

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Al Salvi, former Sec of State of IL describes extortion, harassment and intimidation techniques of Lois Lerner at IRS. Why there is no criminal investigation of Lois Lerner and her accomplices for such flagrant violations of civil rights?

Posted on | June 2, 2013 | 1 Comment

Today Al Salvi, former Sec of State of IL. appeared on FOX. He described harassment, intimidation and outright Chicago Mob  extortion techniques used by Lois Lerner while she worked for FEC. He stated that he gave a loan to his campaign, which is perfectly legal. Lois Lerner filed a law suit against him and demanded that he pay off $200,000 and promise never to run for office again. He refused and won in court, so she appealed and she kept making offers, demanding $100,000, later $40,000, later no money, but only promise not to run for office. This is a Chicago mob technique. All of the people who are responsible for this behavior should be criminally prosecuted. What makes me more angry, is the fact that she is Jewish. Jewish people went through persecutions in Pogromi, in the holocaust,  somebody Jewish should have shown more integrity, she should have known better. That is why I am so angry at Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg, Mila Kunis,  Barbara Streisand, Scarlett Johansen, Natali Portman and others. All of these Jewish entertainers should have known better than to support this Chicago mob style regime. They should have shown more brains and more integrity, and they didn’t. I am extremely sad that 70% of American Jews voted for Obama. This is a total disgrace in my eyes, particularly now, when we see that IRS targeted both Christian and Jewish organizations, while giving green light to Muslim organizations.

Actions by Lois Lerner at IRS and FEC remind me the threats I got from the US attorney for the Central District of GA, where I represented Major Cook and Captain Rhodes, where they threatened to take away my house, if I do not pay off $20,ooo. I talked to the assistant U.S. attorney. I told him: “Don’t you have any decency. I provided evidence that we have a criminal with all forged and stolen IDs in the WH, I am representing members of the military,who will have to risk their lives based on his orders, and you are harassing me, you are going after me? He said that he is allowed to talk only about a certain issue, he is not allowed to talk about Obama”. These are the people in our law enforcement.    People like these served in NAZI SS forces, in NAZI Gestapo. These are the people with no integrity and no moral values and should not be allowed to work in the government.

Today Darrel Issa appeared on CNN Candy Crowley show. I have to state that even MSNBC and CNN are talking about the scandals. Issa told Crowley, that the goal is not only to punish ones that are involved, but to make sure this does not happen again. He was stating that there were a lot of people, who knew that what is going on is not right, they had to be whistle blowers, they had to report this. We need to have a culture where people are more afraid to do the wrong thing, rather than to lose their jobs. People working in federal and state government need to know that they cannot harass people, that if they do, they will be sent to prison for violation of civil rights under the color of authority. They should know to say “no” to corrupt superiors. They should tell corrupt U.S. attorneys, corrupt judges, corrupt high ranking officials: “I will not violate the law for you, I am not going to prison for you. If you do not clean up your act, I will report you and you will go to prison. I will report you to the Inspector General, to Congress, to the media. ”

MSNBC is now openly questioning whether it is time for Holder to go. Panelists on Alex Witt show questioned Holder. One of the panelists  stated that when Holder spied on reporters, lied, he lost the media. When media goes, the presidency goes.

This is pretty powerful coming from MSNBC


One Response to “Al Salvi, former Sec of State of IL describes extortion, harassment and intimidation techniques of Lois Lerner at IRS. Why there is no criminal investigation of Lois Lerner and her accomplices for such flagrant violations of civil rights?”

  1. Rod Riddle
    June 2nd, 2013 @ 11:15 am

    An IRS Agent proved you to be correct again! The Soebarkah Rogue Regime was attempting another “You Tube Video-esque” style fairy tale by claiming that the IRS targeting of True Patriotic God fearing Americans was isolated to one office acting on their own. An Agent not willing to take part in the cover up came clean and admitted it wasn’t isolated and it was being orchestrated by Soebarkah at the White House! Get you some of that Hussein!!!!

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