10:26 pm

    Dee Dee, yes there have been many. You too have been hit with a bug that freezes up your computer where for several days you aren’t able to see new blog entries. Many of us have been attacked more than usual here lately. The Soebarkah Totalitarian Rogue Regime is really feeling the heat.

  30. Rod Riddle
    April 15th, 2014 @ 10:33 pm

    Harry 8, you are right on. There is no reason for any sort of delay. She has the proof but so has Lamberth and look what that no good Communist hack has done.

  31. MarkR
    April 16th, 2014 @ 1:11 am

    She says they vet prospective Federal Judges, and only appoint those who have skeletons in their closet, and so can be controlled. At 39 minute mark. If they do that with Judges, you can bet they do it with Congressmen and Senators, Generals, Police Chiefs, District Attorneys etc.

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