Posted on | September 3, 2011 | 28 Comments
Fw: Fwd: 44 cent Forever Stamp
Saturday, September 3, 2011 7:07 PM
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Apparently they think that putting hearts and butterflies on the new stamp will make most people not realize that the rest is Arabic and probably not something we want to support.
New Stamp – the second one!!!

USPS New 44-Cent Stamp Celebrates a Muslim holiday.
If there is only ONE thing you forward today… let it be this!
President Obama has directed the United States Postal Service to REMEMBER and HONOR the EID MUSLIM holiday season with a new commemorative 44-Cent First Class Holiday Postage Stamp.
REMEMBER to adamantly and vocally BOYCOTT this stamp, when you are purchasing your stamps at the post office.
All you have to say is “No thank you, I do not want that Muslim Stamp on my letters!” The Flag of the USA has always been my favorite.
Pass this along to every
Patriotic American that you know
and get the word out!
Honor the United States of America |
September 3rd, 2011 @ 7:15 pm
Judeo-Christian traditions out or eliminated.
We all know what then Comes in, while America is forced into Cultural “Dhimmitude.”
September 3rd, 2011 @ 8:43 pm
The stamp was issued in 2001. Originally it was a 34-cent stamp because that was the first-class postage rate at the time.
The email that Beckie received has been circulating in one variation or another since 2002.
September 4th, 2011 @ 5:42 am
Why no answer as to why Obama supports the Muslim religeon’s Ground Zero Mosque yet opposes the Christian & Jewish religeons’ prayer services during the 9/11 Memorial ceremony?
Here’s one possibilty for ya: “…I will stand with them [Muslims] should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” — Audacity of Hope, Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
September 4th, 2011 @ 11:32 am
Mayor Michael Bloomberg, NOT President Obama, made the decision to focus the 9/11 Memorial Ceremony on the victims and their families — not a whole host of different demoninations, faiths etc.
September 4th, 2011 @ 1:18 pm
How does a private organization buying private property have any comparative value to what is/is not said at a public memorial ceremony?
You also realize the Islamic center (like a JCC or YMCA) is planned (or ever was) on being placed in ground zero. It is 2-3 blocks away.
September 4th, 2011 @ 1:51 pm
Oily!!!! Again, WHY you no allow my COMMENTS?!?!?!
September 4th, 2011 @ 2:02 pm
our enemies shall try any trick from any angle to destroy us and mask those as legitimate, and never stop pushing from the shadows.
We must wakeup or die on our sleep
September 4th, 2011 @ 6:52 pm
Yeah… You won’t allow the comments where I actually prove that your sycophants are full of shit, huh…
No surprise. You’re full of shit. Your followers are full of shit. You know it. The world knows it.
Go away.
September 4th, 2011 @ 9:10 pm
Hey dummy, if you are so angry and think that Orly and all of us are full of it, why don’t you go away? You’re not proving anything, you don’t have anything useful or educational to say, and you do nothing here but prove what a fool you are, over and over and over again.
It would be different if you had any facts or could argue effectively, but you just aren’t delivering. Sorry, you just don’t have it. You are being demoted to the minor leagues. Please visit Fogbow where you belong. Thanks for playing, and good luck!
September 5th, 2011 @ 5:42 am
I do not understand why they will not ReBuild the Greek Orthodox Church that WAS Destroyed on 9/11… Now they want to tell the Muslims they can build a “Victory” Mosque, but slap the Catholics across the Face.
Obama is just Pure Evil, people need to understand that.
September 5th, 2011 @ 5:52 am
@ The Truth
( Worst screen name ever. You would not know truth if you fell into it)
3 years; countless lawsuits; not a single victory.
Birthers are racist, anti-American fools.
Your team lost. Get over it.
It is fun to watch your stupidity grow with every post.
Good luck.
you need it.
September 5th, 2011 @ 6:04 am
Yeah pig314, leave!
September 5th, 2011 @ 6:06 am
Someone like pig314 is probably sitting at home, soaking up government benefits, using a government paid for phone, probably not even legal and using health services paid for by taxpayer dollars.
No wonder she/he is so scared!
September 5th, 2011 @ 6:23 am
Hey Truth, Oily’s too scared to publish the posts that actually refute what you idiots say. I guess that’s the way all you burfers are: Scared of the Truth.
September 5th, 2011 @ 9:59 am
Regarding the Church, please explain how anyone has prevented a private entity from buying property and building a church near Ground Zero?
Also, explain how Obama has anything to do with Ground Zero rebuilding, and religious institutions in Manhatten?
September 5th, 2011 @ 11:42 am
@Bob J,
Three years; countless lawsuits; not a single loss based on evidence.
Obama minions are racist, anti-Constitution traitors just like Obama.
When the truth eventually comes out, you will lose. Get ready for it.
It’s been fun watching Obama throw his minions under the bus, one after the other.
Hope you’ve enrolled in ObamaCare.
You deserve it.
September 5th, 2011 @ 4:35 pm
Now it’s YOU, Orly. YOU are the one censoring the truth. How can you live with yourself…?
September 5th, 2011 @ 5:53 pm
Bob J
Everything I post is the plain, simple truth. I challenge you to find one thing I have said that you can prove that is not factual.
I’ll save some time for you and help you out. You can’t! I don’t need to lie or try to hide the truth. I lay it out and back up my words, unlike yourself and the rest of the Obots.
For some reason, you can’t seem to figure out that this has nothing to do with race. This is about a man that has done everything possible to hide his past records, and the useful idiots, like yourself, that contribute to this travesty.
It is the RIGHT of the American people to know who their top employee is, and to see any and all documentation about this individual in order to prove who he is, and what he stands for! The only exception should be medical records, of course, for obvious reasons.
Because Obama has placed his documents behind a wall of diversion and treachery, common sense people ask the common sense question.” WHY?” And don’t tell me about the mess of a copy of a copy of a so called birth certificate with many anomalies and no certifying seal.
Any HONEST “leader of the free world” with integrity, would immediately make all records public for the world to see, including ORIGINAL copies. This would put this matter to rest, once and for all!
So what is Obama’s reason? Honestly, can you answer that Bob J. with the facts and the TRUTH?
Is it because of his race? Or, is it because he has something to hide?
You, yourself, have stated that you do not like Barack Obama. Is this true or were you being dishonest?
If it is true, does that make you a racist like you claim
me to be?
My team has not lost Bob. You cannot lose when you are on the side of the Truth.
And if you think it is “fun to watch”my “stupidity grow with each post”, do me a favor, and read through your own sometime. You’ll die laughing.
September 6th, 2011 @ 5:05 am
Where were the last 5 presidents born?
I am on the side of truth.
If I am wrong, I will apologize.
It is possible.
@ The Truth
Where was the President born?
September 6th, 2011 @ 6:44 am
The last 5 presidents’ places of birth are now mute.The matter at hand is the present. The current issue is that Obama has created this controversy with his own actions.
No one, besides a small inner circle of government workers, has seen a copy of a CERTIFIED birth certificate, except for a reporter named Savannah Guthrie from NBC. So, I don’t know where Obama was born, because I don’t have the proof I need to satisfy the question.
His social security number also is surrounded by controversy, as well as his school records, passport records, as well as many others.
Can you honestly say, with a straight face, that if you were president, and had NOTHING to hide, you would not clear this mess up immediately by putting all records out?
If you can’t do that, there is no hope for you.
September 9th, 2011 @ 11:04 am
@ T.T
When I go to a bar I show the bartender my I.D and I get a drink. If anyone else asks me for proof of my age, I do not provide it. Is it because I am not legal? Of course not. When a customer would come into my bar and demand my SSN, would I provide? Of course not.If you don’t trust the employer or the bartender; leave.
September 9th, 2011 @ 11:49 pm
Hooray for Bob J! He wins the prize for the all time dumbest comment, and there’s been some doosies on here for the Obots.
Why in the hell would anyone come into the Blue Oyster and ask to see your identification or your social security card?
That has nothing to do with the obligations of the President of the United States to satisfy the people who employ him, let alone the parameters of the Constitution.
Go have another drink Bob. It may make you feel like you’re actually making sense.
September 10th, 2011 @ 12:08 am
Just got hit with an epiphany! The reason Bob gets asked by complete strangers for his personal information like his age and number, is because everyone at the Blue Oyster is gay! And you thought they were all just nice fellas! Ehh Bobby?
September 10th, 2011 @ 10:04 pm
@ Bob J.
How does going into a “bar” compare to being a resident with no documented identiy? – I have one question for you..Do you drink alone?
September 10th, 2011 @ 10:06 pm
CORRECTION: President, not resident
September 13th, 2011 @ 3:16 am
an analogy going over your head.
Who would have thunk it.
Read my post again, critically ( look the word up) and get back to me.
September 14th, 2011 @ 9:07 pm
Sorry Bob, still doesn’t make sense. I just can’t decipher stupid.
Which word would that be? Obot?
December 17th, 2011 @ 1:25 am
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