Was there a bribery of a congressman or congressmen on Homeland Security committee to allow the Current TV-Al Jazeera deal?
Posted on | March 11, 2013 | 4 Comments
Was there a bribery of a congressman or congressmen on Homeland Security committee to allow the Current TV-Al Jazeera deal?
4 Responses to “Was there a bribery of a congressman or congressmen on Homeland Security committee to allow the Current TV-Al Jazeera deal?”
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March 11th, 2013 @ 5:20 am
so maybe Al-Jazeera will print the truth because the newspapers in the USA are controlled by the super rich power moguls-
March 11th, 2013 @ 7:32 am
Was There Bribery???????
I highly doubt it. Our Government , Congress, Senate , etc etc etc. Are Highly Honest and Ethical Individuals. “Yeah Right.” The whole system is going to collapse soon thanks to these ungodly greedy criminals.
March 11th, 2013 @ 7:42 am
Sounds like DHIMMITIZATION is alive and well and sponsored by the US Gov’t!
March 11th, 2013 @ 12:45 pm
I say: YES! Can we really trust the entire DHS or most any of the other depts. of the govt? And…Holder, we’re going to SAVE ONE FOR YOU!!!
You SOB…wanting to confiscate all weapons and unleash hell against us…? GOOD LUCK WITH THAT, JACK! Patriots have got some news for you: The odds are against you, you flakley “f___!