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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Important: does Vera Baker have a child around 5 years old?

Posted on | October 23, 2009 | 4 Comments

Vera Baker Obama’s Secret Girlfriend – Bradley Effect?
The Post Chronicle ^ | Oct 13, 2008 | Mitch Marconi

Posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 6:57:21 AM by IrishMike
Is the lovable charismatic Barack Obama hiding the fact that he has a girlfriend? Or is he the victim of the ‘Bradley Effect?’ Rumors are swarming that Obama has committed adultery on Michelle Obama with a woman by the name Vera Baker.

Vera baker is a staffer who worked for Barack Obama during his run for the United States Senate in 2004. Rumor has it that Michelle Obama was complaining about the supposed close friendship between Barack Obama and Vera Baker and before the public knew it, she was transferred to work at the Caribbean on the island of Martinique.

The story goes as following: Vera Baker was Obama’s “Finance Director” for his 2004 Senate campaign and made a good buck doing so. Although those who followed the campaign, Claire Serdiuk was known as the finance director on all the postings but strangely Vera Baker was paid too for the same position but not listed. According to reports, Michelle Obama became very angry about something and all of a sudden Vera Baker was relocated to New York. It is said that Michelle was EXTRA angry about something, but it was not specified as to what in the media. And then, not very long after relocating to New York, Vera Baker found herself on the island of Martinique.

The Daily Mail who released the name of the woman has since then said the claim is unsubstantiated but there is a quite a bit of story to go along with what we don’t know. Could this mean that a major American newspaper company will be covering this story right before election? Rumor of Obama’s adultery will most likely have an adverse effect on the election and could come up as the big ‘October Surprise‘.

(Excerpt) Read more at postchronicle.com …The article on speculation of Obama affair has been scrubbed but here is a comment on it


4 Responses to “Important: does Vera Baker have a child around 5 years old?”

  1. Suzanne
    October 23rd, 2009 @ 7:01 pm

    A google advanced search for the terms ‘obama 2004 child “vera baker”‘ produced “Results 1 – 100 of about 3,120 for obama 2004 child “vera baker””.

  2. Mr. Fisher
    October 24th, 2009 @ 2:54 am

    Renee L. Abena Obama. The most shocking discovery about BHO was hidden within David Obama’s “relatives” list and it casts a very, very dark occultic shadow on BHO. The name “Renee Abena Obama” appeared. Who is Renee Abena Obama? Actually, the proper question is, “Who was Renee L. Abena Obama?”
    An exhaustive search revealed the birth of a baby girl named Renee L. Abena Obama on October 31, 2004. The infant died less than two months later on December 25, 2004.
    Young infants frequently die from congenital complications, though the death was not reported by any hospital in the State of Maryland, but by a funeral home (indicated by the SSDI code: 72).
    BHO’s biographies do not report the death of an infant in 2004, yet here was a baby girl who bore his last name—and the initial of his grandmother’s middle name—Madelyn “Lee” Dunham. A search of the Social Security Death Index produced “No Results,” though a genealogical index at WorldVitalRecords.com produced a Social Security number: “215-71-0752.”
    Entering the number directly into a search revealed its owner:
    Name: Renee L Abena Obama
    Birth Date: 31 October 2004 (Historical Events)
    Death Date: 25 December 2004 (Historical Events)
    Issuing State: Maryland
    SSN: 215-71-0752
    A subsequent review of birth and death dates of the Dunham family revealed a startling coincidence—Ralph Waldo Emerson Dunham (BHO’s maternal great-grandfather) was born on December 25, 1894—exactly 110 years before Renee’s death.
    Renee was born under strange circumstances. Her death at age two months was strangely reported with almost no details memorialized in the public record. Therefore, we have the “authority” to speculate on the significance of Baby Renee L. Abena Obama’s short life.
    The Illuminati has a penchant for Satanic rituals with numerological significance. The 110-year time period represents the number “11,” a powerfully mystical number symbolizing “one greater than God.” In short, Dunham’s birth December 25, 1894, marked the beginning and Renee’s Dec. 25, 2004 death marked the end. Renee Obama also lived a total of 56 days. Adding (5+6) produces another “11.”

    This baby’s death had all the earmarks of a Satanic sacrifice. That day could have marked Barack Obama’s full submission to the authority of the Illuminati.

    There were no significant worldwide events on October 31, 2004, other than the modern celebration of the pagan “All Hallows Eve.” Of course, December 25th represents the pagan birthdate celebration of Christ, so that date (the number of days the baby lived and Dunham’s birthday) were all occultically significant.

    The following day, December 26, 2004, was a significant day for the whole world. A tsunami struck Indonesia, killing 146,000 people. The numerology on this published death toll is, again, “11” (1+4+6). The “11:11” derived from the two sequential events (the ritual sacrifice of a 2-month-old baby and the 146,000 victims of the tsunami) also symbolizes a new beginning.

    Renee L. Abena Obama’s death should also mark the beginning of another event—a murder investigation.

  3. ms
    October 24th, 2009 @ 3:34 am

    If you go to the Hawaii Judicial website (www.courts.state.hi.us) and click on the ho’ ohiki system, you can search public court records.

    Interesting to note that if you search for Kelly Schippleck, you will find a divorce lawsuit in 1994.

    If you search Patricia Dunham, you will aslo see a divorce lawsuit filing.

    The interesting part is this.

    Both divorces started on the exact same day 09-27-1994 at almost the exact same time, and ended within 2 days of each other.

    Also, the filing number is only 1 off of each other.

    Shippleck file # 10v943565
    Dunham file # 10v943566

    How could these two divorce suits of people suspected to be connected somehow, have file #’s filed in sequence, and the divorce cases start and stop at almost the exact same dates?

    Worth checking out.

  4. ljsk
    October 24th, 2009 @ 10:45 am

    Wouldn’t THIS be a change from what we’ve seen about the choices that Obama Prefers? The tabloids are saying he prefers the same sex. There was a mention that Obama was the Only person in the posistion of Pres that had NOT been accused of adultry, by a Minister that speaks out against him, and now THIS comes up…Makes you wonder?