from a supporter Tim Powers
Posted on | February 22, 2011 | 1 Comment
By: Tim Powers
Since the members of the teachers union have decided to stage a sick-out in order to protest against Gov. Walker, I would like to see a question answered. As we have seen the teachers now getting bogus doctor’s notes on a street corner,my observation is that they were not actively working for the school district on the days in question.
Therefore,if they were not working that day,they should not have brought students with them to the demonstration. If they decided to call it a feild trip,I’m sure that it was not authorized by the school district and there was no parental permission slip offered or granted. That,in my mind would constitute a form of kidnapping. Plus,we also must consider the fact that if these teacher’s did in fact call out sick,the students that they brought with them would not be covered by the school district insurance in case of injury.
These teachers should be fired and possibly face criminal charges of kidnapping and face the full penalty of the law. If they want to risk thier jobs,thats for them to decide. But,they should keep the children of Wisconsin out of it and not place them in harms way. comments welcome
One Response to “from a supporter Tim Powers”
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February 22nd, 2011 @ 2:22 pm
The protesters should thank Obama for this mess. The irony is that if his policy actually worked and created jobs, thise would not be an issue, since there would be revenue coming in to pay the states bills. I have often stated that the worst thing for a union member is a bad economy. Wisconsin is proof. When it comes to sharing the wealth, in a bad a economy, sooner or later you are the wealthy one and people want to redistribute your money to ease their suffering.
The problem is that just like the Russians that never could have imagined that it was actually Stalin that was the one screwing them, these people are too ignorant to realize it is Obama that is screwing them.