Now, we are moving. Congressman Issa, chairman of the House oversight and Government Reform Committee, admits that investigation of the Department of Justice and Presidential Eligibility is on the short list of 10 top issues to be investigated and documents to be subpoenaed. Demand items 8 and 10 to be moved to 2 and 3 after Obamacare, investigation to start next week! Please, flood Issa’s office with phone calls (don’t forget the other committee members, we don’t want them to feel too lonely or too bored). Please, push!!!
Posted on | January 18, 2011 | 4 Comments
Congressman Issa- Human Events
Reply |Ms Miki Booth
show details 7:46 AM (41 minutes ago)
From: “ducky
Subject: Fwd: Congressman Issa
Human Events finally admits this IS an issue- i.e. eligibility? another breakthrough….like Rip Van Winkle- people finally waking up….
—– Forwarded Message —–
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 10:51:12 PM
Subject: Congressman Issa
Hi Everyone:
See the below info posted on Human Events. I sent my opinion to Congressman Issa and then another e-mail to the entire House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. See Issa’s site. God Bless.
Congressman Issa:
Please list the number 10 eligibility issue as number One priority with the Obamacare. The Eligibility Issue absolutely must be the number One priority within the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s
agenda on the Investigations regarding Obama. Congressman Issa, you know your duties and responsibilities pertaining to our constitution and to your oath of office. This eligibility issue must be resolved before any other bills are passed into law, for all laws are null and void when passed by a President who is ineligible and holding the office of the presidency illegally……Time is of the essence to save our country from more travesties, conspiracies, and tyranny and treasonous actions and events, thus, our constitution is in extreme jeopardy on a daily basis.
Thank you for your time and attention. May God inspire and guide you every passing day. “In God We Trust.”
God Bless America!
Suzanne C. Short
Top 10 Obama Administration Investigation Targets
by Human Events
01/16/2011Trackback Link
Rep. Darrell Issa (R.-Calif.), the new chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has signaled he will conduct numerous oversight investigations of the Obama Administration. Here are the Top 10 areas ripe for investigation for Issa and other congressional Republicans:
(1) ObamaCare: Any measure that restructures one-sixth of the U.S. economy bears scrutiny particularly when passage of the bill required legislative bribes such as the Louisiana Purchase and Cornhusker Kickback. To paraphrase Nancy Pelosi, now that ObamaCare has passed, let’s see exactly what is in it — and how it got there.
(2) Stimulus: The American people deserve to know what they got for the $787 billion stimulus package that Obama signed in February 2009, including how much money was spent frivolously to publicize the legislation. And where exactly are all those jobs that the administration claims were “created or saved?”
(3) Freddie and Fannie: Previous attempts by congressional Democrats to get to the bottom of the 2008 financial meltdown conveniently overlooked the role of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. How much of the housing crisis was due to financial donations going to Democratic officials, who overlooked financial transgressions at the agencies so long as mortgages flowed to unworthy credit risks?
(4) Wikileaks: Someone in the administration needs to explain how the lowly serviceman who served up secret documents to Wikileaks could have access to such a large amount of classified material. And were any actions taken to shut down Julian Assange in the months after the initial disclosures and before the embarrassing leak of State Department cables?
(5) Climate science: Considering the Obama Administration used concerns over global warming to advance its cap-and-trade energy tax and, via the EPA, regulate carbon dioxide emissions, a hearing on how climate science is impacting public policy is in order.
(6) ACORN: How much federal money was sent to ACORN and what was it used for? That this vote-stealing, partisan group of thugs received tens of millions of taxpayer dollars is an outrage.
(7) Oil spill response: So many questions over the Obama Administration’s response to the Gulf oil spill last April: Why was the response tardy, and did the administration slow local efforts through unnecessary red-tape? Was science politicized with the administration’s rosy estimates over how much oil was left? Were there legitimate concerns or did politics come into play with the decision to impose an offshore oil drilling moratorium?
(8) Justice Department: There are concerns that politics is running amok in the halls of the Justice Department. From undermining national security by trying enemy terror combatants in criminal courts to unequal enforcement of civil rights laws, Attorney General Eric Holder’s shop should be scrutinized. A good place to start is the department’s handling of the New Black Panthers’ voter intimidation case that was dropped.
(9) Czars: While other Presidents have named advisers without congressional approval, Obama has taken the appointment of policy czars to a new level. With appointments going to people like former Green Jobs czar and Marxist Van Jones, Congress needs to know who has been given authority beyond the scope of the Senate’s confirmation process.
(10) Obama’s presidential eligibility: This one should be easy to settle once and for all. Even Hawaii’s Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie says President Obama’s birth records should be released. Let’s see what the White House does if a congressional subpoena is issued. For a President who promised transparency, there are an awful lot of his personal documents still under wraps.
HUMAN EVENTS is the news source President Reagan called his “favorite newspaper” and we still hold high the Reaganesque principles of free enterprise, limited government and, above all, a staunch, unwavering defense of American freedom.
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4 Responses to “Now, we are moving. Congressman Issa, chairman of the House oversight and Government Reform Committee, admits that investigation of the Department of Justice and Presidential Eligibility is on the short list of 10 top issues to be investigated and documents to be subpoenaed. Demand items 8 and 10 to be moved to 2 and 3 after Obamacare, investigation to start next week! Please, flood Issa’s office with phone calls (don’t forget the other committee members, we don’t want them to feel too lonely or too bored). Please, push!!!”
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January 18th, 2011 @ 8:53 am
No Orly, if you read this a bit more carefully you’ll see this is “Human Events” list not Rep.Issa’s
January 18th, 2011 @ 11:19 am
Orly,do you have Mr.Issa’s e-mail please.
January 18th, 2011 @ 11:34 am
Most of the top nine items involve actions taken under the presumed authority of the putative President.
We need Congress to stop playing games.
The eligibility issue is not a separate case but an integral aspect of every one. Congress should investigate the operative authority in every case, which will lead back to the issue of eligibility of the person who gave final authorization: Mr. Obama.
January 18th, 2011 @ 12:48 pm
I need a dang press statement! Who, besides Human Events said this? I can’t find it. Please, make me stupid but give a source.