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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Is Paul Manafort there to help Trump or to derail his campaign?

Posted on | July 19, 2016 | 21 Comments

I am wondering if Paul Manafort helping or hurting Trump?

Firstly, there is an issue of Paul Manafort’s aide setting up Melania Trump with a couple of stolen sentences from Michelle Obama’s speech. This aide was not identified and was not fired yet. Even GOP chairman, Reince Preibus, stated that this speech-writer should be fired.

There is an even bigger problem, though. Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort steered Trump towards Mike Pence, who will not help Trump, but will actually hurt his campaign.

Trump stated originally that he wants as VP someone who will continue his policies should something happen to him in office. If that would be the case, then Senator Jeff Sessions would have been the best choice, as he opposes NAFTA and TPP trade deals, just as Trump does. Sessions would have been an insurance policy against impeachment of assassination of Trump.

If Trump wanted someone who would have helped him gain votes, where he is week, such as women or minorities, he should have picked a female running mate, such as Gov. of Oklahoma, Mary Fallin, or Senator Joni Ernst or Governor of NM, Susana Martinez.

Mike Pence will provide Trump with nothing: he is for NAFTA and TPP and he will not continue Trump’s policies should something happen to Trump and he will not help Trump with extra votes. Being a very conservative individual, he might even cause more women to turn away from Trump. Some believe that he will help Trump get more conservative votes, however, Pence wasn’t very strong in his own state of Indiana. He won governorship four years ago in a close contest by 3% margin and he was running for reelection in a very close race, in a statistical tie. Trump is leading in Indiana. If Pence is barely making it in his own state of Indiana, who is to say that he will help in other states? Remember, Paul Ryan couldn’t help Romney in his own state of Wisconsin, Romney lost his own state on Massachusetts.

I am wondering if our ruling globalist elite leaned on Paul Manafort to derail Trump’s campaign instead of helping Trump?

Convention is not over yet. Governor Fallin is still available. Trump might get out of this conundrum by making a deal with Pence to give him a position in the cabinet should he be elected, and make an agreement to quickly and peacefully replace Pence with Gov. Mary Fallin.

Trump should, also, make sure that the speech-writer, who set up Melania Trump, is fired immediately.     He should, also, listen to his former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski and seek a second opinion.


21 Responses to “Is Paul Manafort there to help Trump or to derail his campaign?”

  1. carol
    July 19th, 2016 @ 3:26 pm

    Pence may be a surprise. Not positive, but Indiana seems to a business thriving state, and Trump was looking for that. Maybe Pence will learn from Trump, yet not overpower. I hope you are wrong. Pence has stood up for religious freedom and anti-abortion. Dismembering babies in the womb and selling body parts is not okay, in fact, the murder of millions of babies in their mother’s wombs, and the great sadness that comes to a mother’s heart, when she ends the life of a little soul in her womb, is a major cause of our country’s suffering. Pence stands up for the rights of these holy innocents. Maybe he will learn a few things from Trump. Let’s hope so and pray so. Yes, the speechwriter was a plant and perhaps Manafort is also. Boy, what a lousy bunch of people at the top. Even Comey working for HSBC bank before landing at FBI to evidently help HSBC and Clinton Foundation. What a dark sad show….I guess we have a lot of people to pray for…very very sad group at the “top.” As Giuliani rightly pointed to the bottom as he said “top.”

  2. Virginia W.
    July 19th, 2016 @ 4:11 pm

    Gov. Pence also refused to accept Syrian refugees, but a crooked judge, Tanya Pratt APPOINTED BY OBAMA overruled him. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2016/02/29/judge-pence-cant-block-aid-syrian-refugees/81121846/

  3. bob69
    July 19th, 2016 @ 5:32 pm

    I disagree, Pence will be a plus in my opinion.

    He needed someone younger than Jeff Sessions and it also helps that Pence has experience as a governor in addition to his time in Congress. Anyone Trump picked would be criticized and said to be “wrong” by many. Some of those doing the criticizing are actually Hillary supporters trying to convince Trump supporters and those who might support Trump that he screwed up when he picked Pence.

    The last thing Trump needs is to look totally unpresidential by “unpicking” Pence and choosing someone else. He made his pick and I think it will turn out well. It we are going get Trump to be elected we need to get behind the Trump/Pence ticket and make it happen. America can continue for a while longer without a woman president or VP. Too much PC everywhere these days. Trump would never survive the crisis of “Look, Trump thinks he can’t beat Hillary without a woman VP”. It would be a bonanza for the left.

    We are winning, let’s not beat ourselves.

  4. Veritas
    July 19th, 2016 @ 6:06 pm

    Although Milo is hypothesizing that Melania et al DID it on Purpose. Clever if true…Which one REALLY means it? Melania/Donald or Michelle/Barack. Touche’!


  5. Veritas
    July 19th, 2016 @ 6:12 pm

    Fox showing the compare/contrast: It makes sense…America now sees WHICH First Lady do we prefer!? BRILLIANT!

  6. Suzanne S.
    July 19th, 2016 @ 7:07 pm

    I agree with both Virginia and Carol. The both make the points that I was think about when Pence was chosen over a woman V.P. I know a couple of month back a woman running mate was being considered. I firmly believe Pence will come through and I think he will help Trump to be elected in. Also, the Republican party has not had this strong of a Pro life stance in many years and I do think this will help the campaign in the long run and also the Syrian Refugee fiasco. Let us Pray that Donald Trump will be given the chance to lead our country and to help it be once again restored and renewed. God Bless and Protect our America. As far as Melania speech, I do believe there could be a plant within the Trump Crew, for an e-mail I received and passed on was info pertaining to a hacking on the Justice Depts server stating they had plants within Trump’s volunteers and etc who would relay info to them. This should be investigated, for we know Mr. and Mrs. Trump would not knowingly include any significant quotes that Mrs. Obama used in her speech.
    The Touch Of God Upon Our Nation

    Most Precious Lord Jesus, Gentle And Wonderful God, Truly Awesome And Ever-present Holy Spirit, I love You, Lord Jesus. Please bless this nation in which I live. Please pour out Your Spirit upon this nation’s people and upon its leaders. Our nation has had times of trial and times of blessing. At this moment, we are facing grave dangers and trials we have not seen in generations. Because of this dark hour in our nation’s history, I seek Your Touch upon this nation and its citizens. Touch the heart of every man, woman, and child who lives within our borders. O Lord, open our heart to You and to Your Love. O Lord, open our heart to You and to Your Will for our people. Protect us from the looming darkness that threatens us. Protect us from the evil that lurks about both from within and from without. Protect our people. Protect our leaders. Inspire in all of us, the desire to do Your Will and only Your Will. Keep us on our knees before Your Cross. May Your Touch open the floodgates of our creative spirit, our imagination, our inventiveness, our growth, and our unlimited hope for the future. Inspire in us a heart to turn from every corruption. Inspire in us a heart to turn from every temptation. Inspire in us a heart to do and live only Your Will each day. All these things I humbly pray in the Name of my most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, my Mighty God, and my Ever-present Holy Spirit upon Whom I can rely. Amen.

  7. will
    July 19th, 2016 @ 7:34 pm

    ihv i know what mrs trump said cause i watched it… plagerism? hell no? how else could what she said be sentenced

    MY OPINION.. mrs trump needs to go on air and tell the people both her and muchelleeee they made the same promise.. yet MUCHELEEEEE didnt do a damned thing to keep her promise..

    i am sick of thoose who look for one little sentece to condemn a republican while letting trash like the queer muslim bastard and hillary the thief break laws and get by

  8. Philip stone
    July 19th, 2016 @ 8:03 pm

    Trump made a bad deal with the RNC being forced to trade Rino Pence for acceptance by them. Leopards don’t change their spots overnight but Pence has changed his basic anti-Trump philosophy in weeks. Should Trump die in office we would have Pence acting like a Clinton and destroying the US. Semper Fi.

  9. js/js
    July 19th, 2016 @ 8:59 pm

    Pence should get back the Evangelical vote which

    idiot Romney the Mormon lost 2012. That might

    mean 3-5 million extra votes for Trump. Go,

    Donald, Go!!! Hit em hard, Danno!!!

  10. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    July 19th, 2016 @ 9:00 pm

    no, she did not do it on purpose. It was said that one of Manafort’s aides was her speech-writer

  11. KBB
    July 19th, 2016 @ 10:39 pm

    That speechwriter should be fired immediately. Instead of making excuses for the speech, Trump should stand up and say Melania was sabotaged by a plant, and in future, they will be more diligent in checking. If it was Manafort’s aide and he won’t fire, then Trump should fire them both. As for Pence, I’m fine with him. If he turns out to be a load, Trump will replace him.

  12. CPT Baggot
    July 19th, 2016 @ 10:43 pm

    Just like you can’t copyright a book title you cannot copyright a phrase unless it is associated with a copyrighted product name. Traitor Michelle did not come up with an original idea nor the way to say it. Unlike Obama and Biden who had copied complete speeches from others.

    This is all orchestrated to try to make Trump look bad. Watched Fox News for first time in 8 years and remembered why I stopped watching it. Same old ridiculous analysis and supporting the same rhetoric that the communist globalist CNN and MSNBC support. Even Hannity was playing into the fake Melania controversy.

    BTW, Pence backtracked on the strength of the Religous Freedom law in IN. Thanks for info on Pence’s stance on abortion. Hopefully, he will be set straight on how TPP will destroy our country.

  13. Anonymous
    July 19th, 2016 @ 11:48 pm

    “I am wondering if our ruling globalist elite leaned on Paul Manafort to derail Trump’s campaign instead of helping Trump?”

    YES! Trump was getting to far in the race.

    Pence has been planned since 2012-2014 for the 2016 race before they knew Trump would run. Plan is for Trump to loose against Hillary b/c of Trump’s VP pick Pence is very disliked with a lot people or if Trump makes it to the WH they find a way to get rid of Trump and nominate Pence for President. It’s a setup against Trump.

  14. Emma Rosenthal
    July 20th, 2016 @ 1:17 am

    We have to leave with Pence since that is the official choice for now. If Trump would suddenly decides that retired Lieutenant General, Flynn, 58 years, with a strong Anti Muslim experience has to replace Pence, I would feel much better. Meanwhile, Pence has to speak just as well or better as Trump and not as Paul Ryan does. It is a serious trial for Pence, since he is close to Paul Ryan. If Pence fails to do this, he will embarrass Trump, his associates, and all the people who support Trump.
    I do not know how anyone with decades of RINO background like Pence, would be able to talk anti RINO every day. We’ll wait and see.
    There are more issues though. Mr. O dumps Muslim refugees in the hundreds in many states, I’d say nearly all of the states. This happens every months. New York receives 330. I’ve asked local republican assemblyman Steve Hawley office about this. I said I see Muslims ladies in their garb in the local super market. What is Steve doing to remove them from here and prevent them from settling here. His associate, Irene, responded: We are not racist. Can’t do this. Me: Islam scriptures oblige Muslims to kill unbelievers (in Arabic this means to do Jihad on non-believer’s). Does not Steve not know about this? Irene: I have to ask Steve. Me: You have to understand this is a pressing matter. We may have a terror act right in this supermarket store. The store employs at least 3 Muslims. Irene: Yes. I understand. I’ll call you back. Me: You might not be able reach me. Thank you, though. We hung up. Irene calls me back half an hour later: Steve told me that he has talked about this matter to Governor Cuomo 3 month ago. Me: Cuomo is a Socialist. He would not do anything against Muslims. Muslims maybe working for him as associates. Like Huma Abedin does, working for Hillary Clinton. Irene: Call State Troopers if you see any suspicious activity. ME: if I see suspicious activity, it will be too late to do anything. The State must act now. Irene: That is all I have for now. Me: thank you. We Hung up.
    You can see from this that NY State Assembly is doing a different kind of business, than is securing the State from terrorists act.
    Also, if you’ve watched some NRC speeches, you’ve heard the war is on American soil already. We must fight it as well as control Islam abroad.
    This is why, it absolutely does not matter to me that Mike Pence stands against abortion. I do think that to many voters abortion is not a critical issue for this election. Far more critical are terrorism, looming destruction of the dollar, weakened US Military. Joblessness and many other more critical issues such as healthcare.

    Virginia: “Gov. Pence also refused to accept Syrian refugees, but a crooked judge, Tanya Pratt APPOINTED BY OBAMA overruled him.” I’ve also seen a Comment that Mike Pence is very sensitive to criticism from the Press. Of course the judge can shut up the Governor in a matter of State Security. Especially the RINO like Pence. No Judge verdict is final as there is a court of Appeal. Of course Mike Pence does not from the Judge verdict.

  15. Leonid Levin
    July 20th, 2016 @ 1:41 am

    to Virginia: About Pence Preventing Syrian refugees to settle In Indiana:

    “The bottom line here is what the court said — you have to treat all refugees equally,” said Ken Falk, legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana. The ACLU of Indiana is representing Exodus in its lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana.”

    The Court is fooling the public. If the refugees are Syrian, they are likely to be Muslim terrorists or at least Muslims. It has to be ascertained if they are terrorists or not. If there is no info on that, Indiana has to prevent the resettling of this people within Indiana borders to protect Indiana population from the terror acts. This Judge has to be removed from the bench. In addition her decision has to be appealed.

    July 20th, 2016 @ 3:53 am

    In the end analysis, I do not think it matters what she said or who wrote it but rather how she said it. People will soon forget the words, if they have not already, but the elegant way she comported herself and the beauty from her heart is what will be remembered. Beautiful words are just words but when beautiful words are spoken from heart it can move mountains. I predict she has already endeared herself to the American people, who still have love and compassion in their hearts for our beloved country and our fellow Americans who have been under siege by the Anti-American administration of Barak Obama. If I am correct the vile attacks by the left on her will back fire in a very big way. What an incredible First Lady she will be !

  17. RacerJim
    July 20th, 2016 @ 5:55 am

    Michelle Obama: “For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country.”

    Melania Trump: On July 28th, 2006, I was very proud to become a citizen of the United States — the greatest privilege on planet Earth.

    Nuff said?

  18. Rich
    July 20th, 2016 @ 6:10 am

    The liberals are the problem. Not US. Orly said it. We have to win the election first. Right now we have to play by some rules we have no control over. Yet. We have to address these problems in the process but not get distracted into making us the problem.

  19. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    July 20th, 2016 @ 6:18 am

    He knows everything on NAFTA and TPP. He simply believed that if you can’t beat them, you join them

  20. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    July 20th, 2016 @ 6:21 am

    after the nomination he would not be able to replace him. If Trump is breitbarted in office, Pence will be the president and he will continue all the NAFTA and TPP free trade agreements. This is what worries me

  21. Philip stone
    July 21st, 2016 @ 6:34 am

    Pence is costing Trump a lot of support. Do you think he will be a breitbart candidate after nomination?

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