

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Reminder: we need to find a new position for Major Cook, until I can get damages from Obama Nazi regime

Posted on | July 25, 2009 | 4 Comments


4 Responses to “Reminder: we need to find a new position for Major Cook, until I can get damages from Obama Nazi regime”

  1. Cody Judy
    July 25th, 2009 @ 5:29 pm


    (Orly the important thing about this letter is Senator Orrin Hatch’s comment that if your born in the U.S. your naturalized “regardless of the status of either of his parents”. What does that do to Senator John McCain’s staus of “natural born” status of Senate Resolution 511? It chucks it out the window because he was born in Panama outside of the United States… remember this is a Republican Senator who has sat on the Judicial Committee for many years as the Chair!)

    Attached please find the letter I received from Senator Hatch on July 9th,2009 and it’s disturbing claim that based on hear say and internet pictures of a COLB and Hawaii state officials stating the COLB was real, (rather than a long form B.C. signed by a Dr.,) Barrack Obama was in fact born in Hawaii making him a natural born citizen. The gullible naiveté. … in qualification of the highest ranking member of the military and POTUS is bordering incompetence. With defenders of the Constitution like this is it any wonder we are on the brink of disaster and losing our Freedoms and Liberties defined under the U.S. Constitution.

    Thank you for contacting me via my website.

    I created this webform because I was concerned that important comments, questions, and requests would get lost in the immense flood of e-mail correspondence. The new system categorizes and organizes my incoming mail more efficiently, enabling me to respond more quickly and without the risk of losing messages in the shuffle. If this new format does not suit your needs, you are more than welcome to call, fax, or mail a letter to my office in the future.

    If you provided me with the contact information requested on the webform, I will reply to your message by mail. As you might expect, the convenience of e-mail has significantly increased the volume of correspondence I receive, and I regret that I am unable to respond personally if you are not a Utah resident. Again, thank you for sharing your views.


    Orrin G. Hatch
    United States Senator

    Your email sent is shown below

    Title: Mr.
    First Name: Cody
    Last Name: Judy
    Email Address: codyjudy@hotmail.com
    Phone: 801-
    Address 1: 1318 No. 1500 West
    Address 2:
    City: Farr West
    State: Utah
    Zipcode: 84404
    What is the general topic of your message? Election

    Dear Senator Hatch- July 25th, 2009

    Hurrah for the 24th Celebrated yesterday and Utah’s Statehood! Thank you for your letter Dated July 9th,2009.

    Pertaining to the 4th paragraph I think your statement in paragraph 3 that “there are some potentially complicated laws regarding U.S. Citizenship”, underestimates the simplicity of our beautiful constitution. I am concerned when a lawyer or a Judge says it’s complicated and cant’ answer a direct question… (as Sotomayor couldn’t answer directly wither the 2nd Amendment gave the right for citizens to defend themselves in their own home from harm and accident and the right to bear arms. I’m very happy you didn’t give your support to her nomination.) and its pretty simple. In regards to the 14th Amendment you quoted 4th paragraph…

    ” All person born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” , I would bring your attention to this;
    Paragraph 30 of the Amended Complaint in Keyes v. Obama in the Law Suit filed in the Central District of California to be heard by Speedy Trial on Obama’s Qualification s and Eligibility by a retired Marine and now Judge David Carter:

    In explaining the meaning of Natural Born Citizen, a principal framer of the 14th amendment, which redefined citizenship under the Constitution, John Armor Bingham explained that the phrase referred to “every human being born in the jurisdiction of the United States to parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty”. (Emphasis added).

    I will try to send you the whole Amended Complaint because I still believe in Order for you to Honor the constituents that elected you in your oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution it is critical that you Motion for a Senate Verification of Qualification for de facto if not de jure President Obama.

    Please bare in mind the near 500,000 people who have signed on a petition on WND demanding Obama simply hand over a $12 original long form birth certificate that has the hospital, delivery doctor, place and date of birth that can be verified independently and the gentlemanly way to do that would be in the Senate. That’s eye to eye… brother of freedom and liberty to brother of freedom and liberty. Not in a court lawyer to lawyer… with the Judge acting as Dad forcing the issue. It is going to court, but I am still of the mind that if you asked politely to avoid an embarrassing impeachment process it actually might not be used against you when it comes out in the TRIAL anyway.

    I guess you know recently that a Hospital in Hawaii posted on it’s web site Obama’s letter stating:
    “As a beneficiary of the excellence of Kapi’olani Medical Center – the place of my birth – I am pleased to add my voice to your chorus of supporters,” Obama since before the election was purportedly born at Honolulu’s Queen’s medical Center and within hours of the published letters a number of information sites, such as United Press International and the hoax-busting Snopes.com, swapped their long-published location of Obama’s birth from Honolulu’s Queen’s Medical Center to Kapi’olani battling his own grandmother who in an interview said he was born in Kenya and she was present at the time of his birth there. It seems Senator that a lie wants to come out and reveal itself.

    The true “long-form” birth certificate – which includes information such as the name of the birth hospital and attending physician – is the only document that can prove Obama was born in Hawaii, but to date he has not permitted its release for public or press scrutiny nor any of Obama’s records relating to or touching upon any of Obama’s travel abroad prior to 2000, including but not limited to his self-reported travel in 1981 to Pakistan when U.S. Citizens were banned from traveling to Pakistan.

    Many people remain unaware a child does not even have to be born in Hawaii to receive a Certification of Live Birth, the very “evidence” the White House has cited in defending its assertion Obama was born in Hawaii.

    Now the Department of Defense has allegedly compelled a private employer to fire a U.S. Army Reserve major from his civilian job after he had his military deployment orders revoked for arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office. The military Sir is cracking as this virus infects the ranks and deserves your attention.. please.


    Your Brother in Freedom and Liberty… may the brothers in the Mountains take a stand for our Constitution is hanging by a thread! Please..Motion for a hearing of Verification of Qualification to avoid impeachment and if what you say is true… Barrack Obama and everyone of these honorable people who posted his birth certificate as you insist surely won’t have ANY PROBLEM reasserting the truth with the integrity you profess they have.

    Cody Robert Judy


    Captain Pamela Barnett, §
    Lt. Colonel Richard Norton Bauerbach §
    Captain Robin D. Biron §
    Colonel John D. Blair, §
    Mr. David L. Bosley, §
    Ms. Loretta G. Bosley, §
    Captain Harry G. Butler, §
    Representative Glenn Casada, Tennessee §
    Jennifer Leah Clark, §
    Representive Timothy Comerford, NH §
    Charles Crusemire, §
    Representative Cynthia Davis, Missouri § Civil Action No.:
    Chief Warrant O. Thomas S. Davidson § SACV09-00082- DOC (Anx)
    Wiley S. Drake, §
    Matthew Michael Edwards, § TRIAL-BY-JURY
    Lt. Jason Freese, § DEMANDED
    Mr. Kurt C. Fuqua, §
    Officer Clint Grimes, §
    Julliett Ireland, §
    D. Andrew Johnson, §
    Israel D. Jones, §
    State RepTimothy Jones, ESQ, MO §
    Ambassador Alan Keyes, Ph.D., §
    Commander David Fullmer LaRoque, §
    Gail Lightfoot, §
    MIL officer US Army Lita M. Lott, §
    Major David Grant Mosby, §
    MSGT Steven Kay Neuenschwander, §
    State Representative Frank Niceley, TN §
    Retired Senator Jerry O’Neil, Montana, §
    SFC E7 Robert Lee Perry , §
    Colonel Harry Riley, §
    Markham Robinson, §
    Sergeant Jeffrey Wayne Rosner §
    MSGT Jeffrey Schwilk, §
    Captain David Smithey, §
    Lt. Commander John Bruce Steidel, §
    Cmdr. Douglas Earl Stoeppelwerth §
    Thomas J Taylor, §
    Representative Eric Swafford, Tennessee §
    Captain Neil B. Turner, §
    Richard E. Venable, §
    LCDR Jeff Graham Winthrope, and §
    Lt. Colonel Mark Wriggle, §
    Plaintiffs, §
    v. §
    Barack Hussein Obama, §
    Michelle L.R. Obama, §
    Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State, §
    Robert M. Gates, Secretary of Defense, §
    Joseph R. Biden, Vice-President and §
    President of the Senate, §

  2. truthbetold11
    July 25th, 2009 @ 7:36 pm


  3. Michelle
    July 25th, 2009 @ 8:26 pm

    I have had my battles with Nazi’s in Chicago that’s for sure. When we were very young I worked in a hotel near O’Hare that had a big Jewish client-hood on the weekends. It was very reasonably priced so that the rooms that were booked all week by business travelers could be used 24/7. Late Friday night the Jewish couples would start coming in, I think the husbands had high pressure jobs and their wives wanted them to relax. Super nice people , lots of fun. My boss had me come in on a Sunday morning due to someone didn’t show up as scheduled. I will never forget that day. Main dining room packed, small dining room and coffee shop packed. Everything was running so smoothly I heard all kinds of happy laughing, clinking of glasses and silverware just a smooth day which is rare in the restaurant industry. All of a sudden deathly silence. I thought what is going on. The people kept saying he’s here, he’s here. I kept saying who? who is here? Then they told me George Lincoln Rockwell. All these people were looking up at me, and I’m just a kid. I knew who he was, is he here with a bomb and take us all out or what? I had time for fear for exactly one second, I knew I had to do something. I ran downstairs to see where he went. He looked like a garbage man, but he left. I am thankful to God that no one got hurt that day, and that I learned to get past fear. Twice more in my life I got into it with Nazi’s I don’t know what it is I just get so mad, I literally go out of myself and lose all fear. I know I should be smarter but I just can’t help it. To me Nazi’s without a doubt are the most evil people who ever inhabited this planet. Pure unadulterated evil.

  4. Kevan Corkill
    July 26th, 2009 @ 3:49 am

    God Bless YOU, Dr. Orly! 🙂 YOU are a wonderful patriot! 🙂 Prayers for strength for YOU! 🙂