

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

from a supporter Deborah

Posted on | February 29, 2012 | 1 Comment

Hello-My parents live on the Big Island of Hawaii…
Reply |Deborah Wedekind
show details 1:29 AM (3 hours ago)
Hi I appreciate all you are doing.  I firmly believe that Obama was NOT born in Hawaii in the late 50’s or early 60’s and here’s the common sense reason why:
I have been to the Big Island (BI) of Hawaii for many years visiting relatives and others, probably 20 plus trips in all.  My parents currently live there.  If you look around at the population of Hawaii and this island in particular, you will see that about 99% of the people there fall into the following racial categories:
Native Hawaiians
Whites who either A.) moved there- called “Haole’s” by the locals or,  B) were born there (Kama’aina’s or “locals” as they would be called if  anyone is born there as with any native Hawaiian who was born on Hawaii on any of the Hawaiian islands)
Asians (and some Portuguese/Anglo Europeans) who were imported to work in the Sugar Cane and other fields.
A Mix of the above
Tourists (primarily whites and asians-about 98-99%)
Not to sound racist, but you almost NEVER see a black person or anyone else outside of the above groups on the BI, and certainly not a black person or his family who would have resided there during that timeframe a long time ago while Jim Crow segregation laws were still in effect in the US.  I’ve seen about 3-4 blacks there in all the time I’ve visited the BI, and most of them were tourists.
If a mixed Black/white child such as Obama was born there who had a black father listed on his birth certificate (and/or was surrounded by black family members), you can be sure it would have been BIG NEWS on the BI and everyone would remember the event, the baby, and the family members who were there at the hospital.  The only case where a child like Obama may go unnoticed, would be because he looked white like his birth mother, and his birth mother listed him as “white”, which brings up some interesting questions about his claim of being “black”.  As with any Hawaiian, if he and/or his family were born in Hawaii, they would then be called kama’ainas or “locals”.  These are 2 words NO ONE in the media or his family or anyone in Hawaii has EVER used to describe Obama or his family, including Obama himself.  That’s because HE WASN’T BORN THERE, and you bet if he was, many people would remember his family, his birth and the little “kama’aina” baby boy who was born there who was of black or mixed black/white parentage.  Also, there are not many hospitals in Hawaii, (only 2 on the BI and they are very small) and there were even less so during the time of Obama’s birth, so it would stand to reason that SOMEONE who was there, would have remembered seeing or talking to his pregnant mother or having seen the baby at or near his birth (doctors, nurses, other patients, hospital receptionist, neighbors, etc).
It is far more plausible that Obama was born in Kenya like his father, where his birth may have (and probably did) go unnoticed, or maybe even in Indonesia, where he was raised for 7 years, which again would be less plausible that he would have gone unnoticed there than in Kenya. Since we hear almost nothing from anyone about his very early life and birth, it would be natural to assume that he was born in a place like Kenya where, at the time of his birth, the hospitals, public records systems, government and country were not highly organized while the populace was exploding.
Deb W.

Hello-My parents live on the Big Island of Hawaii…InboxX

Reply |Deborah Wedekind wedetennis@centurylink.net to me show details 1:29 AM (3 hours ago)
Hi I appreciate all you are doing.  I firmly believe that Obama was NOT born in Hawaii in the late 50’s or early 60’s and here’s the common sense reason why:I have been to the Big Island (BI) of Hawaii for many years visiting relatives and others, probably 20 plus trips in all.  My parents currently live there.  If you look around at the population of Hawaii and this island in particular, you will see that about 99% of the people there fall into the following racial categories:Native HawaiiansWhites who either A.) moved there- called “Haole’s” by the locals or,  B) were born there (Kama’aina’s or “locals” as they would be called if  anyone is born there as with any native Hawaiian who was born on Hawaii on any of the Hawaiian islands)Asians (and some Portuguese/Anglo Europeans) who were imported to work in the Sugar Cane and other fields.A Mix of the aboveTourists (primarily whites and asians-about 98-99%)Not to sound racist, but you almost NEVER see a black person or anyone else outside of the above groups on the BI, and certainly not a black person or his family who would have resided there during that timeframe a long time ago while Jim Crow segregation laws were still in effect in the US.  I’ve seen about 3-4 blacks there in all the time I’ve visited the BI, and most of them were tourists.

If a mixed Black/white child such as Obama was born there who had a black father listed on his birth certificate (and/or was surrounded by black family members), you can be sure it would have been BIG NEWS on the BI and everyone would remember the event, the baby, and the family members who were there at the hospital.  The only case where a child like Obama may go unnoticed, would be because he looked white like his birth mother, and his birth mother listed him as “white”, which brings up some interesting questions about his claim of being “black”.  As with any Hawaiian, if he and/or his family were born in Hawaii, they would then be called kama’ainas or “locals”.  These are 2 words NO ONE in the media or his family or anyone in Hawaii has EVER used to describe Obama or his family, including Obama himself.  That’s because HE WASN’T BORN THERE, and you bet if he was, many people would remember his family, his birth and the little “kama’aina” baby boy who was born there who was of black or mixed black/white parentage.  Also, there are not many hospitals in Hawaii, (only 2 on the BI and they are very small) and there were even less so during the time of Obama’s birth, so it would stand to reason that SOMEONE who was there, would have remembered seeing or talking to his pregnant mother or having seen the baby at or near his birth (doctors, nurses, other patients, hospital receptionist, neighbors, etc).

It is far more plausible that Obama was born in Kenya like his father, where his birth may have (and probably did) go unnoticed, or maybe even in Indonesia, where he was raised for 7 years, which again would be less plausible that he would have gone unnoticed there than in Kenya. Since we hear almost nothing from anyone about his very early life and birth, it would be natural to assume that he was born in a place like Kenya where, at the time of his birth, the hospitals, public records systems, government and country were not highly organized while the populace was exploding.

Deb W.


One Response to “from a supporter Deborah”

  1. PEV
    February 29th, 2012 @ 11:12 am

    Very good assessment. However, wasn’t Obama born on Oahu, not the BI? What hospitals existed on Oahu at the time of his birth 8-4-61? Both of my sons were born on Oahu (1962 & 1964) and neither of them have a BC that looks like Obama’s.

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