Demand an emergency heaing in MO state House of Reps and every state house on Obama’s use of a stolen CT SSN ID 042-68-4425 and all forged IDs in order to fraudulently get on the ballot
Posted on | August 16, 2012 | 1 Comment
Fired Up! Missouri
17 hours ago – In other birther news, Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq has filed a motion for reconsideration of her lawsuit against President Obama regarding his birther certificate, to which …
Twitter / TeaPartyUSA1: Birther Queen Orly Taitz … +1’d this publicly. Undo20 hours ago – Birther Queen Orly Taitz Congratulates Birther Tim on Becoming Missouri’s… http:
// #birther #MissouriBirtherCaucus #50 #p2. Reply; Retweeted …
One Response to “Demand an emergency heaing in MO state House of Reps and every state house on Obama’s use of a stolen CT SSN ID 042-68-4425 and all forged IDs in order to fraudulently get on the ballot”
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August 16th, 2012 @ 8:35 am
Come on All Americans,
What are you all waiting on?
Congressmen and Congresswomen, Judges, and all other Americans let’s do something while we still can.
It as plain as the nose on our faces, most if not all of Barry Sortasneaky’s vital Documents are either FORGERIES or possibly STOLEN.
If you or I tried using FORGED or STOLEN DOCUMENTS we would be immediately arrested and then incarcerated.
This is America, where there is supposed to be equal justice for everybody no matter who they are.
Sure doesn’t look like Barry Sortasneaky is getting the justice that he has justly earned.
Barry Sortasneaky’s Birth Certificate, Social Security, Selective Service, Portport, ect., just doesn’t PASS THE MUSTARD.
What has happened? Why is this allowed to continue?
Once again, WAKE UP AMERICA before it’s TOO LATE!
Have a Nice Day