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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

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fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Cover up of crime: from Trayvon Martin to Nikolas Cruz

Posted on | February 26, 2018 | 10 Comments

About 5 years ago the nation was rocked by the death of Treyvon Martin, which led to a wave of marches by Black Lives Matter, towns and neighborhoods torched and destroyed in upheaval.

But let’s look at the root of the problem. Back in 2012  a program started by the Obama administration to lower statics of crimes committed by the high school students by simply not reporting those crimes to the police and not arresting those students.

Here is an article  about Treyvon Martin, who was not arested twice: firstly, when he was caught with stolen jewelry and second time with marijuana.

“The February 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martion might never have happened if school officials in Miami-Dade County had not instituted an unofficial policy of treating crimes as school disciplinary infractions. Revelations that emerged from an internal affairs investigation explain why Martin was not arrested when caught at school with stolen jewelry in October 2011 or with marijuana in February 2012. Instead, the teenager was suspended from school, the last time just days before he was shot dead by George Zimmerman.

Trayvon Martin was not from Sanford, the town north of Orlando where he was shot in 2012 and where a jury acquitted Zimmerman of murder charges Saturday. Martin was from Miami Gardens, more than 200 miles away, and had come to Sanford to stay with his father’s girlfriend Brandy Green at her home in the townhouse community where Zimmerman was in charge of the neighborhood watch. Trayvon was staying with Green after he had been suspended for the second time in six months from Krop High School in Miami-Dade County, where both his father, Tracy Martin, and mother, Sybrina Fulton, lived.

Both of Trayvon’s suspensions during his junior year at Krop High involved crimes that could have led to his prosecution as a juvenile offender. However, Chief Charles Hurley of the Miami-Dade School Police Department (MDSPD) in 2010 had implemented a policy that reduced the number of criiminal reports, manipulating statistics to create the appearance of a reduction in crime within the school system. Less than two weeks before Martin’s death, the school system commended Chief Hurley for “decreasing school-related juvenile delinquency by an impressive 60 percent for the last six months of 2011.” What was actually happening was that crimes were not being reported as crimes, but instead treated as disciplinary infractions.

In October 2011, after a video surveillance camera caught Martin writing graffiti on a door, MDSPD Office Darryl Dunn searched Martin’s backpack, looking for the marker he had used. Officer Dunn found 12 pieces of women’s jewelry and a man’s watch, along with a flathead screwdriver the officer described as a “burglary tool.” The jewelry and watch, which Martin claimed he had gotten from a friend he refused to name, matched a description of items stolen during the October 2011 burglary of a house on 204th Terrace, about a half-mile from the school. However, because of Chief Hurley’s policy “to lower the arrest rates,” as one MDSPD sergeant said in an internal investigation, the stolen jewerly was instead listed as “found property” and was never reported to Miami-Dade Police who were investigating the burglary. Similarly, in February 2012 when an MDSPD officer caught Martin with a small plastic bag containing marijuana residue, as well as a marijuana pipe, this was not treated as a crime, and instead Martin was suspended from school.

Either of those incidents could have put Trayvon Martin into the custody of the juvenile justice system. However, because of Chief Hurley’s attempt to reduce the school crime statistics — according to sworn testimony, officers were “basically told to lie and falsify” reports — Martin was never arrested. And if he had been arrested, he might never have been in Sanford the night of his fatal encounter with Zimmerman.

In fact, the reason Zimmerman was patrolling the townhouse community the night of the February 2012 shooting was thatthere had been a rash of burglaries in the neighborhood, although there was no indication that Trayvon Martin was involved in any of those crimes.

As for Chief Hurley’s policy, it was the controversy over Martin’s death that accidentally exposed it. In March 2012, the Miami Herald reported on Martin’s troubled history of disciplinary incidents at Krop High. Chief Hurley then launched the internal affairs investigation in an attempt to find out who had provided information to the reporter. During the course of that investigation, MDSPD officers and supervisors described Chief Hurley’s policy of not reporting crimes by students. Chief Hurley was subsequently accused of sexually harassing two female subordinates. He resigned in February, about a year after Trayvon Martin’s death.” https://spectator.org/54312_how-miami-school-crime-cover-policy-led-trayvon-martins-death/

How a Miami School Crime Cover-Up Policy Led to Trayvon Martin’s …


Jul 15, 2013 – Revelations that emerged from an internal affairs investigation explain why Martin was not arrested when caught at school with stolen jewelry in October 2011 or with marijuana in February 2012. Instead, the teenager was suspended from school, the last time just days before he was shot dead by George …

Trayvon Martin case: He was suspended three times and caught with …


Mar 26, 2012 – Trayvon suspended THREE times for ‘drugs, truancy, graffiti and carrying burglary tool’ and did he attack bus driver too? … Trayvon Martin was suspended from school three times in the months before he was shot dead by a neighborhood watchman, it emerged today. … The Miami Herald claims …

The Curious Case Of Trayvon Martin’s Backpack With Stolen Jewelry


Apr 30, 2013 – It was only as a consequence of the M-DSPD internal affairs investigation that “why” they may not have known came to light. Martin Clan 2. On October 21st 2011 a burglary took place a few blocks from Krop Senior High School where Trayvon Martin attended. The stolen property outlined in the Miami-Dade …

Trayvon Martin Suspended From School Three Times: Report – NBC 6 …


Mar 27, 2012 – Trayvon Martin Suspended From School Three Times: Report. Teen suspended …. No evidence was ever released that the jewelry was stolen. “We have … Four months after the October incident, Martin was suspended after he was caught with the empty baggie with traces of marijuana in it, the report said.


10 Responses to “Cover up of crime: from Trayvon Martin to Nikolas Cruz”

  1. gdw
    February 28th, 2018 @ 3:55 am

    Petition whitehouse for right of free speech
    The American Internet Bill of Rights.
    Help the petition reach its goal, share with others:

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  2. Madi
    February 28th, 2018 @ 5:53 am
  3. Virginia W.
    February 28th, 2018 @ 7:28 am

    Great analyses Dr. Taitz. Teens gone wild courtesy of obama/soetoro/soebarkah, holder, and duncan. You’re correct, time to abolish this insanity. Betsy DeVos has her job cut out for her.

  4. ep plant
    February 28th, 2018 @ 8:55 am

    The way this editorial was written was not reflective of the fact that a grown man was told not to get out of his car and approach. Not only did a grown man get out of his car he also had a gun.
    My issue with this story is the fact that you mention Trayvon’s Martins background like that had anything to do with him being shot by a grown man which you clearly did not discuss his racist background.
    The grown man that murdered Trayvon Martin had previously indicated his hatred for blacks even though his dna indicates he has a small percentage.
    I’m talking about a crime from a human being murdering another human being unjustifiably.
    You are talking about his background in such a manner that it has nothing to do with an assault rifle shooting up a school.
    The only two and two you putting together is govt is not doing their job when it comes to being proactive to the next killer.

    Why was not the grown man’s background talked about in your article?

    Maybe the grown man also could have been monitored since he beat up his girlfriends.

    Why wasnt the grown man who beat up his girlfriends and threaten them with guns being monitored. Maybe this would have stopped the murder of Trayvon Martin if the govt could have profiled this person who was threatening others before he murdered Trayvon.

    If you are going to discuss govt failure discuss both sides instead of highlighting one side.

    Do you see the bias of your reporting?
    Nope you dont and that’s the problem.

  5. Martha
    February 28th, 2018 @ 12:23 pm

    But the fact remains that whatever Treyvon Martin had done previously, Zimmerman had no knowledge of it and Martin was unarmed and doing nothing wrong at the time he was killed. Zimmerman was protected (appropriately) by a Stand Your Ground law. He shouldn’t have fired, but he did nothing illegal Cruz is a mass murderer but he’s still alive. The deputies should have fired, but the probably didn’t do anything illegal either. Both are bad outcomes.

  6. taino21
    March 1st, 2018 @ 5:15 am

    @Martha. If someone is banging your head against the ground and you are fearing for your life, would you use your weapon to defend yourself? There were plenty of photos that showed Zimmerman’s injuries. If that’s not doing something wrong I don’t know what it is. Most of all Martha, Martin had been dead for months and nothing was said until a female reporter decided to instigate racial discord. When Martin was killed it was reported first it was reported that it had been by a Hispanic male. Of course that did not interest many people. All of a sudden this female reporter decided to stick in the narrative that the shooter was a “white male Hispanic”. That’s when it became news! Martin thought he was going to bully another of his victims and lost his life in the process.

  7. Davey Crockett
    March 1st, 2018 @ 11:51 am

    Well, if I remember correctly…

    Martin did something…

    Didn’t he start a fight with Zimmerman?

    And this turned into the fatal outcome?

  8. Davey Crockett
    March 1st, 2018 @ 12:07 pm

    And this also shows how much each home needs a father-figure…!

  9. Noola
    March 1st, 2018 @ 6:45 pm

    Taino, Zimmerman is an unstable and violent man. Martin didn’t just attack him.

  10. taino21
    March 25th, 2018 @ 6:40 am

    @Noola. Martin did attacked him when confronted about his whearabouts and the evidence and police reports back it up. Do your research.

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