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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

A new attack on our Constitutional rights by illegitimate Obama regime

Posted on | June 27, 2010 | 13 Comments

Obama Wants to Jail Americans with New Law

Posted by Dan on Jun 15th, 2010 and filed under Feature, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

obama smileBy Europe Union Times
June 15, 2010

Foreign Ministry reports circulating in the Kremlin today are warning that an already explosive situation in the United States is about to get a whole lot worse as a new law put forth by President Obama is said capable of seeing up to 500,000 American citizens jailed for the crime of opposing their government.

Sparking the concern of Russian diplomats over the growing totalitarian bent of the Obama government is the planned reintroduction of what these reports call one of the most draconian laws ever introduced in a free society that is titled “The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act”.

First introduced in the US Congress in 2007 by Democratic Representative Jane Harmon, this new law passed the US House of Representatives by a secretive voice vote, but failed to pass the US Senate, after which it was believed dead until this past week when it was embraced by Obama who became the first American President to name his own citizens as a threat to his Nations security.

In what is called the National Security Strategy document, that is required of US Presidents by their Congress, that embraces the dictatorial ideals of the “Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act”, Obama has ordered his Federal police and intelligence forces to begin targeting Americans opposed to him and his radical socialist polices.

Obama’s top counter-terrorism advisor, John Brennan, in speaking to reporters about this new “strategy” says it makes the problem of home-grown terrorists a top priority because an increasing number of individuals in the US have become “captivated by extremist ideology or causes.”

The Times of London is further reporting that Obama’s new National Security Strategy “officially” ends America’s “War on Terror” in what they call “a sweeping repudiation of the Bush doctrine of pre-emptive military strikes.”

And as Obama begins re-focusing his forces from fighting America’s foreign enemies, to those opposed to him in his own country, it is important to remember the warning about this new law given by the former CIA official, Philip Giraldi, who had previously warned of the Bush-Cheney plan to attack Iran with nuclear weapons, and who said:

“The mainstream media has made no effort to inform the public of theman with hand over mouth impending Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act. The Act, which was sponsored by Congresswoman Jane Harman of California, was passed in the House by an overwhelming 405 to 6 vote on October 24th and is now awaiting approval by the Senate Homeland Security Committee, which is headed by Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut.

Harman’s bill contends that the United States will soon have to deal with home grown terrorists and that something must be done to anticipate and neutralize the problem. The act deals with the issue through the creation of a congressional commission that will be empowered to hold hearings, conduct investigations, and designate various groups as “homegrown terrorists.”

The commission will be tasked to propose new legislation that will enable the government to take punitive action against both the groups and the individuals who are affiliated with them. Like Joe McCarthy and HUAC in the past, the commission will travel around the United States and hold hearings to find the terrorists and root them out.

Unlike inquiries in the past where the activity was carried out collectively, the act establishing the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Commission will empower all the members on the commission to arrange hearings, obtain testimony, and even to administer oaths to witnesses, meaning that multiple hearings could be running simultaneously in various parts of the country.

The ten commission members will be selected for their “expertise,” though most will be appointed by Congress itself and will reflect the usual political interests. They will be paid for their duties at the senior executive pay scale level and will have staffs and consultants to assist them.

Harman’s bill does not spell out terrorist behavior and leaves it up to the Commission itself to identify what is terrorism and what isn’t.

Language inserted in the act does partially define “homegrown terrorism” as “planning” or “threatening” to use force to promote a political objective, meaning that just thinking about doing something could be enough to merit the terrorist label.

The act also describes “violent radicalization” as the promotion of an “extremist belief system” without attempting to define “extremist.”

As an example of those American’s Obama will be targeting, Giraldi further writes that The Simon Wiesenthal Center, in testifying before the US Congress in support of this new law, swore that an organization called “Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth” was an example of a homegrown terrorist organization, leading one Russian diplomat in this report to state:

 “If 1,200 of America’s top architectural and engineering professionals are deemed terrorists simply  because they question their governments propaganda than truly no one is safe in the United States anymore”.


As another example of how dictatorial the Obama regime has become, and as the Gulf of Mexico oil debacle has now become the worst ecological disaster our World has ever seen, the White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, this past week slammed American reporters for “asking too many questions about BP”

Leading one to ask that if Obama’s regime can’t be asked about this disaster, what can they be asked about?

The answer is apparently none, as Obama himself, just this past week, in announcing his signing of a new law called the Press Freedom Act refused to answer any reporters’ questions and abruptly left them standing in stupefaction over the irony an ordeal that shows how far America has fallen.

Another irony apparently lost upon the American people is that their President Obama, who has been dubbed “The Great Communicator”, now holds the dubious distinction of having held fewer press conferences than any American President in modern history. 

And if yesterday’s press conference, his first in nearly a year, was any example one can see why as incredulous press corps was left astounded that Obama had no knowledge of the firing/resignation of one of his top officials.

In all of these events one fact, beyond all others, stands out….in what was once called “The Land of the Free, And the Home of the Brave”…..the United States today has become “The Land Of Slave, And the Home of the Coward”….and these Americans have only themselves to blame.

Source: Eu Times


13 Responses to “A new attack on our Constitutional rights by illegitimate Obama regime”

  1. martin
    June 27th, 2010 @ 8:13 am

    You are at the top of the list of those to be arrested.

    You are under constant surveillance and will be picked up just as soon as H.R. 1955 is signed into law.

    You will be strip-searched and imprisoned in a cold mostly bare cell until your well-deserved execution.

    Maybe we can bring back burning at the stake!

    Lethal injection, hanging, firing squad and electric chair are not enough punishment for you.


  2. b
    June 27th, 2010 @ 9:32 am

    The real terrorists are in the White House.

  3. James
    June 27th, 2010 @ 10:59 am

    Ret. Major General Paul E. Vallely has released a petition calling for the immediate resignation of Obama and his administration. House Minority Leader, Congressman John Boehner has agreed to present the petitions to the House. https://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2010/06/john-boehner-willing-to-present-obama.html

  4. Jim
    June 27th, 2010 @ 11:19 am

    Martin, you are a sadly deceived, evil person. You are cheering for evil and calling for the execution of the one person who is actually trying to protect you. You are seeking a world without honor, morals, freedom or good. Eventually, you will get it. Then you will be the one burning. In the meantime, try closing your foaming mouth and maybe educate yourself with some history and truth, rather than the propaganda crap you have been trained to digest by your liberal friends, parents and teachers.

  5. Elizabeth
    June 27th, 2010 @ 1:37 pm

    I have now completed the
    petition letters to the
    appropriate addresses
    and also sent the link
    to a relative.

    With BO’s envelope,
    I pasted an upside down
    flag stamp…lol

  6. Elizabeth
    June 27th, 2010 @ 3:40 pm

    Found this on American Grand Jury:RUSH LIMBAUGH: LifeSiteNews.com. “Voters in Oklahoma will be given a chance in November to decide whether they want to reject the core of the recently-enacted national health care reform, which includes taxpayer-funded abortion and requires individuals to buy health insurance or pay a penalty, thanks to a legislative action that bypassed the objections of pro-abortion Democrat Gov. Brad Henry.” So in November, voters will be allowed the chance to nullify the federal health care law, and I predict massive and record turnout in Oklahoma in November.

    I will put a poster’s reply to this. He says
    that states can refuse this action.

  7. Elizabeth
    June 27th, 2010 @ 3:43 pm

    Is this person correct? If so,
    it would be wonderful to have
    some control over Obama’s
    megalomaniac actions.

    # Follow the Constitution Says:
    June 25th, 2010 at 2:19 pm

    No State needs to appeal or pass any law to get rid of complying with the federal healthcare bill. They can simply flat out refuse to comply by exercising their 10th amendment sovereignty right! They don’t have to make laws, they don’t have to file lawsuits, they don’t have to do anything but refuse to comply with it!

    Google and read a Supreme Court case ALDEN vs MAINE.

    It’s a case involving government employees suing the State of Maine over pay, but read the entire opinions by the Judges. This is a powerful case that clearly shows the States have sovereign immunity from anything the federal government does! The States are sovereign and the federal government has NO JURISDICTION to bring any suit against the State in federal court! So if they have no jurisdiction then there is nothing they can do about any State refusing to comply with a federal mandate which only applies to all federal agencies and employees.

    All the States and people of the States all have sovereign immunity per the 10th amendment.

  8. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    June 27th, 2010 @ 4:45 pm

    the state can announce it and the Feds will probably sue, which is ok, as the states have plenty of ammunition

  9. Phil
    June 27th, 2010 @ 6:23 pm

    Lady Liberty:…Wow! Martin has come out of his hole! Gee, how can you stand to be away from the “darkness”?

    Hey, Mau-Tin, go home and grow up! God! You are such a “catastrophe” to normal humans! You must have a very “chaotic” mind? You are one of the C.E.T.s…so I hope Orly takes you down, as well. And she’s more of a Patriot then you could ever imagine!

    Orly, this guy’s sick! He’s a “social vampire,” that can’t do anything in life, except bring others down that are making their lives more constructive then he can figure out!

    Now be a good boy, d-wad, and learn to hehave yourself in a public forum! Cause she/we better not find you…cause it will be “your day of reckoning”! This is another Obama supporter that can’t focus on “reality” and function “normally”!

    Orly, he definitely needs to become a collared slave in the NWO, for sure! And you’re lucky that America…has become so civilized, to let you post her to “foam at the mouth,” once again! Otherwise, it would be:…”lock-n-load”!!!!

    Hang tough, Lady Liberty. Not all the “children of the corn” are kept under wraps!
    Now…after all I’ve seen, heard, and understand…I believe we should permit “abortions”…especially on people like this and have them aborted “retro-actively,” so you and all of us wouldn’t have to be subjected to this mass “insanity” all the time!

    Davey Crockett…

  10. Anonymouse
    June 27th, 2010 @ 11:34 pm

    Orly, please do NOT post my previous post here, #comment-23212.

    I have been re-reading the EU Times article and see that its problem is lack of clarity, confusion.

    The EU Times does say “First introduced in the US Congress in 2007” but then calls it “this new law.” It is talking about Obama’s “new law” but quoting from Philip Giraldi’s 2007 article — EIGHT (8) paragraphs in the EU Times’s version — in such a way that readers can think the “new law” is the 2007 legislation currently being recycled.

    Orly, across the United States and globally, lawyers like you, writers, and the man-in-the-street alike have recognized that we US citizens are living under a dictator. But that EU Times article would be more trustworthy if it would clarify what is today and what was (and still can be) 2007.

    The EU Times also referenced the CNN article titled “Homegrown terrorist threat to be part of National Security Strategy.”


    That CNN article is current, but does not mention the 2007 legislation (even though it is pertinent).

    One of my concerns is that people will be looking backward at the 2007 legislation and waiting for it to finally become law and, as a result, overlook the moves Obama makes at night behind doors that admit only Democrats and lock out the Republicans.

    If YOU can clarify it for your readers, that would be so good!

    Thanks, Orly.

  11. Veritas
    June 28th, 2010 @ 4:34 am

    Whatever Evil Deed BARRY SOETORO is about to wreak on us he better do it QUICKLY as the PETITION DRIVE to DEMAND RESIGNATION, spoken of by Maj Gen Vallely, is ALL OVER THE NET! Rep Boehner has agreed to take these petitions to the HOUSE..will the MSM be able to AVOID THIS? Obama will be yanked from office before 2012 and WE ALL KNOW IT! Thanks in great part to you, Dr Orly, and your brave and ground breaking efforts!

  12. Elizabeth
    June 28th, 2010 @ 7:28 am

    Phil,(Davy Crockett)“`

    What are the chances of two
    readers (us) using the same phrase
    ‘day of reckoning’ re: the one
    who is probably a neo-nazi?

    I had not read this thread when
    I posted on the USWGO (?) comments,
    and I used the same terminology.

    It WILL be his destiny, to
    face a ‘day of reckoning’
    for harboring such violence
    and madness.

    Bring it on, Lord.

  13. Phil
    June 29th, 2010 @ 6:39 pm

    Elizabeth:…yes…that is wild. Maybe we are both on the “same page,” huh? It’s always been known, that: “what goes up, must come down!” He’s playing a part and doesn’t ealize what they are going to be doing to him somday!! I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes!

    He’s the first prez to declare American Citizens as a terrorist threat! To whom, I’d like to find out? With all that he’s done to Orly and America, it’s obvious that he doesn’t care about keeping us safe!

    Since he likes to display his effeminent behavior…I’m going to encourage him to “wear more PINK”!!! So here’s “CHANGE” that we can “really” believe in…!!!!


    LOL! What must Soros and the muslim world be thinking about this guy? OMG!!! He’ll learn that God is (not) mocked!!! I think I hear the “Luc Tribe” calling…???? Time to hit that Kenyan Embessy!!!

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