from a supporter Barbara Riosenfeld: More important than a dead dog, more evidence of utter corruption in the judiciary
Posted on | November 17, 2013 | 1 Comment

6:47 PM (3 hours ago)
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Doug Vogt’s filing notice of Misprison of Felony and Misprision of Treason
in the Western District of Washington is more important than a dead dog.
in the Western District of Washington is more important than a dead dog.
In 2010 Judge James Robart made a name for himself by fighting a city
called Des Moines, Washington over a tasered dog.
called Des Moines, Washington over a tasered dog.
Ask yourself if treasonous acts committed by individuals to usurp the
presidency of the United States of America by a foreign agent deserve to be
presidency of the United States of America by a foreign agent deserve to be
ignored and the unfortunate tasering of a Newfoundland dog named Rosie means this
judge is doing his job as a federal judge.
judge is doing his job as a federal judge.
Although I applaud Judge Robart’s effort to right a wrong in Des Moines,
our nation is far more important than a benchslap.
Is the Judicary branch of our government controlled by the Executive Branch
and has our justice system gone to the dogs?
and has our justice system gone to the dogs?
See the filing and response by Judge Robart here to Doug Vogt’s filing:
This is not a right-left issue, it is a matter of national security.
If you love your country, don’t let it be neutered from the bench. Our founding fathers meant
for us to have separate branches of government, that’s why George Washington
signed these laws and that’s why you should be outraged at the dismissal of this
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One Response to “from a supporter Barbara Riosenfeld: More important than a dead dog, more evidence of utter corruption in the judiciary”
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November 18th, 2013 @ 10:21 am
Dear Orly,
There ia a website where people who want to help Doug Vogt to mail his complete filing to other Federal courts can donate, I donated $26.00, which means once more chance to find an honest judge:
“How Our Research all started
My first affidavit was done on May 10th 2011 for Orly Taitz for a case she had. I then revised and expanded it on May 22 and then on June 24, 2011 I did a final affidavit with nine points of forgery found.”
….”If the judge in Seattle does not act as he should we intend to mail the complaint to other Judges around the county until we find one Federal Judge that sees what Barack Obama is doing to the country and also wants to get him legally out of office before he destroys the country and turns it into a socialist hell. So if you can contribute to our ends please do so. It will cost $26 to mail the complete filing in color to a Federal Judge. There are over 600 Judges.”
Paula Hoehn