Posted on | April 28, 2014 | 9 Comments
An article below states that Cold Case Posse collected donations for three years but apparently did not file tax returns for the last 2 years, so IRS will be investigating the matter. IRS will be seeking information, how much did they collect and where did all this money go. Former member of CCP and former chair of the local Tea Party Brian Rilley filed a petition to dissolve Cold Case Posse.
Not only CCP never filed any tax returns, they never made public the only piece of evidence they allegedly obtained through their investigation, namely an affidavit of the Forensic Document Expert Reid Hayes. What’s worse, is the fact that they and Sheriff Arpaio, also , never submitted an official criminal complaint to any prosecutors in AZ, no official complaint was submitted by them to FBI, Department of Justice of Judiciary committee of Congress. If large amounts of money were collected, but no work was completed and the money was not used for actual investigation, there probably will be criminal charges. If CCP and Arpaio did not obtain any new evidence and had no intension in submitting a criminal complaint to prosecutors, there will be a criminal complaint for fraud and fraudulent collection of donations. If they actually obtained evidence of fraud and forgery in Obama’s IDs and sat on it for 2 years and did not submit a criminal complaint, then it is a criminal complicity and possibly treason.
to Sheriff, Re-Elect, Sheriff
April 28th, 2014 @ 12:33 pm
So two criminal enterprises about to but heads. I’ll be anxious to hear if shots are fired.
April 28th, 2014 @ 2:45 pm
Wow! He didn’t file tax papers?
No wonder he doesn’t want to admit anything!
April 28th, 2014 @ 3:52 pm
Coincidence? Right before “universe-shattering” evidence is (supposedly) released, the enforcers are moving in to shut them up.
April 28th, 2014 @ 4:05 pm
they promised the universe shattering news for 3 years and delivered nothing. What prevented them from releasing this evidence in March, as they promised?
April 28th, 2014 @ 11:33 pm
Good. Let them burn. I hate the IRS and this is probably just more political revenge by Obama through his IRS thugs – but Arpaio is a FRAUD and as far as I’m concerned, whatever this criminal suffers at the hands of these other criminals is just desserts. Screw Arpaio.
April 29th, 2014 @ 5:46 am
The worst thing Arpaio did was to stand in the way and obstruct Orly’s efforts. All the money he collected and the publicity he received rightfully should have gone to Orly who fought Obama practically alone. And all of Arpaio’s supporter who hyped him constantly in the media,such as Joseph Farrah should be ashamed of themselves.
May 1st, 2014 @ 12:49 am
What stopped Arpaio from releasing his “explosive evidence”? The same thing that stopped Trump from releasing his, over three years ago.
In both cases they had NO EVIDENCE. Nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada. They just made it up, hoping desperately to ride on Orly’s coattails — and make a lot of money.
ONLY Orly has ever released evidence, and kept her word. Trump and Arpaio are phonies, taking advantage of credulous and foolish people everywhere.
May 1st, 2014 @ 6:34 am
there were other people who were helping and finding evidence: Paul Irey, Doug Vogt, Pamela, Linda Jordan and others. However, Arpaio, Zullo and Trump indeed never released any new evidence. They just talked about the evidence that already existed.
May 1st, 2014 @ 1:44 pm
Geez…also, I’ve received (2) new emails from “Pinocchio-Joe” and replied to one (saying no way, Hose’) and blocked the other, asking for money for his re-election campaign! T