from Reader Martin Pinsky
Posted on | May 3, 2009 | 10 Comments
Maertin Pinsky |
Submitted on 2009/05/03 at 10:57am
Essentially as our inspired and much beleaguered Joan d’ Arc, the above is a call to arms. In mmy opinion–such as it is- the reins of power must be wrested from the Usurper and his minions. In following constitutional law–which means anything the enemy wants it to mean– you are NOT inciting to riot- you are within the law to keep and bear arms, and to remind our people and all people in this country of the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence: “…… That tosecure these rights Governmnets are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed—THAT WHENEVER ANG FORM OF GOVERNMNET BECOMES DESTRUCTIVE OF THESE ENDS, IT IS THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO ALTER OR TO ABOLISH IT AND TOM INSTITUTE A NEW GOVERMENT………. “……..WHEN A LONG TRAIN OF ABUSES AND USURPATIONS , PURSUING INVARIBALY THE SAME OBJECT EVINCES A DESIGN TO REDUCE THEM UNDER ABSOLUTE DESPOTISM, IT IS THEIR RIGHT , IT IS THEIR DUTY, TO THROW OFF SUCH A GOVERNMENT, ……..” There is is the guiding document for action–not a legal document– but a soverign guide to action for a beleagured country that must remove these Nazi bastards and thie usurper elasder from perverting our country and it precious constitution beyond repair or remedy. The Military–alrerady disgusted with Clinton et al, the Bush folly in Oraq– the fact that we did not go to war after 240 of our marines were destroyed in the barracks—many many grivenaces festering in our noble warrior protectors, and now this OBAMA nation!!!!! The action that is needed is a well planned and organized million man/woman march on Washington, D>C> slinging arms–ONE MILLION. It should drive the obsequious rats out of their holes. The Three branches have to be surrounded and Barry Soetoro arrested, detained, tried in a Military court–he has so flaunted civilkian courts- and summatrily executed. Bastille Day!!!! Think Hitler, Pinochet, Mussolini— this must occur befoire he turns us into a banana republic. We have strong Military personalities in our country who detest this fake, phony and fraud. However, movements will be monitord by the Himmlers and the Goebell press will show as usual their fifth columnist ilk. I cannot see a blood less coup–I do see many in the military turning their backs- on this action. Once committed there is no turning back- and you cannot proceed with out MASSIVE support in our militia. iT HAS TOI BE A BLIETZKREIG- There must be a militray govenor to produce and maintain order until a civilian government can apply and restore civil justuce in an orderly democratic system–this will not and cannot happen immediately. Unlike the USA reatining Nazi’s after germany’s fall this cannot be allow to happen here. The cockraoches have to be removed permenently. The country has to go on a war basis and our made auto producers revived and put on war production basis by military fiat. There will be revolution and rebellion and racial striff–but this nis the way of such sdweeping changes. ORGER BEFORE JUSTICE should be the motto of the “whites” reversing the effects of the Constituent Assembly” and nail the Lenins and his red shirts, as we would Hitler in Munich and his Brown shirts–and rest assured this popularist rhetorical posseur usurper with fight this–so it is best to remove him and silent him. The point here is a civilian militia will need Military support to achieve and finalize the goals of restoring our country and military to a level of dignity and respect worthy of our history and fore fathers. The names on your petition are a clarion call to thousands of others profoundly concerned that wer have a HITLER brewing his nostrums and potions. A militionman militia must have intelligence operatives to monitor reactions abnd counter measures. If the head is cut off the body falls and it is multiple heads that must fall at all levels of expected resistance. Souter probaby left in anticipation of a militia forming. The bastard was apponted by Bush senior and then ebcame a lefty turn coat, not quiting in the Bush administraion but in the Usurper Barry Soetoro administraion. This country is well armed and there will be interlocking inter connections in the military and law enforcement. WITHOUT ORDER THERE CAN BE NO JUSTICE. Barry Soetoro is arrogant DISORDER, as are Frank, Dodd, Waters, Rangel, and a host of others. The mechanical wheels of government will continue–social security checks will go out as always—the body politic will have to be propped up after the heads fall to continue basic services. What has to be removed in a flash is resistant leadership and known crooks, fakes and frauds especially that whore Spectre. The cockroached are in the walls of governmnet at all levels of corruption and the RAID spray will reach them. Arrested as well are leaders of Goldman Sachs, Paulison Jr. Raines, Johnson, and suimmarilly executed: Sol Alinsky and BillAYERS. The Military govenor will be a patriot and will in time return–after order is restored, government to civilian control where safeguards wil be built in NEVER to allow Boeskys, Millens, Rutkowskis. Madoffs etc, to rise and emerge as virtual dictators in their specialties. The punishment is execution for screwing over innocent hard working people expecting the best in treatment and trust. Enough is enough– A CALL TO ARMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND AS IMPORTANT IS PROPER ORGANIZTION TO ATTAIN THE STATED GOALS, INTELLIENCE, AND A LIGHTNING STRIKE– Orly is our Jean d’ Arc 0
10 Responses to “from Reader Martin Pinsky”
May 3rd, 2009 @ 1:09 pm
This is treason.
May 3rd, 2009 @ 5:00 pm
Oily, you are going to be held accountable for the insurrection you are fomenting.
I have taken screen shots and am reporting you to the FBI and Secret Service in Santa Anna first thing tomorrow.
May 3rd, 2009 @ 5:41 pm
May 3rd, 2009 @ 5:55 pm
May 3rd, 2009 @ 6:01 pm
I have screen shots too and now someone posting using my name of Watcher. I will make the appropriate contacts
May 3rd, 2009 @ 6:47 pm
Two Marys– Treason is what Barry Soetoro is doi8ng to our country ands the way he wrested constitutional governmnet from the people.
Mary one and Mary two could be reading a plot from a novel–these plots abound,. in literature, TREASON is in the rat activities of the obsequious sheep that follow this Judas goat into the Abyss.
The FBI at this rate is going to have their hands full, because the structure of our society, constitution and freedoms are cracking at the seams as I type this.
Half the country does not see this usurper as president, this is a pretender surrounded by stonewalling brownshirts.
Your HONEST and NOBLR legal effort has been spat upon by a corrupt and correupted system. A system incapbale of rightingt the wrongs it continually foists upon the honest people of this country.
NOW YOUare being personally attacked by the Hitlerite brown shirts kkissing this usurper’s ass.
Are they honoring your legal efforts so well constructed and honest meaning. Mary One and Two above are Acorn hustlers for the annointed One–just waiting and biding their time.
Treason is betrayal of our constitution by this Usurper–this liar– this man who pays millions NOT to produce a single verifying document to substantiate his claim to be Presidnet of the United States.
What is treason> Is treason taking two thirds of the AID american citizen monies and shipping it to international banks un known.
Is treason screwing up Fannie Mae by Raines who walks away with $90,000,000.
Is TREASON allowing an unqualified communiuty organizer- who never had a hot dog stand–to lecture our great auto industries=–industries that protected our country and east and west europe with massive war production–
Who is going to make our tanks now MR> USURPER? CHINA? mauybe Malaysia?
The military is [profoundly discontent with this fraud as well they should be. He is selling us out and dismantling our country piece by piece–this Arab kiss ass posseur–Isreal hating clown.
This comedian is going to be in charge of our nuclear weapons and war arsenal– this white hating afro centric rascist from the jerimiah wright school of I hate and blame whitey for everything.
There is no way this government will survive with a USURPER/Pretender at its helm. The egg is splitting and dripping and that drip will soon turn intop a massive societal rebellion against this Adolph Hitler of our times.
He is an embarrassment to America, its soldiers, its retired soldiers amd Navy. WHERE IS THE COMPELLING PROOF THAT HE IS QUAKLIFIED TO BE PRESIDENT?
Berg tried mightily with others as does Orly Taitz. TREASON is stonewalling her legal documents, BUT our noble SUPREMES rules that the F word should not be used in public forums. AMAZING isn’t it.
We have a fake, phony and fraud in the white house whomis spending a fortune NOT to produce a single verifying document. He is foresworn, a liar the same as a thief, he spits on the constitution that is TREASOM Mary clone one and Mary Clone two- that is TREASON.
Orly rightly says the corruption is endemic and intrinsic MO to the den of thiefs and liars that run this USA casino. The leaders like arlen specter are whores, for sale, and everyone with half a brain is disgusted because there is no legal remedy for change and amelieroation of the problem. Alan Keyes does not have standing? Obama is not a pimple on his ass, because Keyes loves and reveres this country-, the USURPER does not, he is a paid flunky for Aran Shriah Bank interests a sell out, a TRAITOR—-He commits treason each day he flaunts the constitution in the white house.
What was whispered to Caeser:”….Beware the ides of March.”
notice the names A -adams, B, Brown how inspired the zombie sisters are–do they fancy Kool-Aid as well.
May 3rd, 2009 @ 7:48 pm
Mary Adams, Just show the birth certificate already! And stop hyperventilating and threatening Dr. Taitz.
May 3rd, 2009 @ 8:10 pm
Mary Adams……are you scaring us??
Think the FBI will jump on your information as fast as they jumped on the illegal alien in the White HOuse??
Just asking!!
May 3rd, 2009 @ 8:45 pm
One wonder what twiddle A and twiddle B would call Ayers? AS hero? An educator? And Farrakhan the racist psycho who claims to have arrived in a flying saucer–what would they call him? Their savior?
And Risko> what about him> Well all three lived on one square contiguous blook along with Barry andf the house risko got him. All worked well in CROOK COUNTY.
I will mention something Orly about fatal flaws in our body politic. I watch The great stain maker–Clinton for three hours–as the first criminally indicted president in history- being questioned by a group of giant killerr prosecutors surrounding that whim Ken Starr.
Clinton lied through his teeth. Instead of taking him away in chains as a felon, Coward Starr opts for the fiasco of the Impeachment proceedings.
There was an American President criminally indicted and lying in front of a federal grand jury and was not arrested. I watched this closely andf realized the system is elitist no egalitarian. He who is supposed to be heldf to highest standards violated that trust and is now rewarded in being a multi millionaire. Ayers is a distinguished professor of something or other and still unrepentent.
The joke is as with you now, punish the innocent and reward the guilty.
Barry knows from his education in Crook County that if you cannot dazzle em with brilliance then you must baffle em with bull shit and he is a smooth voiced expert at that and in playing to the mindless zomies and automotons that worship this fraud. TREASON? treason is in spitting upon the constituion and locking arms–protective lying arms around teh usuprer at all lebvels from the common idiot that voted for him to higher levels of government elected and appointed–Holder being a prime example.
I smiled to myself when I realized that you presented this disgrace as an attorney geneal with legal documents—do they give a tinker’s damn about constitutional law? They say that when truth comes up against vested interest the result will always be rationalization. They rationalize to themselves, their friends and families. They betray a trust–how close is betrayal of american interests in matters of law and the sworn oaths to TREASON? These are Federal offcials.
Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum above are reporting us to the FBI–would that be the same FNI whose director has snubbed your precise legal filings? The corruption is systemic to the american body politic, Barry Soetoro is property, he is bought and sold. He is nobody from nowhere suddenly shoehorned into the presidency by a pliant manipulated herd of uninformed sheep. Who owns Barry? Well why did Barry give his first interview to a Muslim TV station? Who paid for his three college educations?–Was it a a rich Arab? Who did he go to school with and visit in 1981 in Pakistan? Was it a radical America and isreal hating Pakistani muslim? What country or origin was oin that passport? wee he could not have been a citizen oof the USA–they did not allow us in in 1981–and Indonesia did not allowed dual citizenship–all made abundantly clear by Orly and prior to that BERG.
What is crookery in our presidency? What is with holding qualifying information? What is paying millions to obfuscate the truth about documents he will not prsent? Is this man a fifth columnist? A traitor. does his being in office at this moment constitute an act of treason to this country which may not necessarily be his own thus exaserbating the lie?
These two stupid Acorn brains above Kool aid drinker A and B are Barry loyalists–we call them suck asses in NYC. And what do you call a suprepem court –eight of whom had a private meeting with a person of interest just days before the unauguration? were they threatened, warned, urged to toe the line?
A massive violation of the constitution has occurred, the facts were presented to the Supremes–their own clerk removed it from mthe docket- there is no conference, there is no care or concern about this massive breach–no indeed those jerk men in black ARE concerned about expletives used on TV or in public forums NOT a constitutional breach occuring at the highest levels of governmnet.
Is this TREASON? Is this not a betrayal of the people of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Now theyb attack the messenger, in the position of legal vangarde–personally as if she is the infractor rather than the USURPER she is attempting to bring to the legal purview of alleged moral and responsble officials.
Is ignoring a massive coinstitutional breach TREASON? Is robbing the american people of their money sent to points unknown in astronomical amounts TREASON? Is Paulson a traitor? Is Raines a traitor?
Is Barney Frank a traitor? Is Chris Dodd a traitor? Noine dare call it Treason–BUT IT IS!!!!!!
The opposition will always call a possible remedy TREASON–until the remedy swallows up THEIR TREASON.
Are thinking americans disgusted with this circus maximus, this emperor with no clothes parading about in finery–the illusion and perception of finery.
Our country has been wracked and wrecked, by late Bush on into the fires of hades with this current usurper fraud in the white house.
If his credentials prove him to be a liar perpetrating the greatest fraud in USA history–what do you do with him? Make him rich like the great stain maker Clinton? Let him write a book to vindicate himself? mOr is he publically executed by firing squad.
This insult, this embarrassment, this affront, this insult to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA along with hiss perennial kiss ass minions and claque is daily spitting in our face as are the attroneys general and secretarys of state spitting into Orly’s noble face.
I for one unashamedly rally around our Joan D’ ARc Orly- she is a true patriot and noble member of our citizenry–she has come from the belly of the beast in soviet union only to suffer the outrageous perception of her beloved new country forming its own beastly belly.
And if that belly gets little indigestion with our efforts and comments then so be it. We are exercising our right of free speech–we are not shouting fire in a theatre. We are not pan arab communists and fasists like Barry and his made ex isreali advisor–a man who sent wrapped fish to someone like a mafia don instilling fear.
The real people in this country feel a burgeoning visceral hatred of barry , his minions, and a congress and court systrems corrupted to its core–a rotten core with a nice idiot smiling shiny apple skin. The Wall Street financial robber barons are another ugly group needing chastening.
So where does orderly change begin? In 2010? Be too late then given the pace old Barry is moving at. The Stalinist media? Doe change begin with them? I doubt it–the editorial section has migrated or metastacized into the entire newspaper. Yourmlefty commie professors who bill them selves as liberals as they ruin generation after generation with anti family, anti- God, anti Army and Navy propaganda—will they provide orderly change?
Orderly democratic change is a farce, a manipulation, voter fraud, fixed voting machines, activist judges,
America like the Titanic has hit a leftist commie iceberg, now reeling to port. How big is the gash at starboard? How far to the left–port–are we leaning-
Can we ever right ourselves through orderly dispensation of justice and applications of constitutional law that so many have of late have foresworn at the highest levels of government?
So we are traitors and we speak treason when we speak of righting the assault on the american government and its institutions run by corrupt politicians, judges and wall street robber barons
That is not treachery or treason, that is RETRIBUTION.
And==read my lips twiddle A and Twiddle B– if Barry Soetoro does not prove his eligibiliy to be president of the United States–there will be a RECKONING– it will come as sure as I am sitting here and feeling the first ill winds of autumn soon to be followed by the unrelenting cold blasts of winter. And there will be blood on the snow before America is restored to the people and able to stand with dignity and integrity in its new Nationalist–garb.
May 3rd, 2009 @ 8:48 pm
Mary, Mary….Dr Orly did not write that above letter..Pinsky did… Did you ever hear of freedom of speech?…..How about when Keith oilberman stated that someone should take Hillary in a back room and only he come out..I was working for Hillarys campaign at the time.. I never forgave him for that.. He was suggesting (inciting) in those words that someone should bring harm to Hillary.. I was threatened by Obamabots in the primaries, many calling me very vile sexist names, threatening me telling me they would kill me, etc, and a few other bad things, just because I was defending Hillary..Nothing is going to happen to your savior.. Like Obama said, “Theyre just words.”