Iowa results smell like massive rigging, Trump needs to spend money on checking the results and the ballot counting scanners and he needs his people doing exit polling in every precinct in NH and all other states
Posted on | February 2, 2016 | 41 Comments
Iowa results smell like massive rigging, Trump needs to spend money on checking the results and he needs his people doing exit polling in every precinct in NH and all other states
By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
I remember how six years ago a tea party star and a great patriot of this nation, Sharon Angle, ran for senate in Nevada against the ruling establishment uber-puppet, Harry Reid. I volunteered at her office in Las Vegas. Till the election day Sharon led by 4-5% according to all the polls. I remember one of her campaign managers told me: we have to lead by over 10% as they can rig about 10% of the vote. I knew it was possible but didn’t want to believe it.
Well, in the morning the vote count was 4-5% for Sharon, in the evening it was announced that the vote flipped, 5% for the regime puppet, Harry Reid. I urged Sharon to verify the vote, unfortunately, she never did it.
It is interesting that until Bush-Gore 2000 the media conducted exit polling. After 2000 the exit polling stopped.
What people do not understand, is that we have no vote verification. We have two types of ballot counting scanners, Diebold and Sequoia, which can be programmed to rig the count any way you want.
Going into Iowa primary Trump led by an average of 6% according to multiple polls. Both Real Clear Politics and Huffington Post posted about the same average, Trump had 31%, Cruz 25% and Rubio 14%. As the results were announced, Cruz had 28%, Trump 24% and Rubio 23%. The swing that we saw is just impossible. There is no way Rubio jumped 9% within hours. Rubio did poorly in the evangelical state of Iowa for the whole year. His sudden rise by 9% in one day smells heavy rigging of the vote to me.
Additional indication of the heavy rigging, is the fact that there was a very heavy attendance. 180,000 showed up to vote. Previous record was about 130,000. Most analysts believed that a heavy turnout will benefit Trump as he had the biggest crowds of supporters, new voters. Every analyst believed that the heavy vote will mean Trump election by a landslide. There is no way the vote went up by 50% to benefit establishment puppets, particularly Rubio who was heavily disliked in Iowa.
Further, Microsoft, the second biggest donor for open borders-Rubio counted the votes cast via phone application. Anti-American-workers, globalist Bill Gates seeks an unending supply of cheap foreign labor, he wants an open border puppet, like Rubio, in the WH.
#MicrosoftRubiofraud went viral on the net and many believe that Trump’s votes were counted for Rubio. As such, everyone who voted for Trump in Iowa, should e-mail and tweet to Trump their sworn declarations that they voted for Trump in Iowa. If the total number of votes reported for Trump in Iowa is below the total number of declarations that Trump gets from voters, then Trump has a very strong case of elections fraud, which he needs to file in the state court in Iowa. (Trump should use the state court, not federal court, as there is a lot of corruption in federal courts).
So, in order to identify the areas of potential rigging, Trump needs his volunteers standing in front of every precinct in every state and doing a count and asking people: who did you vote for. They have to keep the tally and video tape voters telling them the answers and count how many voters refused to answer. By doing so they can do something akin to dual accounting. Further, when they see the counties where the reported results are different from what they see in the field, they need to request that recount in those counties, they need to demand recount of the vote in every county where the results of the exit poling are different from the official announced polling, they need to demand information as to what ballot counting scanners where used and they need to demand to verify the programing and set up of the machines.
We need real transparency in our voting, we have zero transparency and we have a heavy stench of rigging of the votes coming from the state of Iowa.
Something is rotten in Iowa, we have to fight to make sure the rot does not spread to the rest of the country!
BREAKING=> Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out
FLASHBACK: Reagan Skipped Iowa Debate, Lost Iowa, Went On to Win 44 State Primaries
Iowa GOP Caucus Turnout Over 180,000 – 60,000 Over Previous Best (VIDEO)

41 Responses to “Iowa results smell like massive rigging, Trump needs to spend money on checking the results and the ballot counting scanners and he needs his people doing exit polling in every precinct in NH and all other states”
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February 2nd, 2016 @ 6:36 am
Is Iowa part of the United States?
Or is it a Province of Canada???
Illiterates and ultra-Evangelicals do not
know the meaning of NBC citizen. Huh???
Vote American, Danno!!!
February 2nd, 2016 @ 7:01 am
Iowa may be one of those states where one can jump across aisle to opposite side- Dems- could vote for a Cruz so either way a NWO puppet will win.
February 2nd, 2016 @ 8:00 am
This was Fixed no doubt about it. With the lead Trump had in the polls there is no way Cruz won, and look at the margin. Fixed, Fixed, Fixed!
February 2nd, 2016 @ 8:03 am
The drug and sex addicts are in total control. Our lives are in their hands and they are desperate individuals. Like wise are most of the media.
February 2nd, 2016 @ 8:03 am
In 1984 the method for Republican Caucuses was changed from a Hand Count and immediate posting on a Board where everyone could verify the actual votes Cast. Today, Caucuses proceed as before the change except now small slips of Paper are handed out where each voter writes their Candidate’s name; Slips are collected and the Precinct Staff counts the votes, sometimes in another Room. Votes are reported by Micro Soft App. I do not believe the Vote Slips are Reserved. I don’t think there is anything to Audit, except what is reported to Des Moines against what was announced and posted at the Precinct.
February 2nd, 2016 @ 8:14 am
Didn’t every one know that voter popularity was not going to trump rigged voting machines.
The fact that no single news outlet will even allow an honest discussion on the source and true definition of “Natural Born Citizen”, not even attempting to prevent the infiltration by foreign influences from gaining the control of our government, is clear proof the process is rigged. Not to mention that there is only one single candidate that has not already had plenty of opportunity to prove their treasonous venal nature.
Only the ignorant, traitorous liars, or cowards, refer to obama as president. Only the ignorant, traitorous liars, or cowards, claim cruz, rubio, or jindal, are “Natural Born” U.S. citizens.
February 2nd, 2016 @ 8:59 am
Orly, I just found out yesterday that the only vetting of candidates is done by their party. Soooo, it’s the “party” that is destroying the constitution.
February 2nd, 2016 @ 9:25 am
The results looks suspicious because of the vote totals for the two ineligibles, Rubio and Cruz. Democrats should not be allowed to claim to be Republicans and vote in Republican primaries.
February 2nd, 2016 @ 9:35 am
One of Marco Rubio’s BIGGEST Financial backers to Tally Iowa Caucus
Microsoft on the hot seat in Iowa
February 2nd, 2016 @ 9:46 am
It’s time to shift focus from Obama to Cruz. Obama will be out soon, but we could have Cruz for at least 4 years. Orly already has the reputation to lead the charge. Let’s do it!
February 2nd, 2016 @ 10:32 am
John Robb, If Iowa is using the voting system you described it sounds good to me. There is no reason for not having a foolproof system that could be preserved and corrected if necessary.
February 2nd, 2016 @ 10:44 am
I didn’t know the U.S. mint coined duplicate faced coins. Where can I get one? Six flips and all came up for Clinton… MY ARSE!!!
February 2nd, 2016 @ 10:44 am
OMG! This was nothing short of a treasonous fiasco! Let me get into it…
Orly…your catagory is right on! This is this is the same thing I experienced last night! And boy, was I pissed! I have a litteny-(sp) of real complaints…
1. First, Geez-us, I had to take all of last week to figure out where I was going to go to caucus!
2. The local “rag” couldn’t get the locations correct…(Twice!) and I had to take a freakin’ cab to get there, that’s how far away this was!
It wasn’t were you could just walk a 2 or 3 blocks!
3. And one of the most gross actions taken against me was when I asked if can I give everyone who the “ineligibles” were? And the moderator said: “NO!”
4. We had (3) precincts in (1) church! Cause the idiots who expect the public to use freakin’ ESP to figure this out!!!! G.D.! Like it was posted here a few days ago, not all the corn is in the field!!
5. And I thought to myself that “what would the Founders say, if they had heard this guy say No to finding out if someone was eligible to become President??”
6. This was not conducive to thinking and doing the job the right way! And I was fit to be tied anyway!
7. I thought the using of (apps) was very harmful…it could’ve been typed in wrong? It could’ve been received wrong??? The apps could’ve been rigged? And how did we know that the people on the other end, in Des Moines, could be trusted?
8. Then, I learned that they let members of other parties “switch” to vote (R)!!!! Aw, I thought, now that’s a treasonous thing to do! They could’ve done this in order to vote for Cruz/Rubio?
9. Take away all the votes for Cruz & Rubio and Mr Trump would be light-years in front of the “natering nabobes of negativism!”
10. We didn’t stand to pledge Allegiance to the Flag! Was this an indication of treason?
11. It was a fiasco that each precinct couldn’t get their own section, in a different location!
And I understand that Cedar Rapids had one location for more than 6-7 precincts!
12. I think the polls had been inflated, before the voting!
13. Ask for a recount, Mr Trump! This whole thing smacked of people who were trying to help Cruz and stop Trump!
14. Mr Trump, I’d echo what others have posted here today on this category. And see that the voting is done by (non-app) way!
15. Find out if and why the (D)’s/(I)’s want to switch!
16. And see to it that those who vote in N.H. get the info on WHO is (ineligible) ahead of time!!
17. And instead of us having only 50 to 100 people to caucus and we could talk freely last time, in 2012…we had well over 300!!!! With standing room only and most of us were not happy!!!
This was not the way to handle something so damned important! But, hey, I live in corncobville! Hoopyville! These people expect everyone to use ESP, to figure everything out!
Cruz is treasonous and so is Rubio. Santorum can’t get out of the 1% to 3%, so he won’t make it! But anyone who does this and others who know about this and who still go ahead and help them to circumvent our Constitution, should be arrested for treason! G.D.!
February 2nd, 2016 @ 10:47 am
You’ve got to see this, even though it’s “Clinton Voter Fraud in Polls.” I’ll bet you it all that it occurred in Republican caucuses too.
February 2nd, 2016 @ 10:52 am
And did everyone pick up on Cruz “reading” his speech…like he expected to win this…cause maybe he knew the fix was in????
This guy is totally untrustworthy…and all those people who shouldn’t have been able to vote for these two “foreigners,” to continue the O treason, this should’ve been allowed!
Cruz got more votes than Trump and Rubio in all three precincts, I believe? All the other candidates were left behind! Trump lost–illegally, IMO!
February 2nd, 2016 @ 10:53 am
…should’ve (NOT) been allowed!!!
February 2nd, 2016 @ 11:10 am
Dear Orly,
I believe there was voter fraud in ’08 and ’12.
Now with the GOPe and CommunistUSA-Dems both vehemently trying to stop Trump, along with a lot of biased media, this is shaping up to be a year of chicanery, MASSIVE voter fraud and flipping of the vote.
Edison Research exit poll coverage:
2016 Exit Poll Coverage
November 13, 2015
“In 2016, Edison Research will once again serve as the exclusive provider of exit polling data for the 2016 General Election. In addition, Edison will be providing exit polling data for the following primaries and caucuses:”
“February 1, 2016: Iowa Caucuses”
Paula Hoehn
February 2nd, 2016 @ 11:36 am
It’s time for the Donald to sue Mr. Cruz. This is the only way it can be handled, he is the only one that has standing. Last nights circus was rigged, just listen to Ben Carson about how Ted Cruz people spread a rumor while people were caucusing. If Donald’s case goes to court and he sues Ted for $100 million, old Ted would probably drop out and the case would be dropped. Money saved by the Donald and nothing lost.
Ronald Reagan lost Iowa and he ended up being elected president. The Donald will win in New Hampshire, he has a double digit lead, if Ted Cruz wins there, then something is wrong!
Make that phone call Donald, call your lawyers NOW!
February 2nd, 2016 @ 12:10 pm
I was at the caucus. There were hundreds, if not thousands of people who switched to Republican. There were 3 times as many people that were expected to show up who showed up. The man sitting next to me was about 70 and had never caucused. He was fed up! The final tally for our caucus was a tie between Trump and Rubio with Ted a distance 3rd. The Cruz team were telling voters that Ben Carson had dropped out before the caucus on Monday. Which would have screwed up the vote. Neither Canada Teddy or Anchor baby Marco are eligible, thanks to Obama. You can see why no one has tried to impeach him.
I was totally shocked at Rubio’s turn out because I didn’t know anyone who was voting for him. I am totally suspicious of the google app that was being used to record votes. The votes are tallied on paper first with several onlookers from all campaigns watching to make sure no one is cheating. Apparently the final vote is transmitted through a google app. Plenty of room there to cheat.
I knew Bernie was going to do as well as he did. Google predicted a Hillary “win” before the caucus. The contest was a tie between them. 50/50. Hillary is a cheater and liar and I would not be surprised if something was “messed with”. My hardcore democrat female friends were voting Bernie.
Rubio is the establishment boy and I find it hard to believe he came in that close. When the big boys want someone, as you all know, they get him in there. There was rigging going on for Hillary via the “coin toss”. I have never witnessed that kind of cheating at the Republican caucus.
We take the caucus very seriously in Iowa.
P.S. A very prominent Trump person showed up at our caucus which was fun!
February 2nd, 2016 @ 1:21 pm
I think that it might be advantageous to not only have The Trumper file against Cruz, but also that (D) from Congress, to do this at the same time?!
Hit him with a double whammy!
Cruz really acts like he has “nazi-moments” where he feels he can do whatever he wants!
And I don’t think he cares one iota about whether he is illegal or not!
Yeah, get the “dual loyalty” and the party switching nonsense out of the way, and this could correct itself??
It’s a chess game: move, counter move!
Does anyone remember that Cruz said, after someone hit him with the ineligible stuff, then, Cruz said: ‘…then, everyone will be saying that Rubio is ineligible, too!
This told me that he knows he’s NOT eligible, but he wants to see just how far he can take this???!
And Trump already said that his lead in N.H. is even larger than it was in Iowa…so Trump should level him there and make some corrections that he/we didn’t see coming here in Iowa!
February 2nd, 2016 @ 1:30 pm
I have never seen so many bizarre folks on one site in my life! Can’t you see he is anything BUT a conservative shill. And unlike RUBIO claims, he will not say anything to win. If he was’ would he come out against subsidies for all industries in Iowa? He explained that he isn’t against ethanol, just against price supports. The man was the only candidate to visit every county. Isn’t a possibility that his hard work had something to do with things.
February 2nd, 2016 @ 1:47 pm
Orly: I do have one of those pages Trump sent to me, to sign and send back. I will do that!
I can see he did a very smart thing, to keep track of who voted and who didn’t!
This will help Trumper in his quest to stop Cruz and show everyone just how corrupt Cruz really is!
And I still can’t believe the guy who supports him, that I sent you an article about from the newspaper!
February 2nd, 2016 @ 1:58 pm
And that thing he did to keep votes from being counted for Carson, showed just how far this guy is willing to go, in order to get elected.
This is not Patriotic! This is treason, since he knows he’s ineligible!
This is unadulterated being a cutthroat!
February 2nd, 2016 @ 3:49 pm
There are several things that could have contributed to the puzzling vote totals in Iowa:
1- It has been reported that in many of the precincts, there was no one (volunteer or staff) there to speak for Trump, to the voters were easy recruits for another candidate.
2- Before the votes were taken, Cruz and King quickly spread a false rumor that Carson was going to drop out, which could have caused Cruz (and Rubio) to collect more votes than expected. CNN only reported that Carson was taking a couple days off to go refresh his clothes, and then was attending the national prayer breakfast before returning to NH. CNN offered no speculation that Carson might withdraw. (I heard that broadcast myself.) Cruz should be made to cede a couple of his electorates to Carson.
3- Fraud is known to be present in every election. Voting machines are easily hacked, and people make ‘mistakes’ in counting ballots. I will never believe that Hillary won 6 coin tosses in a row – they all came up heads and so those 6 precincts were assigned to her. (They should have thrown it a few more times just to see if tails would come up – I suspect it was a weighted coin.) The DNC is very crooked, but the GOP is almost as bad – I would never put anything past either one of them, as far as rigging the elections.
4- The GOP is blaming Trump’s ‘loss’ on the fact that he didn’t participate in the debate. I don’t think that had a thing to do with the voting outcome. That only gives them more leeway in rigging the votes against Trump. People are also repeating some quotes from Trump which they say indicate he may quit the campaign. I really hope that doesn’t happen, because it would be a gift to those idiots…
All this is why so many people have stopped voting altogether. The states have done away with paper ballots in favor of voting machines, and they are the easiest of all to hack. We don’t even have an option of paper ballots anymore. I don’t think we can ever, in my lifetime, expect to have an election that is fair and square.
February 2nd, 2016 @ 4:16 pm
I don’t think Mr. Trump is going anywhere. He just spent 15 minutes answering questions from press. They are well trained robots. Rally in Milford, NH, about to begin.
The few minutes I saw Ann Coulter she was fantastic, wish I had known she was on prior to presser, will have to catch later.
February 2nd, 2016 @ 11:22 pm
When I am asked, for whom will I vote,
IF I say that I don’t intend to vote, and
IF I get a negative reaction, then
I can only respond:
“If you knew that the gambling machines at a certain casino were rigged against the suckers, would you gamble there with your money?”
February 2nd, 2016 @ 11:24 pm
With evidence of vote fraud and vote rigging, does not the general public have cause for suit and the defendant(s) being whom?
Aren’t general election tallies to be publicly administered, hand counted and double-checked, and conducted at each polling station? Also, a dishonest election requires dishonest people, the same people who demand fair treatment when they become discovered. Ain’t that a hoot.
February 3rd, 2016 @ 7:30 am
No Voter ID requirement in Iowa.
February 3rd, 2016 @ 9:27 am
Not True. We have to show id. I was there.
February 3rd, 2016 @ 9:27 am
To poster #27. I’d like to suggest whom to sue and for what.
The founding fathers have had included the “natural born Citizen” requirement for POTUS in Constitution Article II to protect US from having a President who would be a traitor.
What is the guilt of the officials such us RNC Chair or DNC Chair who allow their parties to include ineligible for POTUS candidates to participate in the nomination process?
I think these Chairs are conducting Treason as promoters of future traitors.
One of the Traitors operates now from the WH.
But these Chairs are not alone. They have accomplices: the Congress, the Supreme Court, the federal Judges who have thrown out the eligibility lawsuits, or who have produced the decisions inconsistent with the evidence supplied by plaintiffs, such as the Federal Judge from Alabama has done in Dr. Orly Taitz lawsuit questioning Mr. O eligibility for POTUS.
A class action lawsuit against Mr. Priebus (RNC Chair) and Mr. Ted Cruz would have been quite appropriate right now. It could be in front of Grand Jury.
Who would be a leading plaintiff in it? Mr. Donald Trump. This is likely to insure standing.
What would be a verdict to seek in such a lawsuit? Treason.
Which entity would bring up such a lawsuit? I am not sure about a good source for absolutely best trial lawyer or a law firm.
It would be nice to include into such a lawsuit some other people as defenders. That could be AG Loretta Lynch. It is her direct obligation to insure that Constitution is upheld and no ineligible candidates participate in the elections from any party.
Loretta Lynch does not appear to execute her duties faithfully or at all.
Furthermore, why the State of Iowa allowed ineligible candidates to participate in past Monday elections in Iowa?
Why Dr. Carson has not brought up a lawsuit against Ted Cruz?
Why is Ted Cruz allowed to mock other candidate for POTUS by fooling Iowa voters about these candidates intentions? Does it not qualify at least as a fraud punishable by law?
I think, a part of Mr. Trump Campaign has to
have legal support at the ready to initiate such lawsuits.
I do not have access to anyone in Mr. Trump campaign.
I only can publish at his campaign website in the Mediate blog. But it has by now about 3,000 posts.
It would not likely be read by anyone from the campaign staff.
I would add that Ted Cruz is not to be trusted professionally as a lawyer and as a supporter of US Constitution, though he has pledged his support to the Constitution as a Senator. Ted Cruz has flip -flopped on the definition of “natural born citizen” (De Vattel) as a requirement for POTUS. Ted Cruz had used the right definition, since Harvard and forward for 20 years. Once he became a candidate for POTUS in 2015, he has changed the definition of “natural born citizen” to require one parent has to be US Citizen at the time of birth.
This completely breaks Ted Cruz integrity and can make him a subject of lawsuits.
February 3rd, 2016 @ 10:20 am
Dear Orly,
I just saw Donald Trump on Foxnews calling for Cruz results to be nullified in Iowa, or a new election should take place.
Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump 4h
“Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified.”
Paula Hoehn
February 3rd, 2016 @ 12:57 pm
to #30 KABBALA
for Trump Campaign site, go here:
at the very-very bottom of that site,
below the red banner and IN the BLUE banner, click on “Contact the Campaign”
fill in your name and state. Write comments in box. They will acknowledge receipt.
(Next to the “contact” is also a direct telephone number.)
February 3rd, 2016 @ 1:47 pm
Yes, I was asked for I.D. when I got to the caucus!
I think that Trump (and whomever else) needs to jump on top of this, ASAP!
And Trump, if you need a witness, I will be available to talk in court! And I didn’t feel comfortable with the app-crap!
Since we’ve gotten away from doing this stuff in simple form: (paper ballots) that can have lots of people watch how they are counted, like we did in 2012, and called in, to our local elections headquarters, the corruption has run amok!
Yeah, King and his court (Cruz) and others think is is funny! I saw him laughing his head off in the background, when someone asked Cruz about his being born in Canada!
And this smart-ass replied something like this: well, it’s a settled situation, when a man is born anywhere with an American mother, then, it’s settled law…!
B___S___ Cruz! You are a gutless con artist and no one should trust your butt, now or ever!
And if it can also be proved that Soros is in the background shadows for Cruz, then, there would be the smoking gun, not to mention that he has already admitted he’s from Canada!
Hey, Canuk, if you’re born in Canada, both parents have dual loyalty (father to: Cuba & Canada; mother-USA, supposedly & Canada, too) then, you “JOKER” are damned ineligible!
You are “UN-CONSTITUTIONAL!!!” How much more simple can it get? Who is the one/group who asked you to run in the first place, Huh?
I personally think he knows he’s full of it…
but he going to push this, to see how far he can take it, right, Cruz?
This is junior high school maturity! When do you grow a pair!
February 4th, 2016 @ 5:53 am
It also looks like “the rodham” took a page from obama as her audiences had been slim to none in Iowa, yet she “found” thousands of voters.
In the Iowa 2008 Primary obama beat her by busing in thousands of Illinois voters.
Looks like Bernie, the old burnt out hippie socialist had the University Lemming and “the rodham” had the necessary buses.
February 4th, 2016 @ 9:49 am
Hi Orly……….please bring charges up against Cruz and Rubio for not being qualified to run. They are not natural born citizens.
I met you in north hollywood years and years ago when you first started up against obama.
Please do the same with these two unqualifed candidates.
February 4th, 2016 @ 10:34 am
Iam not a prosecutor, I can’t bring charges
February 4th, 2016 @ 1:34 pm
And yes, Poster #32, the email to reach Trump is at the bottom.
Also, I should say that I started to get several types of Trump emails…which tells me that someone online is attaching these other, phoney emails…and they even called me by a differnet name!
Trumps’ staff know my name and it isn’t Michael!
February 4th, 2016 @ 1:46 pm
Hey, Garlin: how long have you been reading Orlys’ Site?
If you have just got here…then, you need to know that Cruz is corrupt, a canuk, and has “nazi moments!”
If you have been reading for awhile, you should know that when one is born in another nation, the parents have dual loyalty to other nations, and only one parent has citizenship (which, by the way, may negate her American citizenship, cause both parents were on Canadian voter registration), and one has to be a Canadian citizen to vote!!!
So don’t listen to the Cruz-Crap that he discusses about the Illinois Board!
And here’s something for Cruz to come to this site and tell us exactly what that Illinois Board actually said? I don’t think he could, cause he just keeps saying the same, old B.S.: “if my mother was an American citizen, he’s eligible!” And he says this is the law!
Oh, really, Cruz…and you call yourself a Constitutional Attorney???? What a F_____ joke!
February 4th, 2016 @ 1:53 pm
I kind of wish we could get Dr Vieria-(sp) to come to Orlys Site to see if he can add some law knowledge on this?????
February 5th, 2016 @ 4:43 am
Good job Orly! Glad somebody is willing to scream about this. Most of us on social media are being met with the standard “sour grapes” response. We knew Monday night that this Caucus would blow away all previous voting records for the straw poll. By our estimates, the voting should have been well over 300K if not 400K. Trump’s rallies in Iowa had a total attendance number of 250,000 alone. So imagine if you will, that 250,000 people had seen all the previous debates. They had viewed his streaming rallies across the US. Still, they ventured out in blizzards and frigid temperatures to stand in lines for hours to hear their man Trump where ever he was. Then come Caucus Day, a staggering 82% of them couldn’t be bothered to go to a Caucus in mild temperatures and no snow across the state? 82% of them, 205,000 people saw the poll just 48 hours earlier that had Trump leading and couldn’t bear to have their voice heard when it counted? Something certainly stinks to high heaven. How is it the average precinct returned 197 votes when a Trump rally was just held less than 10-20 miles away? A rally raising $6 million for The Vets sees 205,000 people high tail it the other way, or worse yet, cast a vote for Rubio or Cruz who have done absolutely zero for The Vets? Early returns had Trump leading, and then suddenly a massive flip flop. As more returns came in, Rubio’s numbers continued to climb for no reason whatsoever? The ONLY reason was his camp initially beginning the rumor that Carson was done. Then on the CNN report, Cruz’s camp piled on also. Despite Cruz’s people finding out and knowing full well Carson was going home for R & R, they continued to tell Carson supporters he was done and to come over to Cruz’s side. That is fraud. A fraud further perpetuated on voting mailers “scaring” people into casting a vote for Cruz. By my estimates, Trump is missing in the neighborhood of 80-100K votes. That would put the percentages correctly in line. We only have to look to Microsoft’s statement to see what’s going on here. “The new vote reporting app is easy to use. Those sending results really can’t make any mistakes. Once submitted, the app does a quick bit of math in the background the user doesn’t see or needs to be concerned with, and results are instantly transmitted real time to polling central.” In the background? And Microsoft is doing this for free out of the kindness of their heart? Gates and Soros could easily start their own country. They also could easily start WW3. And do either one just for fun. Trump was royally screwed here. Let’s all keep after it.
February 5th, 2016 @ 6:23 am
Here is the actual audio, phone calls made by Cruz support staff to the Precinct officials.