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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

DACA Deal & Gang of Six — Reject It | National Review

Posted on | January 12, 2018 | 6 Comments

National Review calls on the public and the congress to reject the horrible deal made by the gang of 6, which includes 3 Dem senators (Dick Durbin of Illinois, Michael Bennett of Colorado and Robert Menendez of New Jersey) and 3 GOP (retiring Jeff Flake of AZ, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Cory Gardner of Colorado)

This deal is a complete surrender by the GOP. It is absolutely sickening that a party in power, that has both houses of Congress, White House and conservative majority in the Supreme Court, can pick such corrupt 3 senators to do negotiations and come up with the plan which goes completely against the will of the voters. Even the National Review calls this a “Garbage Deal.” This deal makes a complete mockery of the US sovereignty, borders and border security. The deal does not provide for the wall and also gives US citizenship to some two million illegal aliens.

Time for President Trump to stand up and state: if Democrats want to shut down the US government over citizenship for a group of some 2 million illegal aliens, let them shut the government. The voters will turn on them in November.   Meanwhile the GOP senators should change the rules to NO filibuster simple majority vote on budget funding and keep the government open this way.

DACA Deal & Gang of Six — Reject It | National Review

 by THE EDITORS January 11, 2018 10:29 PM Say no to the Gang of Six. What is it about gangs and immigration? The so-called Gang of Six came up with a proposed “deal” on DACA that is worthy of the late, unlamented Gang of Eight’s version of “comprehensive” immigration reform. It deserves to be thrown into the nearest circular filing cabinet, and opposition from the White House thankfully ensures that it will be. It proposes giving a full amnesty not just to the relatively narrow category of DACA recipients (roughly 700,000 people) but to the broader population of so-called DREAMers, possibly covering a couple of million people. On top of this, it would give a version of amnesty to the parents of the DREAMers. This would make a travesty of the original rationale for the DREAM Act. It was supposed to cover illegal immigrants brought here at a young age through no fault of their own; now we are talking about an amnesty for the adults who knowingly defied our laws. The proposed deal’s changes in chain migration are minor and affect only the population getting the amnesty. The visa lottery would simply be transferred over to cover beneficiaries of so-called Temporary Protected Status, who were allowed to stay here temporarily when their home countries were hit by natural disasters. This proposed provision honors the Washington establishment’s cardinal rule on immigration — never permit a diminution, no matter how small, in the number of legal immigrants coming here. Meanwhile, the spending on border security would be a relative pittance. This is a terrible deal. We would be happy with a straight-up trade of a DACA amnesty, even one broadly defined, for a mandatory E-Verify system for employers making new hires, one that would help dry up the jobs magnet for illegal immigrants. But that’s apparently not in the offing, nor, to judge from this afternoon’s proposal, is any deal worth supporting.

Read more at: https://www.nationalreview.com/article/455389/daca-deal-deferred-action-childhood-arrivals-gang-six-reject-it


6 Responses to “DACA Deal & Gang of Six — Reject It | National Review”

  1. steve wittlake
    January 12th, 2018 @ 9:24 am

    Deport these evil people. if they wanted to stay in this country they would be out working instead of living off the government and the people like they have been for 20 to 30 years.

  2. Baruch
    January 12th, 2018 @ 11:44 am
  3. X-Files
    January 12th, 2018 @ 12:21 pm


    Well, I knew that Graham was a closet nwo.

    He seems to change his votes, like a chameleon changes color!

    This is a treasonous travesty!

    You gutless group of “girls” make me sick!

    Thanks to Rep. Steve King, (R)-Iowa, has stepped up and was discussing this in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa Gazette!

    Those who vote for this, should be voted out at mid-terms!

    Come on, Mr President, stay the course and do NOT cave in!

    Stick to the promises of the campaign and you will succeed.

  4. Baruch
    January 12th, 2018 @ 1:57 pm

    “Why Would We Come?” Norwegians Respond To Trump’s Immigration Offer


  5. Alexander Gofen
    January 12th, 2018 @ 2:28 pm

    Yes, “this deal is a complete surrender by the GOP. It is absolutely sickening that a party in power, that has both houses of Congress, White House and conservative majority in the Supreme Court, can pick such corrupt 3 senators to do negotiations and come up with the plan which goes completely against the will of the voters. Even the National Review calls this a Garbage Deal.”

    It’s merely ONE MORE SURRENDER and TREASON by the GOP!

    DESERT GOP! ABANDON GOP! It’s too late to punish GOP in the next election. And even in the next election you would punish only yourselves, because GOP/Dems are de facto one NWO party, and they do not care who of the two wins.

    ABANDON GOP! Through your local chair through the window. Renege and get ashamed of your GOP membership, and join the https://JudeoChristianAmerica.org

  6. steve wittlake
    January 15th, 2018 @ 1:41 pm

    Where is the outcry to round up the Ms13 people and deport them. They should be the 1st to be deported be because they are actual criminals.

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