Were editors of Wash. Past, Atlanta Constituion and others bribed to commit treason and lie about WTO-GATT robbing American workers of at least 28 million jobs
Posted on | July 26, 2013 | No Comments
Sic Semper Submitted on 2013/07/26 at 7:54 am GATT-WTO was around 22,000 pages long!!! We all know how subversive that was now, don’t we??? Take a look back at some of the machinations that were going on right before it was passed with a lameduck Congress by Newt Gingrich, Clinton, Dole, Gramm, and other criminals… https://www.cfaba.org/cf05006.htm Take a look especially at the comment in this article about Section 801 of WTO-GATT: b. Section 801 which gives a subsidy worth over $2 billion to the Washington Post, the Atlanta Constitution and a consortium of other companies. Now, why in the world would there be a 2 billion dollar subsidy of Liberal fishwrap newspapers like the Atlanta Urinal-Constipation and the Washington Piss in WTO-GATT legislation??? This is what happens when Senators and Congressmen do not write their own laws which they should be required by law to do. Approve | Reply | Quick Edit | Edit | History | Spam | Trash Once the richest city in the country is bankrupt, the whole nation will follow suit if we do not fight. Upcoming PPT and immigration bill will accelerate the bankruptcy in multiple cities, counties and states. Tell your congressmen and senators: We do not want America to follow Detroit! We do not want America to go bankrupt: NO to PPT, NO to Mega Amnesty, repeal or renegotiate WTO-GATT!!!
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