Challenge eligibility of cand
Posted on | July 4, 2010 | 1 Comment
Sent: 7/4/2010 6:30:50 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time
This could be the answer and as it was pointed out in the interview, and it has been under our noses for at least 100 years. What has been going on should scare you to death!
All part of the manipulation going on. Everyone in the Tea Party (Every citizen) should challenge every single candidate in every single election. Also pointed out by Ms. Meroni, was the fact that she is working with the US justice Foundation to get guidelines out on all the states procedures. Every state is different, BUT this challenge provision is in the US Constitution so all states will be made to advertise the procedure rather than hide it as they are doing now. Imagine 1,000,000 calls to election boards across the country asking “How do I file an objection to every candidate running in this election?”. Remember, all elections are run by the state election boards. How appropriate to find this out on the 4th of July!!!. And in Illinois! All anybody has to do is call an election clerk and ASK!!! The people in Washington will hear this loud and clear. And the Judges!!!!!!
Sarah, do you have a direct line to Dr. Orly Taitz?
Jim Glover (email)
One Response to “Challenge eligibility of cand”
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July 5th, 2010 @ 4:02 am
I’m going to call tomarrow & relly enjoy this 4th of July to the max. You just made my day!