Posted on | June 6, 2012 | 3 Comments
The secretary of State of CA will continue counting the ballots until July 13. Currently I am 4th among 23 challengers to Feinstein. I will update you on the numbers, as more ballots are received, however the numbers are suspiciously off all 4 polls taken from March 7 until June 3rd. This is the reason, why first and for most we need transparency in the voting mchines.
At the moment nobody has a clue, how these machines are programmed. There is a high probability that different values were given to votes cast for different candidates. In Germany all electronic voting machines and electronic balot counting machines were banned because those are so easily rigged.
The fact that 4 polls were conducted, will help build a case for the need to ban the electronic voting machines and bring elections back to the people. The problem is that the judges are the product of these rigged elections: either they are a direct product of rigged elections or an indirect product, as appointees of the politicians, who are themselves the result of the rigged elections . It is hard to find a judge, who will be willing to do a thing to bring transparency back to elections and to bring transparency and accountability back to the White House and remove the criminal out of the White House.
One positive is in the exposure to the problems that we have. While running I gave multiple interviews, more people are following me, watching what is going on. Hopefully we will reach a critical mass to make a difference.
We were also able to identify and expose corrupt bureaucrats, corrupt party bosses and operatives and corrupt and dishones members of the media, who will need to be held accountable.
If you are members of the CA GOP, please, work with me to make a difference, remove from office all 24 corrupt board members, who made a backroom deal on the very first day of the campaign and sold the party endorsement to an insider and a Washington lobbyist Emken. Make sure that GOP distances itself from corrupt and dishonest opertives like John Fleishman, Mike Standrift, Alan Hoffenblum, Mike Spence, Steve Frank. These people need to be held accountable.
We need to hold accountable members of the media, such as John Avlon of Daily Beast, Valerie Richardson from Washington Times, Kevin Underhill from Forbes magazine, Chris Mathews and Rachel Maddow from MSNBC, John Kobylt from John and Ken show, KFI am 640 radio/Clear Channel communications and others. I personally talked to the director of KFI radio asking to give me an opportunity to appear on the program and clear my name after slanderous remarks by their employee talk show host John Cobylt, yet she gave me a nasty attitude and refused to allow time on the air before the election to clear my name. I need your help in preparing a legal action against all of the corrupt operatives of the GOP and all of the lying members of the media, who defamed me. I need names, articles, ownership of the newspapers and radio stations, agents for service of process. Let them explain to the jury why is it crazy to bring to court evidence that the President of the United States is using a stolen Social Security number and a forged birth certificate, forged selective service certificate and a name not legally his. Let them explain to the jury, why did they behave with such malice in attacking and defaming me and causing me severe emotional distress with this behavior, why didn’t they behave like human being, why didn’t they speak the truth.
I believe it is time to hold party officials and members of the media financially accountble for fraud, slander and defamation of my character. This might be the ultimate way to expose eligibility and ObamaForgeryGate, as corrupt GOP oeratives and corrupt and dishonest members of the media knew all the facts of Obama not having a valid birth certificate, not having a valid Social Security number, yet they viciously attacked me, called me names, did not give me an opportunity to respond. This affected my reputation, elections, my health and future ability to work.
Please, send me all the material. Also, in order to reach as many people as possible, I did advertising on some 10 radio stations, I installed a server, purchased 1,500 signs, did new media campaign. I have done an enormous ammount of work. I had to hire a paralegal to help with legal actions against Obama and outreach. I borrowed most of the money from my retirement fund and i need to return it to the retirement fund. Fighting for liberty is not cheap. It takes thousands of hours of my time, many sleepless nights and thousands of dollars. I would greatly appreciate your donations in order to pay off the debt. Any donations will help to retire the debt and continue the fight. Please, donate whatever you can: $ 1,000, $500, $100 $50, $25, $10. As you know, i fought to end corruption for 4 years. you know I am not a person, who gives up, but it takes a lot of funding and I need your help to continue going. We have a hearing in Indianapolis on June 12, to remove Obama from the ballot. I cannot pay to bring any witnesses or even fly myself to Indiana without your donations. Hearing in georgia cost me $14,000. Unfortunately, as I was flying witnesses to Georgia and actually needed funding, some people started this article 2 campaign and were supporting only candidates, who were bringing only very limited cases based only on the theory of eligibility, did not talk about forgery and fraud and did not need any witnesses. as a result most of donations got diverted from my cases. I hope this does not happen again. At any rate, it takes at least a $1,000 to bring one person to a hearing, as there are expenses for airfare, hotel, court fees, transcript fees and so on. I really need your help to make it.
Please, see an article in TPM. Even though it is a far left publication, the article is surprisingly decent. It states that some 120,000 votes were counted for me already. keep in mind that they are saying that 99% of the precincts are reporting, but they counted only about half of the votes in those precincts. the article’s title might signify a breakthrough in itself: it says “Thousands of Californians wanted birther Orly Taitz to be their Senator”. It means that in spite of all the hounding by the dihonest members of the media and corrupt party bosses,bureaucrats and some corrupt judges. we are getting through to thousands of people and even to the left wing media. we have done n enormous amount of work, we can’t stop now. we have to keep going to remove the criminl from the Whote House and hold accountable all who are aiding and abetting him. we have to end the corruption in order to put this country on a right path.
Thousands Of Californians Wanted Birther Orly Taitz To Be Their Senator

Orly Taitz
Orly Taitz, the California dentist-lawyer most famous for challenging President Barack Obama’s birth certificate, failed to win the Senate primary in California on Tuesday, but not before racking up tens of thousands of votes.
Under California’s new primary system, the top two finishers in a primary from any party advance to the general election. Taitz, running to challenge Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D), was in sixth place with over 60,000 votes just after midnight, with 14 percent of precincts reporting. (Update: with 99 percent of precincts reporting, Taitz was in fifth place with over 113,000 votes.)
In an interview with TPM before the polls closed Tuesday night, Taitz said she had momentum in the race, claiming she gained 800 new followers on Twitter and had 1.2 million visits to her Facebook page in the last three days.
“According to most reliable polls from start to finish, I’m leading,” Taitz said. “As you know, I’m a grassroots candidate, I’m not an establishment candidate. The Republican Party establishment does not like people who rock the boat, and so they are supporting another candidate, but I do have a lot of support.”
Taitz is best known for beating the “birther” drum — she’s compared herself to Nelson Mandela and claimed Obama’s long-form birth certificate wasn’t legitimate because it should have said “Negro” — but she’s made presidential eligibility a relatively minor part of her platform (it comes it at No. 12, after rolling back the EPA and holding government officials accountable for the Solyndra and Fast and Furious scandals).
“People know about the eligibility issue,” Taitz said. “I’ve done over 1,000 interviews on the eligibility issue. So people know about it, and so it was very important for me to talk about the other issues. … In the state of California, we have enormous, enormous joblessness. Particularly, we have enormous joblessness among young people, according to the statistics of the Labor Department.”
Taitz’s three main issues: “jobs, jobs and jobs.”
“That is the No. 1 issue, and a lot of other issues stem from this one,” Taitz said.
June 6th, 2012 @ 12:38 pm
[…] finish in the U.S. Senate race is the result of ballot-counting machines rigged against her, she writes on her blog this […]
June 6th, 2012 @ 1:40 pm
Two things would greatly assist in putting this country back on an even footing.
First, take back our Grand Juries. Close the Jury room doors to district attorneys. Return Grand Juries to the people! If the district attorneys do not wish to abide by juries of the people, take them to court and show them that the Constitution trumps federal rules of civil procedure!
Second, put some real teeth in the Oaths of Office that ALL office holders and judges must take. Make it really hurt for them to neglect, rule, or endorse actions which are at odds with or that fail to protect the U.S. from its enemies, foreign AND domestic. Rulings on Oath of Office issues should be determined by properly installed and freely operating Grand Juries, juries of We, the people!
God Bless you, Orly. The Truth will free us !!
Two things would greatly assist in putting this country back on an even footing.
First, take back our Grand Juries. Close the Jury room doors to district attorneys. Return Grand Juries to the people! If the district attorneys do not wish to abide by juries of the people, take them to court and show them that the Constitution trumps federal rules of civil procedure!
Second, put some real teeth in the Oaths of Office that ALL office holders and judges must take. Make it really hurt for them to neglect, rule, or endorse actions which are at odds with or that fail to protect the U.S. from its enemies, foreign AND domestic. Rulings on Oath of Office issues should be determined by properly installed and freely operating Grand Juries, juries of We, the people!
God Bless you, Orly. The Truth will free us !!
Do these comments really take six hours to moderate? Is it necessary to post comments twice in order for them to get through?
June 6th, 2012 @ 7:01 pm
[…] on her blog Wednesday morning, the Orange County resident said: “At the moment nobody has a clue how […]