Newsletter 05.31.10 please, send it to all your friends, make it go viral
Posted on | May 31, 2010 | No Comments
From: Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ <>
Subject: Newsletter 05.30.10 Important information
To: “Orly Taitz” <>
Date: Monday, May 31, 2010, 4:33 PM
Donate to Dr. Orly Taitz for CA Secretary of State 2010 Dr. Orly Taitz on John and Ken show, KFI radio
Legal action by Desert storm veteran Capt. Pamela Barnet against Damon Dunn, Current Secretary of State Debra Bowen and current Atty.Gen and Gubernatorial candidate Democrat Jerry Brown watch this important video by TV producer William Wagener. CA Republicans who supposedly signed nominations for Damon Dunn are saying that they didn’t sign it v=6WB3HfkfjmA&feature=player_ embedded Dr. Taitz wins Tea Party Patriots straw poll. Tea Party Patriots do not do official endorsements, however they conducted a straw poll this week. 195 California Tea Party Patriots leaders from all over the state voted. Republican party primary candidate for the position of CA Secretary of State Dr. Orly Taitz won over her opponent ex football player Damon Dunn by 16%. 58% voted for Dr. Orly Taitz, 42% voted for Damon Dunn Dear sir/mdm, Please see attached information regarding candidates to the position of the CA Secretary of State. Dr Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 S. Margarita Pkwy, ste100, RSM, CA 92688 fax 949-766-7603 ph949-683-5411 Vote for Orly Taitz for Secretary of State of California in June 8 Repub. Primary Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ is well known around the country as a Constitutional attorney who pursued the cases of massive elections fraud during 2008 Presidential elections, illegitimacy of upcoming Health Bill, and is representing over 200 high ranked members of the military, State Representatives from all over the country and former candidates on the ballot, including Dr. Alan Keyes, former Ambassador to the UN. In 2010 Republican primary Dr. Taitz is facing a former football player Damon Dunn, who in recent interview named Barack Obama as his personal hero and who has zero background in elections law or elections, as he never even voted until 2009. Mr. Dunn was a registered Democrat in Florida since 1999 until he registered as a Republican in CA less then a year ago and only 8 months before his official announcement to run as a Republican for the position of the Secretary of State. That is in violation of CA statute §8001(a)(2), which requires one not to be affiliated with another party for at least 12 months before the announcement of his candidacy. Additionally, Mr. Dunn has violated CEC statutes §18203 and §18500, and committed voter fraud by not disclosing on his voter registration card in CA the fact that he was a registered Democrat in FL. Attached letter from Duval County registrar of voters states that Mr. Dunn has contacted them on July 10th 2009 and requested to delete from the database his voter registration records (where he is registered as a Democrat). Dr. Taitz has two doctor’s degrees. She is a doctor of Jurisprudence and a Doctor of Dental Surgery. Dr. Taitz is the President of Defend Our Freedoms Foundation and Editor of the blog, where she writes prolifically on the issues of Constitutional law, politics, economy, constitutional education of our youth. Dr. Taitz is married to her husband of 23 years and a mother to 3 sons, ages 20, 18 and 16. Her oldest son is graduating from an Ivy league university pre-med program next year, her younger sons are in the last years of High School. Dr. Taitz was born and raised in the Communist Soviet Union and knows first hand the bleakness of the totalitarian regime and depravation of the Constitutional rights. As Mr. Obama became US president, Dr. Taitz got deeply concerns by the fact that he refused to present any of his original vital records and by the fact that the issue of Mr. Obama’s dual citizenship and split allegiance was not heard in any court of law yet. Dr. Taitz has embarked on a pro bono mission to bring this issue to light and have it heard on the merits. ü Legitimacy of elections. Verified Credentials of the candidates and voters ü Support for the Safe Vote bill ü Out of state Military votes – a sacred trust ü An advocate for Job producing corporations, creating a welcoming environment in CA ü Defend the state from unconstitutional and overreaching jobs killing federal agencies ü Restore the teaching of basic civics education
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