My personal experience with the Covid vaccine and some serious questions that need to be answered by the FDA and the pharmaceuticals
Posted on | February 4, 2021 | 10 Comments
My personal experience with the Covid vaccine and some serious questions that need to be answered by the FDA and the pharmaceuticals
By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
Let me start by saying that I am NOT an anti-vaxxer. I believe in vaccines. Dr. Salk’s and Dr. Sabin’s vaccines eradicated polio. Louis Pasteur revolutionized the medicine and put mankind on a path to a healthier living with his original immunizations against anthrax, cholera and rabies. Many more deadly diseases were eradicated and many lives were preserved thanks to vaccinations.
However, here is what happened to me. I got two shots of Moderna. We are told that within a week or two after the first shot there are antibodies in the system. So, I was sure that a week after the second shot, my antibodies test will be positive, meaning I have antibodies to the virus. I was shocked to find out that my test was negative. No antibodies were found. I called Moderna clinical trials in San Diego, California and talked to a registered nurse by name Andrea, who is one of the coordinators. She told me that it might take up to 5-6 months for the antibodies to be detected in a test. She told me that she knows multiple instances where people had the actual disease and did not have any antibodies in tests a month or two months or three months after the disease. The antibodies were detected only 5-6 months after the disease. I talked to a medical doctor, a friend of mine, who saw a number of Covid patients, who told me that there are many instances where the titre of the antibodies is too low to show in the tests for months. However, some are saying that the vaccine might be effective only for 6 months. So, if the antibodies do not show up for 6 months and it is not effective after 6 months, when is it actually effective?
Here is the biggest question. Stage 3 of clinical studies of both Pfizer and Moderna were conducted from August till October. In December, only two months after people were given a shot in the arm, FDA gave the emergency approval for mass vaccination of the population. If the antibodies do not show up 5-6 months after the shot, how the approval was given only two months after the shot?
FDA and the pharmaceutical companies need to do a press conference and provide us, the American people, with the answers.
By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
After this article was written, I did additional research. The human body produces two types of antibodies: IGM- these are initial and temporary antibodies, which are produced right after the infection, but disappear within weeks or months, and IGG, which are more permanent, which appear a bit later and last for months or years, depending on the disease and the antibody. My first test, which was NEGATIVE, was for IGG. I had a second test for IGM and it was POSITIVE. So, it means that my body started producing the initial antibodies, IGMs, and hopefully IGGs will form later.
10 Responses to “My personal experience with the Covid vaccine and some serious questions that need to be answered by the FDA and the pharmaceuticals”
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February 4th, 2021 @ 9:45 pm
I heard that Moderna wasn’t good…and that Pfizer was.
Just the scuttlebut going around.
I finally got an appt for Feb 22…don’t really want to do it, but I will. Husband (who’s younger) is having a lot of trouble getting an appt.
February 5th, 2021 @ 12:55 am
Hello Dr. Taize,
I read that the vaccines contained
‘nanoparticles’ (metals) that allow the government to ‘track us.’ The type and amount signify that you were immunized. Therefore, if vaccination is required for air travel, you can be ‘scanned’ to verify even though antibodies are not present. I heard the reason behind the pandemic was for this exact purpose. I am a friend of Dan Catania’s. Cynthia Nelson
February 5th, 2021 @ 7:07 am
This is quite the bang…
And I heard (don’t know where from) that Moderna was a problem with the balance of the system that might cause some problems with the being able to work with the type of system???
And that this was the system that had that balance, once the vaccine had been taken??
So I saw this on the internet with the type of material the Moderna had used!
Don’t really know about the whole thing??
February 6th, 2021 @ 9:55 am
I think that there’s two company’s that are really great…
They are the two that was posted on Orly’s site the other day here…
And this guy was a pharmaceutical doctor and he really had the right deal…although, I can’t remember the names…
You will come across the names once you keep going on this site….
February 7th, 2021 @ 3:52 pm
I have questions as well. I was in hospital Nov. 7 to Nov 23. Covid. I did not see it coming. I followed protocol. I was told I was very lucky to survive as I am 74 and COPD. Learned alot from Hosp personnel. I did not have normal flu symptoms. Diahhrea. No nausea. No taste. Weakness.
Put on Remdesivir and Covid Antibodies via IV.
Very high oxygen at 15 liters for about 9 days, very burned lips. Awful.I was told Covid affects all organs. Was put on Vit D & steroids after Iv treatments. Covid IV comes from blood bank and you have to be admitted to get it. Blood drawn everyday. I have actual reports of blood tests. Can tell a lot and whether antibodies still exist. I was in hosp so long that I came thru quarantine period. I am not big on vaccines but was considering flu and pneumonia. No word on if you have had Covid if or when you should get vaccinated. I have researched and nothing about it. Just some info. Hope this helps. You may ask questions.
February 7th, 2021 @ 9:55 pm
Rosemary, I am so happy that you got out of it. Please, take care of yourself and stay well
February 8th, 2021 @ 6:12 am
I do not believe there are nano-particles, I never saw any proof of that
February 9th, 2021 @ 7:16 am
Here’s some info I came across recently…
And they are supposed to be very good to keep oneself healthy:…
Keep and use the following items should one come down with any covid-19…
1.Vitamin E
2.Vitamin D3 (125g) 5000IU
3. Vitamin Zinc (50mg)
And I don’t know what the other two are, yet!
But the people who use this said that these pills (vitamins) were supposed to be real good for the usage!
February 10th, 2021 @ 10:42 pm
Vitamin D was part of the regime while I was in the hospital with Covid. I just found this important information on The Liberty website:
February 12th, 2021 @ 5:46 am
Rosemary, I am so happy you are ok