Can someone check, who is this person
Posted on | February 18, 2013 | 19 Comments
I WILL BITCH SLAP YOU 0 approved |
Submitted on 2013/02/18 at 5:08 pm
I wish Orly would try to press charges against me. I would be happy to have law enforcement check out her blog entry here where she is giving out a phone number of a private individual AND libeling that person. Then, we could get an attorney to sue her for her disparaging remarks about a private individual. But as Orly noted, she doesn’t know who I am and even if she did, she has absolutely nothing on me. Writing that her transmission was suppose to fail on the interstate means nothing other than it should have failed. And I DO hope she dies a painful and slow death. My hope would be that she gets in an accident where she’s trapped in her car and it catches on fire and she burns to death.
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19 Responses to “Can someone check, who is this person”
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February 18th, 2013 @ 5:54 pm
Traced the IP address to Wichata Kansas, shows to be in the middle of a field. Probably used his phone as a wifi hotspot to get on the net. they are SCARED OF YOU!!! I’ve been praying for you and this country Orly. I’ll help in any way I can.
February 18th, 2013 @ 6:11 pm
I would tend to just ignore this person unless they bring credible threats against you. It’s just the ramblings of an ignorant Obama supporter whom is mad because you dared to challenge their ‘lord and savior, Obama’.
February 18th, 2013 @ 6:18 pm
The best you could do would be with an IP address [and it would probably be a proxy].
The email is phoney as is this one [mine].
I don’t know what options you have with this software or your server but you should tighten up the security at least for comments.
February 18th, 2013 @ 6:33 pm
Hot Air!
February 18th, 2013 @ 7:07 pm
This person is a confessing complicit treasonous traitor whether they realize it or not. Sympathizing with an enemy is in fact a serious crime. It’s also a crime to comfort, aid and abet an imposter like obama the land conquering communist china usurper, illegal alien, divide and conquer, false flag, espionage infiltrating spy, new world order, NDAA loving u.n. communist enemy puppet for one world government, Indonesian citizen, foreign british subject. I believe that this dumb threatening loser freak is getting emotional, they must be in the “then they fight you”, stage.
February 18th, 2013 @ 7:22 pm
All these Liberals are cowards. They act like tough guys behind their keyboards, but like roaches scatter when light is shed on their identity – Thomas Woodwright as an example.
February 18th, 2013 @ 10:25 pm
It sounds like it may very well be a little kid …………he or she writes like a child. I wouldn’t pay any attention ORLY. I think they are very worried about you winning becuase you are waking the GIANT. So just ignore this crazy child. HE probably is locked up in a basement and fed slop by it’s derranged parents who is nuts.
February 18th, 2013 @ 10:25 pm
It sounds like it may very well be a little kid …………he or she writes like a child. I wouldn’t pay any attention ORLY. I think they are very worried about you winning becuase you are waking the GIANT. So just ignore this crazy child. HE probably is locked up in a basement and fed slop by it’s derranged parents who is nuts.
February 18th, 2013 @ 11:27 pm
These are nothing more than scare tactic. I would ignore this flake and sounds like he is a illiterate fool.
February 18th, 2013 @ 11:31 pm
He is a criminal by Obama needs to be thrown in prison for death threats ………….he will get his. Yes they can find him and it is a man.
February 19th, 2013 @ 2:00 am
Today will be a great victory Orly.
Today the USSC will finally rule in our favor and start the process of decertifying the usurper and sending him back to wherever he came from.
Today we will finally great the victory you have earned. They cannot turn us down. You have the facts and the evidence on your side and they can’t complain about leagl procedure.
You have done a perfect job Orly. We will WIN TODAY!!!
February 19th, 2013 @ 5:26 am
Please keep up the good work..have a very blessed day and may the Lord protect and provide for you. Hearts and flowers to you
February 19th, 2013 @ 6:04 am
advanced ip serch shows
that this person lives in
enid, ok
on an air force base
the military has been compromised
February 19th, 2013 @ 6:18 am
Scott. Why do you not include your full name and email address? Are you the only Scott in this country?
I find it interesting that this was traced to Wichita, Kansas. That is where Ann Dunham was born, isn’t it?
February 19th, 2013 @ 6:31 am
I believe that person is your long-legged mac daddie, Yusef “WHERE’S MY HEAD” Taitz, posting through an IP scrambler.
February 20th, 2013 @ 6:25 am
Must be someone who really “LOVES” Obama!
February 20th, 2013 @ 6:22 pm
Yes, Scott, you really took care of that Thomas Woodwright, didn’t you?
February 20th, 2013 @ 7:25 pm
This “person” is a bitch that wants to slap you! He’s a bitch! Haha!
February 21st, 2013 @ 4:25 pm
orly I can’t believe how stupid people are….like the girly guy who says “bitchslap” like that’s not old….
we love how you keep moving ahead no matter what…you’re a great American! THANK YOU