Geraldo Rivera talks about Obama’s illegitimacy to Presidency. Let’s see who gets the last laugh
Posted on | July 25, 2009 | 28 Comments
Mike Huckabee chimed in laughing. He said Hillary and McCain had fully investigated this and if they had found anything, they would have jumped on it. Ha, ha, ha. Time to concentrate on important things he said and went on to a non issue distraction named Saint Sarah Palin.
A black professor, forget his name, a regular contributor to FAUX (who believes everything in this world is racism against blacks) blathered on that he gets email on this all the time, there is nothing to it. People just don’t like Obama/Soetoro. He also had a good laugh.
What I watched was simply amazing. Truly.
It was a staged play. Political theater and a new level of stupidity (or outright deception) by the players.
High paid cast of characters with “credibility” in their fields.
Not a single word about Obama’s father’s citizenship being at the heart of the issue. Nothing legal, just laughing.
The usual gab fest that put every single American in this country who cares about the Constitution in the categrory of “cranks” and remaining “Klan-ers.”
No need to get upset about it. These people are useful fools in their expensive clothes, hair and inflated egos.
We will see who gets the last laugh even though this isn’t a laughing matter.
28 Responses to “Geraldo Rivera talks about Obama’s illegitimacy to Presidency. Let’s see who gets the last laugh”
July 25th, 2009 @ 11:38 pm
what happened to fox being fair and balanced. They should have Orly there and she would have told them how bo is not eligible
Obviously we struck a nerve if they are going to these extremes. Ann Coulter is part of WND staff. We need to email them till their mail boxes overflow about how he is a USURPER>
July 26th, 2009 @ 12:51 am
See Troy’s Open Letter to Lou Dobbs at Troy says feel free to copy this Irrefutable Proof of Obama’s Ineligibility and send it to whoever you wish. It is the best compilation of information I have seen. Please put it to good use as that was the intent of Troy’s work.
July 26th, 2009 @ 12:53 am
That link should have been
July 26th, 2009 @ 12:53 am
we will see who yucks it up when they pass legislation making it so you need documentation proving citizenship to be scrutinized and not a copy digitally collaged for the blog “Daily Kos”.
the issue isn’t if he is or not. the issue is that he is going out of his way to hide something. if there is this much skepticism and the success of his presidency in dependent on this paperwork… then why not let the supreme court look over the birth certificate. what is Obama afraid of?
after the legislation is passed that I mentioned above and Obama doesn’t run… what will the media say then? probably what they said about Clinton when the conspiracy turned out to be real. you know… the argument that it shouldn’t matter?
July 26th, 2009 @ 1:04 am
Fair and balanced: Orly needs to speak now since they have opened the bull pen of the eligilbity issue. They laughed and critized now it’s Orly’s turn to put the shoe on the other foot. I can’t wait to see their faces hit their kneecaps when the truth finally comes out.
July 26th, 2009 @ 1:32 am
I wonder if Ann is maybe trying to stir things up, because the “leftists” don’t like her at all and don’t agree with her on anything. Maybe that might just stir the pot a little. Who knows?
July 26th, 2009 @ 1:34 am
I am ashamed ad Gov. Huckabee’s behavior!
A Christian pastor revealing in contumely!
Has he ever read the Bible.
Contumely is a sin!
July 26th, 2009 @ 1:46 am
Ann Coulter is a sellout and along with the other American hating idiots on faux news they must be marginalized. These mutants are not Americans, they’re Communists and will be dealt with in due time. The people will rise up and take America back and these miserable loser cowards will be hiding in a corner somewhere shaking in their boots!
Their hero, the Muslim usurper, can in no way be a natural born citizen regardless of the phony certification of birth. He is a British national as was his father and admits so in his book written by Ayres. The Constitution clearly requires the President to be born of TWO citizen parents to be considered “natural born.” The Hawaii BC latest scam, that all of a sudden there is no paper original BC as of 2001, means simply that it is on film. Why on earth would they seal a record that doesn’t exist and why would the impostor in chief spend a million taxpayer dollars to seal his records if they don’t exist and the supposed fraudulent BC has already been released by his enablers. Everything that comes out of that vile TelePrompTer driven mouth is a bold face lie.
They could give a damn less about the Constitution and the fact that the criminal in the Oval Office is destroying America at warp speed while the dogs of justice are biting at his heels. 85% of the American people want to see his long form vault copy of his birth certificate. Let’s add to that academic records, selective service application, passport, medical records, bar application, client lists, Harvard law Review articles and his sources of income to pay for all of his higher education with no means of earned income!
The last time I looked the people own America and employ the criminals in government, we pay their salaries and they ignore the will of the people. They have all without exception violated their oath of office to uphold the Constitution. What we are witnessing is much worse than the tyranny that brought about the American Revolution!
So where does that leave the people, it leaves us at a crossroads, that demand we replace the cowards, traitors and the violators of the Constitution that consider us their slaves. A good example is the national health care scam. When the Democrats were proffered legislation asking them to sign up to the same health care plan as the people, they declined!. What does that tell you? It tells me massive tyranny in our criminal government, that’s what it tells me! They consider themselves royalty and the people who own America and pay their salaries, serfs! Time to take off the gloves!
July 26th, 2009 @ 2:16 am
Yes I thought Fox news was also fair and balanced but All of the guys and gals know that Obama is not a natural born citizen so how fair is that to us americans who support the constitution.
July 26th, 2009 @ 2:27 am
All of the television media outlets are afraid to have real people on their shows to rebut their claims….I have begged and pleaded for months to Fox as well as Lou Dobbs in the last week to have competent people on their shows to rebut the MORONS giving out false information…..what are they afraid of…..we Patriots know…..they are afraid of the TRUTH….plain and simple…..well we’re not and trust me….82 % of Americans want to see the real birth certificate…..even though it doesn’t matter pertaining to Natural born!!!
July 26th, 2009 @ 2:46 am
Leave it to Devvy to expose the people who have sold their souls for a little fame and fortune. And people think Fox News is conservative. Just remember how they treated Ron Paul during the primaries for saying the monetary and economic system was about to collapse, look now who was right.
July 26th, 2009 @ 3:07 am
Everyone of them, Coulter, the professor and Huckabee need to be read the riot act on this issue. They all act so clueless and smug. Geraldo isn’t worth mentioning, and Lou Dobbs needs to educate himself on how to go after this issue in the right way. He needs to listen to authorities on the subject.
We need Orly to set them all straight, but in the meantime, these four people need to be educated! Email them all at FOX (FAUX) News.
July 26th, 2009 @ 3:16 am
The “black professor, forget his name” is Marc Lamont Hill.
Whatever one might say, for good cause, about Ann Coulter, she’s darn sure no o-bot.
July 26th, 2009 @ 3:38 am
God Bless YOU, Dr. Orly! 🙂 YOU are a wonderful patriot! 🙂 Prayers for strenght for YOU! 🙂
July 26th, 2009 @ 4:10 am
Okay folks….here is the email I just sent out to Coulter, Huckabee and Geraldo…it is rather long but I will continue to send it to them every day until I get a response and he has Mario on his show!!! Please pound them with a similar email. Jackie:)
Mr. Huckabee…..It is sad that you, Geraldo, Ann Coulter and some black dude (didn’t get his name) went out of your way to show your ignorance concerning the eligibility of the FRAUD in our White House… if you all were giving out the correct information that would be one thing… but you and many others in the MSM are not telling the public the truth….the audacity that you all would continue to ridicule and paint us truth seekers as “crazies” also pains me greatly….Now I have been watching your show since it’s inception and I know your book is “Do the Right Thing”….. How about you practice what you preach…..Please have someone on your show who will explain in simple terms why Barack Obama is a Usurper and several of our Politicians are complicit in this cover up.
I suggest you invite attorney Mario Apuzzo to be on your show and rebut Geraldo, Dobbs, Coulter….anyone you want and you and the others might learn a thing or two about our Constitution and the requirement in the Constitution for the POTUS to be a “natural born” citizen. Please go to Mr. Apuzzo’s website….
to find the below information and much, much more… is explained in very simple terms….I’m sure if I can understand it….you as a Politician should already know why Mr. Obama is a FRAUD and a USURPER!!! Mr. Apuzzo also has his brief posted there for all to read when he goes to court Aug. 3rd to request a hearing on the merits of this case representing Charles Kerchner and a few other Plaintiffs.
Also, as a dedicated follower of your show I would appreciate a response back to this email and whether or not you will “do the right thing” and report the real facts and truth concerning the USURPER in our HOUSE!!! I would also request that you pass this information on to your buddies on Fox News so that they too can “do the right thing”!!!!
If you aren’t going to disseminate the correct information then PLEASE….do not report on it at all!!!
Jackie Smith
Henderson, NV
Citizen at Birth (CAB) does NOT equal Natural Born Citizen (NBC)
While a natural born citizen is obviously a citizen at birth, not all citizens at birth are natural born citizens. The two legal terms of art are not identical and are not equal.
There is absolutely nothing in that U.S. Statute, USC Title 8 Section 1401, that grants “natural born citizenship” to anyone. The legal term of art “natural born citizen” is not even mentioned in that law. USC Title 8 Section 1401 only determines by law who is a “citizen” or a “national” of the U.S. at birth, i.e., a basic “citizen at birth”. The Section 1401 law is a naturalization law which grants citizenship by law, not by nature. The legal term of art “citizen at birth” is not the same legally as the legal term of art “natural born citizen”. Simply note that in one case we are talking about who is at least an ordinary, basic “citizen” at birth with no adjectives in front of the word citizen, and in the other case we have two very important adjectives placed in front of the word citizen by the framers of the Constitution, i.e., “natural born” citizen. That specific type of citizenship and “legal term of art” was codified by Vattel in his legal treatise “The Law of Nations”, published in 1758, in which he said that … a natural born citizen is a person born in the country to parents who are both citizens of the country. And this group or class of citizens are the most populous group of any nation.
Most citizens of the USA are natural born citizens. Most citizens of the USA were born in the USA to two parents who were citizens of the USA. And that is the pool of citizens that must be chosen from for the singular most powerful office in our nation, the President and Commander-in-Chief of our military. Simple citizenship at birth by being born in the USA without regard to the citizenship status of both your parents … or by naturalization and swearing an oath to this country and renouncing all allegiances foreign kings, princes, and potentates later as an adult, is adequate for the offices of Senator, Representative, or a Governor of a state. But it is not sufficient to be the President under Article II, to Constitutional standards. Article II requires that the person to be eligible to be President must be a “natural born citizen”. And that means that person must be born in the USA … AND … both his parents must be citizens of the USA.
Natural born citizenship status in a nation is granted by the facts of nature of your birth. No law or statute is necessary to grant it. The nations can make any law they wish to make a person a citizen at birth or later. But natural born citizenship can only be conveyed by nature by the facts at birth of the child. If you are born in the country of two citizen parents you are “naturally” … a “natural born citizen” … a citizen too … but a specific kind of citizen who is eligible to be the President and Commander-in-Chief of our military since the child when born has sole allegiance to this country and there is no claim on him/her by a foreign country or power as to their citizenship at birth by that country too. Natural born citizens have unity of citizenship at birth. A natural born citizen is NOT a dual citizen at birth. A natural born citizen has no divided loyalty issues by his birth since the child was born in the country to two citizens of the country.
See this chart showing the five types of citizenship mentioned in the U.S Constitution:
And natural born citizens are not rare in the USA. The natural born citizens are by far the most populous group in the nation. And it from this group, under Article II of our Constitution, we are to choose our President and Commander-in-Chief, the group with sole allegiance at birth to the USA and only the USA, not someone who has foreign and/or dual citizenship and divided loyalties at and by birth.
Obama’s father was not a citizen of the USA, nor was he an immigrant to the USA, nor was he even a permanent resident of the USA. Obama when born in 1961 was a British Subject via his British Subject father, per the British Nationality Act of 1948 which governed the status of children born to British Subjects. Obama thus was born with dual citizenship and allegiances and a foreign claim on his allegiance. Obama is not a natural born citizen of the USA and he is not eligible to be the President under Article II of our U.S. Constitution. He is a Usurper.
Charles F. Kerchner, Jr.
CDR USNR Retired
Lead Plaintiff
Kerchner et al vs Obama & Congress et al
July 26th, 2009 @ 4:15 am
Dr. Taitz….the only reason I suggested Mario is because they spoke about Lou Dobbs and the Pilgrim woman who interviewed you and Dr. Keyes in a mocking sort of ridiculing way….that is why I thought if I mentioned for them to have Mario on it would be a new face with the same message…..I hope you didn’t take offense to me not suggesting you!! Take care Jackie:)
July 26th, 2009 @ 4:55 am
Last week, NBC anchor, Brian Williams refuted every one of our talking points on Obama’s eligibility. He offered absolutely NO PROOF, just Obot explanations.
There seems to be an unified (last ditch) effort by the MSM to “save Obama” from the recent lawsuits and criminal charges being filed. We are getting there. Keep the pressure on.
July 26th, 2009 @ 6:44 am
They cannot defend Obama with facts, so they resort to Mockery, and outright deceit. Effective for a while, but will make it carrier ending for all of them when the true facts are Publicly recognised.
Also, dis you see Obama self certified himself as Natural Born Citizen for Arizona candidacy. See here:
United Kingdom UK (not Ukraine)
July 26th, 2009 @ 7:51 am
This is the danger of focusing on the birth certificate and not the words NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. Those words need to make it into the discussion IN PLACE OF the birth certificate. It is very easy for the press to say that they have seen “the birth certificate.” Many of the people in the media are intelligent—really they are—and they will hear “Natural Born Citizen” vs “Native Born Citizen” and question what the difference is and may even go look it up! Now that Hawaii has “destroyed all birth certificates” beginning in 2001, the sheeple are going to expect this to not go any further—like CNN says, this is a “dead” issue. Every time I see someone interviewed on TV, the NBC issue doesn’t make it on the air, because by the time it is mentioned, the “reporter” has cut off the speaker and the American public has ADD’d onto another channel. We need to start off right away with Natural Born Citizen and explain it quickly before our guy/gal is cut off mid-sentence.
July 26th, 2009 @ 8:46 am
I was shocked to hear Ann Coulter’s and Mike Huckabee’s comments last night. I was dozing off and on while watching TV and thought perhaps I had heard incorrectly. So I did a search as soon as I got up this morning and found the clip on YouTube and then I checked here and found this excellent article by Devvy.
I am absolutely floored by Ann’s disparaging characterization of those of us with doubts about Obama’s eligibility as cranks and Klan-ers, absolutely floored. I won’t be reading her articles any longer, nor buying any more of her books, and I won’t be watching Huckabee anymore either.
July 26th, 2009 @ 8:58 am
This is a copy of the letter I sent to Governor Huckabee:
Governor Huckabee,
I saw you on Geraldo last night and was disappointed in your comments regarding Obama’s birth certificate. You were not funny, and what makes you think Hillary would have/should have vetted Obama. You were running against him…did you vet him? Should you have? Why did you not?
In one breath you were strongly criticizing Obama for not keeping quiet on the Cambridge cop situation because he did not have all the facts, and then you made a stupid comment about the birth certificate issue when you do not have all the facts. Have you seen the Birth Certificate? Are you truly satisfied BHO meets the eligibility requirements to be POTUS? If so, please share with us what has convinced you.
Perhaps you are more concerned about your livelihood and your ratings than you are about the Constitution. I guess time will tell what you are really made of. I had more faith in you until now.
The American people who know Obama is not a “natural born citizen” because his father was Kenyan, not AMERICAN, will not be stopped by the likes of you or Ann Coulter, or Geraldo, or Kitty Pilgrim who choose to laugh and name call.
This issue is not going to go away. America is not for sale, regardless of what the Obama machine and his cronies think, and the answers we seek we will get without the help of you and your MSM cohorts.
July 26th, 2009 @ 9:59 am
Karen is right and yes Al time to take off the gloves.
Ann Coulter is briliant and the left hates her, and we hate the leftist sickos and weirdos–like self sustaining germs in our nose.
Lou Dobbs uis a friend to the right and they hate him on CNN. Huckabee is a two faced unctuous politico who really looks tupis with that guitar.This guy suddenly turned up with dick morris and two cents in his pocket and attacked romney and guiliani–after that attack they both disappeared from the running and Huckabee–the bull shitter preacher ex governor never ran at all. He represent the worse in politics–trust him as far as you can speak and trust your instincts on that phoney jasper.
Geraldo–jerry rivers his real name- is and always was a La Razza ( the race with office in the Black House) kiss ass, and after making a total fool of himself allegedly opening Al Capone’s safe should have retired with hsi what? 4th or 5th wife?
Al speaks forcefully, he has passion but does not persuade in that he provides no solution other than a call to action. If you read my comments I am attempting to alert orly et al to certain dangers in her forward path and I do try to provide advice on actual–as in committed action– to this problem with barry Soetoro the commie pinko arab ass kisser. I maintain that there must be a focused non nebulous march on washington converging on the Black House ( a racist place these days), and in great number demand he step down, quit, remove himself, go back to indonesia , etc.
If Judge Carter fails us, then you must have a back up. If orly is arrested like Keyes ( twice), then we must take action just as the blacks do when they perceive one of their own maligned ( right or wrong by the way). If Orly’s clients are attacked–the military people- then we must try to suppost them in every way possible– words don’t pay bills and to people like Holder they are water off a duck’s back.
So in principle AL is right—we need solutions not this constant repeat of problems defined– you all do that and it is great to a certain extent–showing support over and over and also how smart you are. ACTION speaks louder than words–these energies should be directed toward organizing protests and no tepid gentlemanly and ladylike tea parties–to hell with the leftist media–we need our own party-
The National Party USA Party of the people, by the people and for the people and put up Keyes and orly as candidates–MONEY? all grassroots– and start our own benign ACCORD ( the bastards) and call it the APPLESEEDERS — have your johnny appleseeds traversing the heart land of america and everywhere else their message can be heard–the appleseeders can be old fashioned itinerant preacher types if need be. TO hell with the media–we don’t need them. Perot pulled 17,000,000 votes in a htird party. This national party USA will pull 4 times that–the people are ready for something new and honest that acts in the interest of the citizens of the USA and to hel with CFR, trilateral, and new World order bullshit–elitist BULLSHIT. Isn’t it time to take our country back from the burgeoning HUN?
We need our own party–of the people, by the people and for the people and build our manufacturing base back up to par–and stop this dissolution into a land of t-shirts and fast food-
Back our dollar with real value–a powerful manufacturing backbone– all of you rent or sea VICTORY AT SEA–see what we were/ Dammit we can do it again–the appleseeders are there to spread the word for the new
NATIONALIST PARTY USA– and we will install keyes as presdient and no better man exists for that post– he is a noble person of unassialble credential and bold convictions– like our legal beagle battler Orly.
ACTION fights the wars and heals the bodies, words, however sweet are palliatives.
July 26th, 2009 @ 1:40 pm
You are preaching out of my songbook when you promote action v talk. The time for talk is past. The time for petitioning is past. Hence the Continental Congress is a call to action, to establish the unified strategic plan of action to force redress/remedy for the significant breaches of the Constitution and refusal to give standing to sovereign citizens.
Be aware that loyalty to party is a problem. It is nearly as corrupting as loyalty to government instead of protecting the rights of citizens (the employer). Replacing one political structure with another may be as useless as replacing one politician with another. We need statesmen, people who will stand up for the people, the constitution (imperfect as it may be), future generations, limited government, and peace. The phony left v right debate has occupied the masses via the cozenage that they have a voice by casting an electronic vote for a so-called representative.
If you want a vote, don’t dodge your petit jury vote and recognize that the Judge is lying to you when he says “judge the facts and not the law.” The petit juror is truly the 4th branch of government and HAS THE FINAL SAY ON THE LAW in that their EQUITAL cannot be overturned by anyone. If you want a real vote, serve on a Grand Jury and recognize that you have the power to investigate ANYTHING YOU WANT and DO NOT answer to the judge that called the GJ. I hope you heard me…if you are called to serve as a grand juror, once you are sworn in, you have the right to be a RUNAWAY GJ and have the constitutional power to investigate anything and everything the GJ desires. As a GJ, you can tell the DA or AG to take a hike and investigate them or the POTUS or anything else you see fit. If we want to be Sovereigns, we must act like sovereigns. We have been lied to in the government schools…we have been lied to from the pulpits…and we have been completely duped by the media.
Yes, we need honest money…a competing NON-FIAT at the state level to help stabilize our local economies. Action = push for legislation in your state!
Yes, we need to reaffirm our state sovereignty. Action = push for legislation in your state!
Yes, we need statesmen. Action = work your precinct, raise up and support Statesmen. Vote out politicians that obstruct citizen’s rights, honest money, state sovereignty and a well-regulated state militia.
Yes, we must revitalize our constitutional well-regulated state militia. This is the only thing that the U. S. Constitution states is “NECESSARY to the security of a free state.” It doesn’t say that any of the 3 branches of gubmint are necessary. No matter what law/document we put in place, men will corrupt it and must be held accountable. We have seen what has happened and are in a tremendously vulnerable condition because we have abdicated our sovereign POWER…the well regulated state militia. Action = revitalize our constitutional well-regulated state militia. The militia is governed from grass roots up NOT top down. This is important. See Dr. Edwin Vieira’s book “Constitutional Homeland Security.”
Public opinion has just swung in our favor. S/Ob is now under 50% approval rating per Rasmussen (a 20 point swing). Where we may not have been heard or given attention in the media in the past, do not quit as now we may be heard. Read J B Williams article at Canada Free Press, “Do You Fear Obama.” We have a chance right now to convince the majority of the public that Obama in NOT our president as he fails the Constitutional test regardless of where he was born. Success means all legislation and orders signed after the Obamanation is VOID. We get a Mulligan! Action = Hammer this issue, throw money at it, STAND UP and be counted, talk it up, write and send certified letters to public officials and media!!!!!!! Attend a protest…demand the morons stop dissing truth seekers as fringe. Be a bigger propaganda campaign than the marxists!!!!!
Action baby, ACTION!!! The conclusion is NOT foregone….yet.
July 26th, 2009 @ 5:06 pm
Huckabee’s Church is a full-fledged Rick Warren Purpose Driven Church. Rick Warren blessed Obama at his inauguration. So it is not rocket science to see that if A = B and B = C, then A = C. I wrote two books exposing Rick Warren, so I know what I am talking about. See: Rick Warren Blesses The Immaculate Deception of President Barack Obama at:
I am further staggered that Ann Coulter, as Constitutional scholar would not tell the audience what the Constitution says about natural born citizen requirement to be President. Then she says the Birth Certificate is a non issue. If that is true, then truth is a non-issue.
And Heraldo, you want to defend Hispanics and Illegal Immigrants, how about defending an hispanic LEGAL immigrant to wants to get a passport, but needs a real birth certificate to get one (while Obama doesn’t need one to become POTUS)? See: “U.S. passport seeker has no sympathy for Obama” at:
July 26th, 2009 @ 9:00 pm
Great letter, Anita carter! Well, said.
July 26th, 2009 @ 10:45 pm
Shame on you, Ms. Coulter! I had sincerely respected you and believed that you stand for the principles, for the truth. Alas, you, and Dr. Wheeler et al are only capable of carrying water for your boss – the so called Re-poo-blican party. (In this case you are carrying urine, or whichever bodily liquid is currently prescribed in your party line.) I spit into your virtual face!
It was Re-poo-blicans who overlooked or deliberately perpetrated the gross violation of the Constitution. Now pawns like Coulter are sent ahead to cover up, white wash, and promote the party line.
This is one more illustration what we are up to. In the future (if we have one) all these people will have to go.
July 29th, 2009 @ 4:35 am
There’s a person who claims that the birth certificate of Obama was seen in Hawaii and that he was born there.
I have actually seen the Easter Bunny and I will sell my autograph for $10,000.
What, nobody believes me? Gosh, what are the chances of that? Someone once posted here, on this blog, that Obama has been vetted.
No matter that they never said when or where or by whom. Never mind. Well, I’ve lived on Mars and, for awhile, had a Martian husband.
I have the certificate but I don’t want to show it. I have pictures of Mars but I don’t want to show them either. Trust me.
July 29th, 2009 @ 5:14 pm
Ann Coulter & Bill O’Reily have seen a copy of the newspaper birth announcement that was posted in the local HI newspaper back in 1961. So in their minds they feel that this matter is settled and the case is cloes. They don’t understand that BOTH parents have to be citizens of the US.
I’ve been covering the Birth Certificate story on my blog and someone posted this comment:
“Here’s Obama’s dilemma in a nutshell (READ VERY CAREFULLY AND DIGEST):
If BHO shows his original long form birth certificate, indeed showing he was born in Hawaii, it will also show his father was American citizen, Frank Marshall Davis, not the Kenyan/British citizen, Barack Obama Sr. While that would allow Barack Jr. to be POTUS eligible as BOTH a “citizen”/“native born citizen” AND an Article 2 “natural born citizen” — that is, born to two American citizens on American soil — it would simultaneously show he is a fraud hiding his real father — a unacceptable political debacle.
If, on the other hand, BHO keeps hiding his original long form birth certificate — while simply repeating, without showing, he was born in Hawaii — he can still CLAIM BOTH he was born in Hawaii AND his father was the Kenyan/British Barack Obama Sr. This would enable Barack Jr. to claim he’s a “citizen”/“native born citizen” but it would mean (if a federal court would ever get around to declaring and thus far no one has standing to bring the suit) that he’s NOT an Article 2 “natural born citizen” and thus not eligible to be POTUS — a legal/constitutional debacle since all acts under an illegal POTUS are void.
So it seems, BHO has elected option one until forced to go option two because for now it looks like no federal court will ever find a plaintiff with standing. (Of course, there’s the additional issue of BHO losing American citizen status if/when he became an Indonesian citizen — that is, IF he returned and was naturalized he would be a legal citizen, but would lose both native and natural born status, and, IF he returned and was not naturalized, he would be an illegal immigrant unlawfully in this country — but we’ll leave that for another day.) ”
Interesting comment that’s for sure and something that I haven’t considered. Granted I’m not a lawyer and I don’t pretend to understand all this. But Mr. President, what the American people really want to know is whose your Daddy? Does your DNA match your relatives from Kenya or somebody else?