More explanations
Posted on | April 20, 2010 | 1 Comment
I’ve seen an article in several papers “Headliner Orly Taitz cancels her speech at Palm desert Tea Party”
I didn’t cancel. I simply couldn’t make it. After I spoke at Stanislaus county Tea Party and to Modesto College Republicans, I had to drive for several hours back to San Jose. I barely made the last flight to Orange County. I talked to Christina Micus, the organiser of the Palm Desert party and to my supporters there and promised to come to the meet the candidates event on May 22nd.
I need to explain that I took several red eye flights and was on the go from Monday till Friday, so I couldn’t squize any more events. I will be speaking to Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and other locations Republicans and to Republican women events at later dates.
One Response to “More explanations”
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April 20th, 2010 @ 12:55 pm
Dr. Taitz – you are an inspiration to all patriots with everything you do day after day. People everywhere owe you a great debt of gratitude. It’s just beyond me how you manage to take on the evils as if you were a Joan of Ark. There are times I wish that I could rise to the occasion and be just like you.
Congratulations on your appointment to the International Court in addition to your many successes that you continue to achieve through your inability to stop the fight.
God bless you,